Clouvas's Friends
naghavi nagavhiis
why can't i type japanese on this ... 4270 2333 1153 ou doubles 6v6 ★ if you are nice i also play ac:nl and ac:hhd
moldypeach tangypeach
My friends call me Nani. I love video games and cartoons, my goal in life is to work in the cartoon industry. i am majoring in graphic design and animation. i love food. ôω~ ♡♡♡
Rylan Rylanspro
Rivabanks PhilipBanks
kiki poo_stainz
Huge zelda and mario fan
~★»Яøιι«★~ Super_NintenGirl
"Hey, listen!" Hello. How are you??... In short, I'm a huge Nintendo fan!! My favorite series is The Legend of Zelda, but I also love playing games like; Splatoon, SSB4, MK8, and AC:NL, just to name a few. Feel free to add me so we can play together!♥♥♥
Grillmiser TheFreightrain
OUT OF POSTS. MSG/FRIEND ME 2 TALK! Yes i am astraú. Odinsman. shows: Supernatural, american horror, VIKINGS, walking dead (and fear), GAME OF THRONES
Jared Dashey10
Lara.Moon Cobwebbyfir
Hi ^^ Lara here and Moon. Look at Yuri ^^ Always looking for great friends. Age: 22 Check my posts for my drawings and awesome posts. I LOVE to draw but i am not good at it :/ Super fan of Bayonetta Resident Evil Bloodborne Final Fantasy Metroid --------------- Bayonetta Fly me to the moon and Moon River are the best songs! LOVE YOU ALL. ♥♥♥
AlanXD KoopaLarryjr2002
mariomg85 marioreven85
G. Squidal Casaubon
I like cats.
Natsumika AnaTorres14
Mi nombre es Ana y tengo 17 años. Estudiante y nintendera. ‘(•…•)’♪ Adoro la saga Zelda, Bravely Default, Fire Emblem, The Last Story, Pokémon y Splatoon. ♥~Esperando el Zelda BotW y la NX~♥ [Spanish-French-English-Japanese] \(^o^)/
Swoty™ SwotyLife
Kyriaki kittykyriaki
Kevin OmegaSupreme78
I completed the Pokedex in Pokemon X! (with the help of my friend Paige) Hobbies: Playing video games, reading, collecting toys, and watching obscure horror movies. Currently playing: Wii U: Pikmin 3 3DS: Chibi Robo Photo Finder, Senran Kagura 2
Sam thespinningbrain
RAINZ Rainz1
First game system was NES and i've been riding with Nintendo ever since. Fav franchises all time are Zelda+Metroid but I play all types of games. Props to Nintendo for Miiverse..they always deliver something new!
SG~rabbid evil_rabbid
not to many big games left now. will probably be playing xenoblade chronicles x and a few others till breath of the wild launches, wonder if i could import my skell into the new zelda game 0.o
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