Mini's Yeahs

The deviljho is the only reason i die when hunting monsters like the rathalos and the nibblesnarf and a dumberous or a queropeco and those monsters are pretty easy if it were a leviathan then the l...

Welcome back, milady! I'm still not much of a monster hunter outside of Pokémon, but I do my best regardless! I wish you the best of luck in your hunts, Madame, and I'm glad to have met a noblewoma...
Mommy, wifey, college student, cook, maid and i love to play games! I really like games similar t...
Mommy, wifey, college student, cook, maid and i love to play games! I really like games similar to Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, Zelda, and Child of light. I fight in a team with my husband on Smash Brothers and, despite the fact that i am still learning. In mh3u, I absolutly adore the qurupeco, not sure why, i just do. Oh and I'm a gunner.