Clouvas's Followers
Brandon Weave88
High score? What's that? Did I break it? I seem to be getting a lot of random friend requests, if I haven't interacted with you I won't accept.
Emoscene Noodlegirl
I'm into the virtual console. My favorite games are Mario and Zelda but I find nice budget friendly titles too. I have a cat named Noodles Thomas Gray you can call him NTG. He loves turkey bacon it's healthier after all. Enough of that.
Maurii Lackii
POWER ON, Mii! I'm an old school gamer from the 1970's whose been fortunate enough to own 1-2 home consoles since PONG. I now game soley on the Nintendo Wii U. Playing: Mega Man 9,Super Smash, Splatoon. Missing on VC: Kung Fu, Baseball Stars, Pro Wrestling. Other: Urban Hikes, Classic/Alt. Rock, Cooking, excessive contemplating. I GOT NEXT!
RAINZ Rainz1
First game system was NES and i've been riding with Nintendo ever since. Fav franchises all time are Zelda+Metroid but I play all types of games. Props to Nintendo for Miiverse..they always deliver something new!
JasonLee Grandpa-Jason
Christmas 1987....I unwrapped an NES with Super Mario Bros & am still hooked 25 yrs later. The lush graphics, catchy tune, potential secrets at every pipe, pit, & block were amazing. A week later I bought Ghosts 'n Goblins which took me months to beat. Soon after Kid Icarus was mine & a subscription to Nintendo Power. There was no going back! NES, SNES, N64, GCN, Wii, WiiU...that's what I like!
Kevin OmegaSupreme78
I completed the Pokedex in Pokemon X! (with the help of my friend Paige) Hobbies: Playing video games, reading, collecting toys, and watching obscure horror movies. Currently playing: Wii U: Pikmin 3 3DS: Chibi Robo Photo Finder, Senran Kagura 2
Amy coolgirl7766
Greetings fellow lifeless zombies that roam the internet! I'm just cringing at my old posts
lizrdking keekers27
hi, i am a gamer who loves action-packed games and a good friend to gamers,nerds,geeks,sports peaple,and peaple who do all of the above.
naghavi nagavhiis
why can't i type japanese on this ... 4270 2333 1153 ou doubles 6v6 ★ if you are nice i also play ac:nl and ac:hhd
J Slim SA_Slim
Lara.Moon Cobwebbyfir
Hi ^^ Lara here and Moon. Look at Yuri ^^ Always looking for great friends. Age: 22 Check my posts for my drawings and awesome posts. I LOVE to draw but i am not good at it :/ Super fan of Bayonetta Resident Evil Bloodborne Final Fantasy Metroid --------------- Bayonetta Fly me to the moon and Moon River are the best songs! LOVE YOU ALL. ♥♥♥
Thomas superwiiubros
Well, it's time to say goodbye. The past 5 years of my life have been amazing. I'll miss Miiverse. I guess it's true, you never truly appreciate something until it's gone. Be sure to find me on Closedverse. -Tom
SG~rabbid evil_rabbid
not to many big games left now. will probably be playing xenoblade chronicles x and a few others till breath of the wild launches, wonder if i could import my skell into the new zelda game 0.o
Cheshire Cheshire-yartS
Hi I am Cheshire. Fav Nintendo games: M●THER trilogy, Wario Land 2 & 4, Tales of Phantasia, Clocktower, LttP, Super Metroid, Zero Mission, Sweet Home, Mega Man & MMX series, Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy I to VI, Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong 94, the first Mario Vs. Donkey Kong, DKC series, Mario & Luigi 1 and 3, Mario Bros. to NSMBU, Mario64 to SM3DW and nearly every Kirby game. I don't do Wii U chat.
Grillmiser TheFreightrain
Avon LavenderApple
I'm a 23 year old gamer from the Land of Corn. I'm friendly and I usually play by myself compared to playing with others. I've been playing Nintendo games since the SNES era of gaming and my all-time favorite series would have to be Animal Crossing. Don't be afraid to talk to me if you want to!
RacerBoy KingDemetrius06
I LOVE Pokemon and SHOOTING games
Sean MastaGlenn
Spaceman Fedoryk
Drumpf EnglishMuffin
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QuébecƒSub ml1976
Im a proud member of fluƒƒy ((21/04/14) i have join fluƒƒy) Je parle Francais I have 39 year old, i have a young daughter (8 year old). Im a programmer analyst, I live in Quebec, Canada. I like play Subwars, i have reset my game at lv53! And now lv84 I work for informatique society. I develop software and application for Windows and Android.
Dea7h Fortevil
That is not dead which can eternal lie, And with strange eons even death may die.
Time Guy 0172thetimeguy
I love gaming, music, and the Seattle Sounders FC. Currently listening to: August Burns Red Currently obsessed with: Dragon Quest VIII, Splatoon 2, Metroid: Samus Returns, Breath of the Wild, FIFA 18 Currently on hiatus: MH4U, Hyrule Warriors Legends, Yokai Watch 2 (BS) Currently looking forward to: Super Mario Odyssey
Kyriaki kittykyriaki
Xeno505 Xeno505
Wolf Dogpresident
Augen xanderroot
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M3ch m3chladon
feed me