Ali's Followers
Zach……………… noswal1990
hello i been gaming since the nes/SNES era, enjoy my post and have a good time.
Emma TheHipsterNuggy
lEmma|She/Her|Artistl Hello my name is Emma! Favorite games- Minecraft Story Mode Animal Crossing Tomodachi life The Wolf Among Us Teltales The Walking Dead Neko Atsume Corpse Party Flipnote Cuphead Favorite characters- Ivor Soren Nell Dr. Shrunk Gren Omid The Crooked man Kenny Isabelle Yoshiki Mugman Cagney Carnation
Ale AlexCB
Jonªbuno±o CryingFreebunz
Survivor of the 1st Miipocalypse. Thank you to all my friends and followers for supporting my art and keeping MV interesting. "All good things must come to an end." Thanks for giving MV to us, Nintendo. Please replace it with something suitable. 4EberWubz = QMiffy<3 Bestiez: Be Brave, Big Buck, Klimba, Emerald & Stiggie. The end is nigh.
ProMichael my123mii456
hi im michael and i play games like naurto powerful shippuden and mario and more i also have a PS3 with sly cooper angry birds star wars and i love rp-ing i kinda do my pokemon rp you can join if you like see ya!
»☆★HAWX★☆« Dominic-Y
◆●◆●◆ Hi, my name is »☆★HAWX★☆«, I like 2 draw eagles, hawks and falcons, if you have any reqests let me know. I also like anime and manga. yeah and follow 4 more pics. Some of my friends:Asckun,SPIDERWEBB, Ezaria,Terrix, Anika, Vango. Deez nutz r bae MEMBERS OF CANVAS CORNER: »☆★HAWX★☆« Ezaria Anika Blue Dr.Panda Machochi *gives cookie* ◆●◆●◆
ÁngeI angelillob
Welcome to my profile. My name is Angel and i like to draw... ...That's all. Thanks for visiting my profile.
Faisal :| faisalborai
heyyyyyyy my name is faisal and............. ....,,..... ruuuuuughhhhhhghrl
Koda KodaKola
All of the hunted monsters...
★Faisal★ FaisalDaBeast
hey hi
Marcus TheSubjuggulator
Name's Marcus. Artist. Gamer. Your normal trash on the internet.
ÅjαχΔĢαβε Gabeybelle1995
I'm just a typical video game nerd and high school graduate who loves to have fun and play games. :3 Life is great~
Black Grndthelightning
David Stormknight11
M4th Theveryrealm14
Bring in the New Year correctly by cuffing a bad female. Happy 2017 homiez
Tsheej Tsheej_Thoj
Hello, I'm Tsheej. I play MH4U on 3ds. Over 5000 hour (addicted) I love hunting Teostra/Kushala Daora guild quest level 140 a lot. Happy hunting everyone. (^o^)
oscar kronus01
M14 TherealM14
I'm just an average everyday guy who likes to play Video Games, Watch NBA Basketball and listen to Hip Hop. Also a Real person who speaks his mind. I'm a Huge fan of Sonic the Hedgehog and Legend of Zelda games. Games i currently own for Wii U and 3DS Are displayed on my favorite communitys list. I also own a Nintendo Switch 8244 5001 0935
OMEGABAD astin-martin
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Ricky RickyGraham
HorridC at your service i love cookies anime manga junk food lets just say im a male Umaru-chan been loving nintendo since i played the super mario bros + duck hunt when i was 4 i love helping people out no matter how hard the challenge is i freakin love cookies
Sophia Yacoby
I'm a Sonic the Hedgehog video game fan, and I've enjoyed playing video games for as long as I can remember.
ChrisPowza ChrisPowza
Hi, I'm a percussionist who loves to play video games, mostly Nintendo games, but I especially love to play Monster Hunter. Currently playing Mh4u.
zae zwilliams
Wobbufett saPower1000
Hey send me a message on here if you want to battle in ORAS, Play MH4U, race on Mario Kart 7, or have questions about those games and some others. Cheers!~♪
Angel GR33NB34NZ_II
"Git gud or gtfo" - Confucius Remember - try not to take anything for granted, take care to appreciate what you have when you have it. Otherwise, when you lose something you hold dear, you are filled with a profound sadness, and even in spite of the passage of time, a wistful want can well up inside you on occasion, a poignant longing for that which was lost. ~Cherry Blossoms~
Honja SunnyBoy92
I'm 24, I have a long gaming History. And im currently fascinated by the world of Monster Hunter. MH4U to be precise. If you ever see me online (Haseo is my name & I main C.Blade) chat/hunt with me. I enjoy making new friends to hunt with! I also love to play Rune Factory 4, Fantasy Life, Pokemon, Smash (even though i'm not that great at Smash Sros), Final Fantasy Tactics, Bravely Default, etc.
Unicorn093 66adg669d
RPG'S have to be my favorite game genre my favs are XCX,Final Fantasy, Monster Hunter, Legend of Zelda, Kingdom Hearts, Dark Souls, Fire emblem, and Pokemon My favorite anime: JoJo's Bizarre Adventures, Boku no hero Academia, Tokyo Ghoul, Re:Zero, Amagi Brilliant Park, HunterxHunter, IBO, New game, Love Tyrant, OreShura. So enjoy my posts and fill free to ask for any tips.
Value 3xp V.G.57
Sup Guys the Names Vaarian and i Like all kinds of games im also planning on making a youtube channel in a while :-]
kylewebber 45W678
what up guys you should follow me
joshua kotag16
hi my name is joshua, and i am 16 and love playing monster hunter.
SparklePup Skitty-Goril
/Megan, 16, piece of garbage with no motivation to do anything./
<†Þιźźα†> Tigerrulz
Heyo, I'm Pizza! I am a smol bean who likes: •Furries •Pokemon •Band •GECKOS etc... I am in a bunch of fandoms, and I have a few OCs :3
Sam Superstar445
•˜♥♡☆•˜♥♡☆•˜♥♡☆˜•♥♡☆•˜♥♡☆• Hello!Welcome to my profile. I love Zelda,Mario,Fire emblem,And pokemon, they are some of my favorite games.My favorite tv show ever is Sailor Moon. I also have a wiiu and 3ds.Thanks for reading! ^-^
K€NN¥ PR_XKD1400
"a scattered dream thats like a far-off memory,a far-off memory thats like a scattered dream..i want to line the pieces up..yours....and mine"
Sol thriller75
Hi there! I'm Sol, your friendly neighborhood gamer and Nintendo fan. I'm 15 years old and male. I want to be a writer in the future. I'm a total dork, too. I don't mind random Friend requests, just no WiiU chat. Wanna know something...? I may or may not have a girlfriend. And I may or may not love her a lot. Like, a LOT. She's perfect. ♥♥♥Michelle♥♥♥
Widow Main TH3-RH3U
Hello miiverse i'm 15...i think, my birthday is 6/6 and well thats about all. My fav things are..... Overwatch. p.s it's da best!! Baseball Xenoblade Chronicles Anime Monster hunter Drawing Smash bros (not in that order) I love to doodle all sorts of things soo yeahs would be great. Oh and some tips on improving my drawing skills would be great to!
Luna LunaIvyRaine
blklight blklightning
dear whoever, I appreciate the time you took wasted in reading this. please go away. sincerely yours, black lightning p.s. random people that choose to follow me will NOT I REPEAT NOT GET A FOLLOW BACK. I DO NOT DO FOLLOW FOR FOLLOW. i follow whom i choose to because I like the person and/or their posts, those people will be followed back. the rest can go away. kthxbye
(′•ω•`) shaun_torry
That one guy!
:^) I'm Awize and I like to draw and play video games.
My favorite game series are:
★★☆Monster ...
:^) I'm Awize and I like to draw and play video games.
My favorite game series are:
★★☆Monster Hunter
★★☆The Legend of Zelda
★★★Digimon World
★☆☆Sonic the Hedgehog
★★★Shin Megami Tensei/Persona
★☆☆Fire Emblem
P.S I don't Wii U chat unless you're like, super close to me.