Users Ali Is Following
YBBB Major_Lampshade
"I'm going to lay here for a while, Katie. I'm old now, and I get tired." -The Atom Hi I'm YBBB (pronounced: Yee-Bee-Bee-Bee) -Go play Ace Attorney -Go play Zero Escape _______________________________ I don't like talking [If you insist on commenting] -please be courteous -no memes _______________________________ Sit back & relax, enjoy your stay!
Jonªbuno±o CryingFreebunz
Survivor of the 1st Miipocalypse. Thank you to all my friends and followers for supporting my art and keeping MV interesting. "All good things must come to an end." Thanks for giving MV to us, Nintendo. Please replace it with something suitable. 4EberWubz = QMiffy<3 Bestiez: Be Brave, Big Buck, Klimba, Emerald & Stiggie. The end is nigh.
milk yubeee
hi my name is demi, i'm 20 and from new mexico. I love to draw and one day I want to make a comic or cartoon! Some of my favorite games are mario galaxy, ocarina of time, mario sunshine, splatoon, and earthbound but my favorite is animal crossing. My smash main is villager. Lets be friends!♪ t,tw,da: milk-ghoul こんにちは私の名前はデミがあり、私は20歳です。友達になろう!♪ Let's talk before you friend request pls!
やまだ 393969
Hasts Hasiba
My cat is called Zelda =^.^= I love Pokémon and cats :p My cat is adorable by the way, she's brown and white and loves boxes... Obviously. xD I miss the X and Y gang :[ but I got my cat and Sun and Moon to cheer me up ^o^ I like watching Dragon Ball Super too :) We got Breath of the Wild on the Switch :)) ^ ^ =(^ . ^)= meow
Nakarkos Nakarkos
My real profile is Glavenus. I was unable log into it for a very long time, but now I finally can... So I will not be using Nakarkos anymore.
Beat SpaceFossils
Marcus TheSubjuggulator
Name's Marcus. Artist. Gamer. Your normal trash on the internet.
★Faisal★ FaisalDaBeast
hey hi
ÅjαχΔĢαβε Gabeybelle1995
I'm just a typical video game nerd and high school graduate who loves to have fun and play games. :3 Life is great~
Welcome to the Trav- Zone! GET READY!! Hope you enjoy my scribbles and what-have-ya. I want to thank all those who yeah, comment, and follow! THANK YOU!! Also be sure to check out my main account: The Trav (Megablurx) for all my WiiU posts and other random cray.
Onigiri Onigiri97
My mind is too much for this. Therefore i must expand to achieve a dream. But yea im just a noob :D
Kiiro Kiirozakura
Hello everyone it's-a Kiiro, i'm French !! I'm totally Geek since 1995, played several hundred games and i always LOVE it !! My favourite video game serie is "THE LEGEND OF ZELDA", i played each of ´em cuz i'm a BIG BIG (...) fan ! I love drawing and talk about everything with nice people (^-^) さあ、ビデオガムに遊びましよう !
M14 TherealM14
I'm just an average everyday guy who likes to play Video Games, Watch NBA Basketball and listen to Hip Hop. Also a Real person who speaks his mind. I'm a Huge fan of Sonic the Hedgehog and Legend of Zelda games. Games i currently own for Wii U and 3DS Are displayed on my favorite communitys list. I also own a Nintendo Switch 8244 5001 0935
☆Dani☆ Dani015
Hi everyone I'm Dani. I'm 17 years old and I draw random stuff:) (Just for fun, not for fame!;)) I love to play games, especially The Legend of Zelda, Splatoon and Smash Bros., and to watch Animes (Death Note, Kuroshitsuji, Mirai Nikki ect.)! I guess that's all.. I hope you enjoy my drawings... Oh wait! I'm a little bit crazy. :D Bye-bye♥
クロツキ matsu9312
どうもクロツキと申します。 最近、なんと新しく買ったばっかの3DSを壊してしまい電源はつくし、音も出るのに画面が真っ暗でゲームが出来ない状態です… なのでやはりこちらのアカウントに来ると思われます。たまーにですが。勝手で申し訳ありません… 最近は○○の主役は我々だ!にドはまりしてます。グル鬱トンシャオ推し。 カッコいい絵が描けるようになりたい。
Jkiddo J-rockid
Hi im Jkiddo im 20♂, im nice, im an otaku, and i like kraft dinner. i mostly do drawings on miiverse so be sure to check them out I'm not taking requests now but I may or may not take suggestions though.
davidwhite DavidWhites
Lil'Drizzo littledriz
Totally the Driz's lttle brother and not his back-up account. OK, actually I am. I never thought I'd have to make an alternate account for when I'm banned, but it finally happened. Main Account: Da-Driz
Avirosb Ignor88
Me! Stoic_Seraphim
Hello~! :) I'm just a random person who is aspiring to become a great artist someday. Thank you for stopping by and checking out my art! ^-^ Games I really enjoy~ •Final Fantasy •Megaman X •Suikoden •Dragon's Dogma •Legend of Zelda •Radiant Historia •Xenogears/saga/blade •Old RPGs
Lavidon Lavidon
Ricky R.Meistro
Hello, i'm ricky (obviously). I'm a huge fan of pokémon, legend of zelda, and monster hunter. My favorite Poké is without a doubt greninja. My least favorite is ho-oh. The green nargacuga is simply epic, while the green plesioth is simply a pain. Midna rules. Tingle does not. And Navi gets smacked with a flyswatter! I'm also a five nights at freddy's fan. :D And finally... Cukoo revenge squad!!!
Wobbufett saPower1000
Hey send me a message on here if you want to battle in ORAS, Play MH4U, race on Mario Kart 7, or have questions about those games and some others. Cheers!~♪
ただかつ vfx1028
モンハン3Gで活動してます。 HN忠勝、HR999。(2013年2月CS) お守り収集&ドボルを愛するヘンターです。 〜忠勝の1000頭狩り〜 ドボルベルク 1000頭達成 ウラガンキン 1000頭達成 ロアルドロス 1000頭達成 リオレイア 1000頭達成 ナルガクルガ 1000頭達成 ベリオロス 1000頭達成 ギギネブラ 1000頭達成 ジンオウガ亜種 1000頭達成 ブラキディオス 1000頭達成 ジエンモーラン 560頭超え ジエンモーラン亜種 540頭超え ナルガクルガ希少種 660頭超え イビルジョー 390頭超え 平日夜、休日メインに活動。 フレ申請はミバスor港で面識のある方のみ受け付けてます。 BP †Ai†
Honja SunnyBoy92
I'm 24, I have a long gaming History. And im currently fascinated by the world of Monster Hunter. MH4U to be precise. If you ever see me online (Haseo is my name & I main C.Blade) chat/hunt with me. I enjoy making new friends to hunt with! I also love to play Rune Factory 4, Fantasy Life, Pokemon, Smash (even though i'm not that great at Smash Sros), Final Fantasy Tactics, Bravely Default, etc.
Angel GR33NB34NZ_II
"Git gud or gtfo" - Confucius Remember - try not to take anything for granted, take care to appreciate what you have when you have it. Otherwise, when you lose something you hold dear, you are filled with a profound sadness, and even in spite of the passage of time, a wistful want can well up inside you on occasion, a poignant longing for that which was lost. ~Cherry Blossoms~
Ryan. Sealsa3
I have a mild form of Autism & love Anime, Music, Art, Games, Movies, Storms, & Darkness. Long Live Metal!
Satsuki pktazn
CDPlayer Cmena5
♪ Laputa(Taylor McFerrin Remix)-Haitus Kaiyote Not as active here. I try tho ig: nottalottasauce colors: Goonicus
K.T. Marky_Mor
I'm K.T., I'm 22 and I like to draw and write. My hobbies also include gaming, reading, music, anime, and watching SU. I'm not the most social person out there, but I'll speak when spoken to, I don't mind. But expect drawings. Lots and lots of drawings. I'm also fond of emoticons, so here's one! (ƒ° ˇ°)ƒ
CrazyBeast Gameboy25
Yo what's sup! Im CB and i love playing video games! Currently playing: Chaos Child Utawarerumono: Mask of Truth Bad Apple Wars Naruto Storm 1 (PS4)
blklight blklightning
dear whoever, I appreciate the time you took wasted in reading this. please go away. sincerely yours, black lightning p.s. random people that choose to follow me will NOT I REPEAT NOT GET A FOLLOW BACK. I DO NOT DO FOLLOW FOR FOLLOW. i follow whom i choose to because I like the person and/or their posts, those people will be followed back. the rest can go away. kthxbye
By Desirée umikoJaponaise
Hi Everybody~‹3 This Is Désirée! :) I Draw,Play Video Games and Love Manga Since My 5 Years (Im 17)! *U* Im A BIG Fan of Nintendo!!(All Games Of Nintendo!) *//O//* Thank's For All Comment and "yeah" I ‹3 You So Much!!~ +6000Followers.... Thank You... My Adventure in miiverse is Amazing ☆//U//★ Thanks! Love And Peace For EVERYBODY!! ●//♭//● ~Everybody Deserved Love~☆★
Dire DireBoar
:^) I'm Awize and I like to draw and play video games.
My favorite game series are:
★★☆Monster ...
:^) I'm Awize and I like to draw and play video games.
My favorite game series are:
★★☆Monster Hunter
★★☆The Legend of Zelda
★★★Digimon World
★☆☆Sonic the Hedgehog
★★★Shin Megami Tensei/Persona
★☆☆Fire Emblem
P.S I don't Wii U chat unless you're like, super close to me.