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Psycrow#42 BTGrocks
(3/11/17) Not here anymore
けいすけ Ryo1227Kei
MK7やってます。 そらまめさんがやってるチーム927に是非是非入ってください!
Sиoopу®:å iku19iku
«日本語 : JAPANESE» ゲームはやめられない程好きなのに、実力が無い…。そんな、典型的な凡人『Snoopy®』(スヌーピー)の部屋です。 気ままに自由にまったりと。こんな感じでやってますのでよろしくお願いします。 (\・_・/) «ENGLISH : 英語» Even though I like about the game isn't stopped, It's absolutely no merit… :( Such typical ordinary man, is a room of 『Snoopy®』. Free, carefree, chillin. Since it has to do with something like this, I would appreciate your favor :)
B4N4N4 B4N4N4
Smash Bros. and Mario Maker sum it up pretty well. Play my courses!!
Ryan CreepyCreeper_59
Sorry miiverse that i said my ###### #### and I censord it scence I read the code of conduct.
Curry trickoff1
Back2Back MVP
Δι♭¡ε Albies_NINID
Age QuickShot72
It’s-a-me... QuickShot72!!
ziggy:) 807653
This user's profile comment is hidden. Just kidding! I like to draw, play games, and crack jokes. Can't say they're all funny though.
Mewtwo icees2
Hi. I am Mewtwo! Games: Pokemon Red and Blue, Super Smash Bros Melee, Super Smash Bros 4, Pokkén Tournament, and More Final Smash: Psystrike Pit: Who is THAT? Palutena: I have no data on this fighter I can't believe it! Viridi: It must be an intruder from another dimension! Pit: Whoever it is the goal remains the same to fight and win! from the Pokemon World. Bye!
Drew creepdestroyer
Hey! I'm splat tim. My hobbies include Earthbound, (MOTHER 2) Gravity falls, and DOING IT! ヘイ!私はスプラットのティムです。私の趣味は、地縛(MOTHER2)重力が低下し、それをやって含めます! bOIng! ボイン! Still here! I guess i need to say more stuff. My smash mains are Ness, Lucas, And good old Villager! まだここに?まあ私もより多くのものを言うかもしれません。私のスマッシュネス、ルーカス、そして古き良き村人です。 Oh yeah, and BRING MOTHER 3 TO AMERICA! そうそう、そしてアメリカにMOTHER3をもたらし!
InklinLump iceeska
Hello There. Too busy, not SWITCHing it up ;_; Sad to see miiverse shut down but thank you for all the memories. See ya
an awesome 11 year old kid that has a neck for games and mario kaizo!!!