Mini's Friends
Fire Panda victortheflash
Wartortle XxWartortlexX
Hi, I'm Wartortle! My siblings are Squirtle, and Blastoise. My favorite things are donuts, ice cream, fallen angels, Black Veil Brides (band), Pokémon. PS: Charmander isn't very effective on me. :)
Mr.Manguy Jscope
._. sup
Alviee alvan94
Anakarr Haushenka
This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
Archer Archer1717
This user's profile comment is private.
Pit Pit9265
Elijah Slayer914
Hey if you want to play a game with me add me
Norman kriduy
Siempre jugando xD
Karlos KarlosZambada
Dee Da1hittaquitta
DrAZ420 DraZ420
Happy 420
kraz Kraz23
chico dondon04
metalsonic ishmael0814
sheika santito123
hey!!! soy sheika vienvenido a mi perfil t respondo tus dudas x pm agregame y seamos amigos... si me seguis t siguo si mepones ajá! lo devuelvo saludos sheika
CrakDeemus CrackDeemus
Eddie EddiePayne
I love to play Smash Brothers and Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate but I am open to suggestions
DarkLider Darklider
nayeli obaytre
Ryan Sistin
What's up?
jonathan thetoddshouse
Motmahus Motmahus
Neo Neo-747
your common gamer nothing to it. also pirates are where its at (*_o)
voorhees bcross82
mario fanatic
ultimater ultimater10000
Midnight MidnightMarvel
Chris kingcrab33
Trying to get a job with SpaceX, recent college graduate and long time video game fan! Favorite WiiU/3DS game is Monster Hunter 3, next in line is Smash Bros. and Mario Kart. Looking forward to playing awesome games with awesome people!
Mizu-Maru Tanka-Okiru
Classically trained on the N.E.S.
Starly Starla_Summers
Mew! Did I scare yah?! N-No?. . . . I wasn't trying to! >,< I love most music but rock is my favorite. (♡Dragonforce♡) I play alot of games. My few faves are Halo: Reach, Monster Hunter, Borderlands 2, Zelda games, Bioshock, Kens Rage 2 (Da Mada! >ω<), Metroid Other M (Yeah, i liked it. Deal with it ¬ω¬), Smash, Most fighting games, etc. Uhhmm.. I guess that's it. lol Sayanaraa (=^ω^= )S Nyaa~
Mike asianfever87
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Rodimus06 Rodimus06
Hi why are you looking at my profile for some reason go ok stay I will tell you about me first I like minecraft I have skywars all the maps to battle and glide and I like friending peolpe but I can not friend request sorry. My favorite shows are the loud house and pokemon. Shout out to Mr.kyler64 Fearisapain23 Go follow these amazing peolpe
Dusk Enderman1997
Hello everybody thanks for visiting my page! My name is Tamashi Burezu! Please follow me to see some of my funny jokes in games and some humorous MK8 Sticker Re-Colors. I would love to be your friend, please don't be shy!
big pappa 808hawaii
Ramadan Baderpyderp
HI GUYS! I'm just a dude who has...certain...problems...DON'T JUDGE ME >:( I like playing with friends, making friends, playing games, Undertale, Youtube vids, and ANIME!!! \(OwO)/ Shoot me a follow, friend request, or just ignore me. It's all up to you! Banana (huehuehue)
Tanuki Kurotanuki
Bob HeroDarkLink
Jake imjacobyournot
Hi, my name is Jake. Thanks for viewing my profile! Give me a follow! Thanks for being around Miiverse. I'll see you til the end.
Treebeard Treebeard3D
Emmy Wolfy8
I love anime and manga I guess I am kinda of a shy person my parents tell me i'm stubborn, I love my family, I also love youtube, some of my favorite games are anime games some are not like mario cart 8 I love playing it with my mom and friends! :)
milo crixsix
Seth AlphaZinogre
Scrunt Bob-omber
Lover of games of all kinds so long as they have some sort of unique well designed concept about them. If I'm not on my Wii U I'm probably on my PC!
Zues Zues-MH
I am here to have fun playing MH3U/MH4U and interacting with people.
Guerrero guerr23
Adam Sukisaurus
i like to play monster hunter... ever since mhfu. if you need help just ask :)
yoko ex_dandy
Isaiah ecarattini
DREAM.....not of what you are......but of what you want to BE...
jimiwheels jimiwheels
Bernardo MuaddibRJ
Sora Sora21
Hi! I love Kingdom Hearts! ☆™ I'm obsessed with Vocaloid~Due to Arca I also love Monster Hunter! Best buds: Eclipse, Bobby,Lomo4,HunterX,Reina,Ethi, Alan,Sasuke, Blackcat,and☆BOO☆ Oh and one more last thing before you go... ...........__ ...../¯/’....’/¯¯¯`·‚ ../’/.../..../....../˙˙¯\ (’(...′ ′ ¯~/’...’) .\...............’...../ ..”...\..........._.·’ .....\.............( BROFIST......
David D4RKV1P3R
GrammaSue GrammaSue
Just your ordinary gaming Gramma! Relaxed hunter, use in game chat because I enjoy ppl as much as the game. No expert by any means but always keep on trying & learning
Alex handatwar
Tiaga davidjr324
We are a husband/wife team. We also play Ps3 And x box one. Mostly play monster hunter here. Adult rated for language lol
Durond durondc40
Mommy, wifey, college student, cook, maid and i love to play games! I really like games similar t...
Mommy, wifey, college student, cook, maid and i love to play games! I really like games similar to Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, Zelda, and Child of light. I fight in a team with my husband on Smash Brothers and, despite the fact that i am still learning. In mh3u, I absolutly adore the qurupeco, not sure why, i just do. Oh and I'm a gunner.