Users Chris.L(2) Is Following
John qqqq0ui
Hi,I play Super Mario maker,and I love to create traditional platformers on it,I also watch a variety of youtubers,those being:Jacksepticeye & 8-bit ryan Just a little advice: NEVER Answer questions about wether you like the Switch or not & say no on miiverse because its apparently mean (according to the questioners.)
★autumn★ng aaAutumnMc
hi im autumn age 15 grade 9 *fav color purple *luv animals *i luv rp *im nice untill u hurt my friends *im very competitive especially in soccer *follow 4 follow *a huuuge thx u to my 450+ followers @every1: hi, how r u, im soo srry i haven't been online in a while, i didn't have any wifi T_T
Midori Midori_Kanda
Hello my name is Midori I'm from Japan and now my location is in border Mexico and United States the reason is about job, I work for the TV making project. like video games, anime and music. by the way I mak cosplay is one on my best hobby of my life, so I hope to join play with me <3 (^o^) (If They Don't Live A Comment On The Friend Request I Will Delete)
ammar nintendpro9
Hi please follow and freind me. I am a gamer and sometimes I play outside but still. I wii u chat! im a boy I own a wii u and a 3ds so be sure on one of those to follow me. people say im a nintendo geak because I love nintendo but still mario was the first game i've ever played so this how the geakness started, but I love mario out of all the nintendo charcters. Thanks for over 380 followers! Bye!
CoolGamer9 machinegunkell
Sup im CoolGamer9 aka Seann and i accept friend request im a pro at video games and a true genius im 10 or something And if you ask me how am i feeling i will say This everytime Feelin Geoooooooooooooooooooooooooood Stats:2nd place for MK8 electrodome,fastest winning pokemon duel match,1,900 subsribers/loops youtube/vine
Gem lizziepuss
Hello everyone i don't know why but im always stressed out on sunday because on monday i have emusicians and i kinda wanna quit but i can't please help this feeling go away sincerely gem
Stephanie BedtimeBear01
Jonathan lolbr0
1. i like call of duty 2. im a nice person 3. i dont say bad words 4. i love the seahawks 5. i like playing basketball outside 6. i love the lakers 7. Dislikes stuff is Patriots, Warriors, Panthers, Tom and jerry, 8. i love trolling on minecraft 9. like stuff is minecraft, call of duty, mario, skillet, lecrae, for king and country,
roboshock danielnrobert
I am 44, single and enjoy playing video games. I have a son who visits and we play games together. I like playing survival horror games, zombies, ghosts and legend of zelda games. I enjoy pinball games, rpg mario party n mario kart games. I also enjoy playing the Resident Evil series and playing Hyrule Warriors. If you would like for me to play a game with you, feel free to ask me to join.
Tad&★Maddy Doubledash7
Omochao Say Hi Everyone Am Lightning Am 31 Please Meet You!! Am♂ Very Powerful Ghostbuster Catcher! Ranking 2576★+ Denpa Men 3 Games Ranking 16 at Coliseum I love Everyone!! Me & ★Maddy Are ♥♡Brother & Sister 4evers! No Rude In My Games Post Please! Enjoying Jack-o'-lantern & Snowman Magic Recipes! Am Tad Faster Gamers To Finish! Kinda Ok Love Dragon Quest Series!