A gallant knight, an unfinished doodle before it's lost.
Cobra's Yeahs

Well Miiverse, it’s been fun. We had some good times, some great memes, and all the adult mischief one can have in a children’s social media experiment gone horribly awry. Hopefully my drawings an...

This whole site is gay
Ok but seriously I am going to really miss y’all even if my only active followers are 2 or 7 I’m still gonna miss all the memories I made here and all the friends ...

@Cobra: I'm definitely there, so you must be typing something wrong. @M♡: Thank you! I hope you take care too. @David: RIP.
Welcome ^-^
l'm just a random person u click and visit his profile, thx x3
l'm 17 year old, Canad...
Welcome ^-^
l'm just a random person u click and visit his profile, thx x3
l'm 17 year old, Canadian
I post rarely and sorry if l'm not super active >~< can be busy ^-^" (or just no idea ^-^")
Thx to have read everything, that's pretty much all, Stay Fresh! (^o^)
-Thx u all so much for +50 fellowers ♥¬♥