Cobra's Followers
jose josecruz901
Charles CatZillow
Ho, crab Miiverse is ending.... Time to add peeps on other platforms! Sorry for not being active either guys.. Dope Homies Death Kassandra Stat LaserAxis7
Christina☆ zouzou2003alex
Hi, my name is Christina! So since you're here, let me tell you some things about me! I'm a 14 year old girl who plays(and loves) volleyball! Sure I watch anime and my favourite is the Familiar of Zero :3 I mostly post funny & serious posts. Oh and I love meeting new people! And yes, I follow back Thank you very much for reading my profile! Byee!
DADDYSKI87 daddydki87
★☆★NOWA★☆★ Nowaa_mra
le meilleur ses moi le hogake
☆.•Pαυ•.☆ chipigirl54
☆heγ! I'm Ραυιi!☆ And welcom to my profile Follow this persons please : Cookiee { diegokrre} Neko-San { evaangelic} Κаτh~Chаи☆ { Blanca.ns} .•★Nia★•. { PusheenMiGato} son muy buenas amigas y dibujan como unas craks ♪tu-ruru-ruru-ruru♪ ♪Gato♪
kamari KamariG
i like Naruto is my favorite is my CHOOSE NARUTO IS A AND BEST BOY ON TV
Bo macfamily8
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Sarah SarahBear34
hi!! I'm pretty nice really, I love Splatoon! I am a Christian, All of you out there are really nice even in the mean ones, but when you fell like there is no hope left in you, don't worry, there is always a little hope that can help you, STAY HAPPY! Oh and Btw, Zelda ROCKS!!!!!!! like... even more than Splatoon!! so yeah, byeee! Hope you enjoy my profile! And thx for all the yeahs and followers.
Mandi derpypig1245
Hi my name is mandi. I love to draw, listen to music, and have fun!
Dani LegendofZelda564
Hullo smol bean Not very active here as you can see :') I play: FE AC:NL Sploon BoTW -Team Pearl!!! So uh bye
Tomnyan Tomnyan-YKW3
Hello im Tomnyan nyaw im frome USA and im a yo-kai frome yo-kai watch 3
R-gal ruba22
♪~Hoi~♪ ☆ I am R-Gal☆ « Hobbies include: » ¤ Zelda ¤ Drawing ¤ Reading ¤ Living( I do this best ) ¤ Making new friends ¤ Making lyrics ( sometimes) ¤ Zelda ¤ Playing the violin ¤ Arts and crafts ¤ Thinking ¤ And also, Zelda *Thanks for 700+ Followers, I really appreciate it. * Remember to put your feet in other's shoes before you judge them. «««« See ya »»»»
adrien adribot
Bon jour je suis adrien i love japan. j aime dessiner j aime le poaime: la pluie tombe sur la pluie, les feuilles tombent sur feuilles . Les feuilles plus pluie ,cela rend la vie plus belle que publie principalement des dessins car c est ma pation et les poaime du genre de la pluie et les feuilles . ABONNER VOUS
Théphile Boyyers
Thomas FieryMarioBlue2
Hi, I'm a 19 yr old boy. Shy in person, calm & collected. I like dragons, to help people & I want to express myself in poetry and art. I love Nintendo, Yoshi, Music & playing with friends. Aim for a positive life! :) Communication=respect, relief & truth. Twlff8r DragonRuler97 Distco7d FieryMarioBlue#4191
Shadow Dustel
my name is Shadow I love anime, music, and videogames Sadly I'm mute, so I don't have many friends… My favorite bands: Bring me the horizon Black veil brides Sleeping with sirens Pierce the veil My chemical romance Five finger death punch Three days grace etc. My favorite animes: Hetalia Blue exorcist Inuyasha Sword art online Death note Black butler Spice & Wolf etc. P.S. I'm a Lesbian♀
Gavin☆77 18dominos
I love splatoon,minecraft,terraria and super smash bros. . i love shooter,adventure,and action games . squid parties are my favorite! I do wii u chat with everyone. I do not accept BLANK FRIEND REQUESTS
Silent-N SilentN
With Miiverse ending, I'll be moving to other social networks that allow art to be shared. I'd like to tell you where I, Silent-N (now spelled with a hyphen), will be posting my DEVIANT works of ART, but Miiverse's Code of Conduct doesn't allow it. But if you do somehow figure out where to find me -completely without hints- (especially not in the caps above *cough cough*) be sure to say hi. :)
Валентина Vakii2004
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Nicholas RyanLeafloor
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Théo Thetheblue
Salut, je suis un grand fan des séries Mario, Minecraft, Zelda et Lego (et tout Nintendo en général) ! J'adore Steelorse ⇒ YouTuber québécois. Je remercie sincèrement mes 197 abonnés et mes amis pour leur soutien et en particulier TimTim ! Je n'utilise ni Wii U Chat, ni le chat vocal dans les jeux. Tous mes jeux : voir communautés favorites. Abonne-toi si t'aimes mon profil et mes publications !
Anto★ antlev
Hi my name is Antoine/Salut je m'appelle Antoine j'ai 12 ans. Mes jeux sont Splatoon, Minecraft, Smash Bros, Mario Kart 8 et plein d'autre:) NOUVELLE: 680 abos Je parle Français I speak English Hablo Espagñol Mes meilleurs ami(e)s: ÉlieTHE5★ : Super gentille! ☆•Yanis•☆ DavouTHE5★ RidaT.RED# felix0009 le blond : Mon cousin Dadou : Mon frère Je suis YouTubeur ! Team The 5♥(ψ♥ψ) Team XBLand
YIGAнıм Cozyinbed27
Formerly Known As Gнıгαнıм Former leader of the popular GG★ clan, with 1000+ members (DISBANDED) LoZ LOVER LoZ game guide maker (OoT, TP, ect) Hardcore D&D player and DM (5E) 3300+ SMM stars To see what I play, check my FULL communities list I post a lot, so a follow is worth it I have a Switch. My account is NOT linked, so you'll have to FR me if we're already friends.
Falls.exe NukGuZule
*But nobody came. ... I may or may not have a mental disorder. Anyway, since you're here, I may as well tell ya some stuff. "Oh I'll hold my horses, I'll hold them... You monster." What? Oh, stuff about me... Yeah, no. How about "one of them?" No? You're quite pushy. Fine. I had , (and may or may not still have) a crush on Dipper Pines. There, happy now? WELL TOO BAD!
BobsBurgrs JennaLock9p
I am Jenna. I have many awesome friends. I love making people smile. I love sports and as far as games go Mario is my favorite character. I have many hobbies which include but not limited too ♥ Arte♥ ♥ (edm, hip hop)♥ ★ (Splatoon, Art Academy) BFF'S ♡-Kira ,♡-Kayleigh,♡-Penelope,♥Chris♡AnnieMBNƒN♥Joseph♡lil sister Madi♡CAN'T LIVE W/O THEM I am here to make friends, play games and do tons of art.
AnusSlappa VVCLNE
Welp it was nice knowing you guys on miiverse I am no longer going to be making post don't dm me plz there is a 3% chance i will anser. Goodbye to my good friends. Ethan why?
Alpha Wolf Wolf00001
Hello My second account Alpha_Wolf00001 k!k: AlphaWolfy0
Spirit bucklebear
Hi follower, I'm sorry I was not there in MS, I just don't feel like to chatting u know....And because I been going to library for roblox.... I didn't know I always forget MS.... I keep wonder why I don't feel like chatting.... ( ÓnÒ) Old Follower: I'm sorry I didn't talk u. New Follower: If you want respond me just click follow... P.S: MS is Miiverse 4 short.
Link Link777777
Age-18 Hobbys-games and knife throwing Physical Description-annoyingly attractive Favorite Color-green Favorite Games-EOU / EOU2 / LoZ Twilight Princess Favorite Quote-(Shawn Spencer) We are men Gus the world is our toilet Favorite YouTuber-Matthew Patrick (Game Theory)
Muffet AmiablyOtaku
Hello there! I'm Ami! I love gaming religiously, and I'm almost always online be it 3ds laptop or phone! I make doodles alot as well, probably why I still like miiverse.
Sky GlitterGirl124
Hi. I'm Sky, I'm 12 years old and I love playing Nintendo systems and software.And I also love fashion.I also like to read comic-books. I like animed games and TV shows. My favorite games are:Hatsune Miku:Project Mirai DX, Animal Crossing:Happy Home Designer, Animal Crossing:New Leaf, Yokai Watch, Tomodachi Life, Style Savvy Trendsetters, and Resident Evil:Revelations.
jacksetic ashley133
TOP THE MORNING LADDYS my name is jacksepticeye and welcome to minivers i like games, like fun video games dateing woshii irish potato 'w' YouTuber 15 million voice actor in a form friends on minivers @BЯOOKE @maya exera ho hi you still here wanna high five get to the bottem wow you want one 'high fives yo
Welcome ^-^
l'm just a random person u click and visit his profile, thx x3
l'm 17 year old, Canad...
Welcome ^-^
l'm just a random person u click and visit his profile, thx x3
l'm 17 year old, Canadian
I post rarely and sorry if l'm not super active >~< can be busy ^-^" (or just no idea ^-^")
Thx to have read everything, that's pretty much all, Stay Fresh! (^o^)
-Thx u all so much for +50 fellowers ♥¬♥