con's Post

In-Game Super Mario Maker Community


10/19/2017 11:40 AM

Brady's rage (8268-0000-0368-1406)

In-Game Super Mario Maker Community


10/19/2017 11:37 AM

The Double loadded door (23C1-0000-0368-13E4)

Discussions Super Mario Maker Community


09/11/2017 9:10 PM

Open Closed

My last post.

My fellow makers! Thanks for playing my levels and giving me awesome ones to play too! But the fall of Miiverse due to the plug being pulled on november will ultim...

Play Journal Entries Super Mario World


09/11/2017 8:56 PM

This is sadly my last post. Due to the fact nintento wants to leach more money out of us with the switch and miiverse shutdown, I will not be buying the switch. Im so sorry that nintendo gave up on...

In-Game Super Mario Maker Community


09/05/2017 5:17 PM

Natural Kaizo Learn your jumps! (55AB-0000-035B-3901)

In-Game Super Mario Maker Community


09/04/2017 1:55 PM

Bowsers Fleet Of Tanks (E34A-0000-035A-ED1A)

In-Game Super Mario Maker Community


09/04/2017 12:35 PM

Its Raning! (D35B-0000-035A-E68F)

In-Game Super Mario Maker Community


09/03/2017 12:55 PM

The Floor Is An Illusion! (724C-0000-035A-8D9B)

In-Game Tourney Community


03/25/2017 12:28 PM

Hey people who play smash 4! I have created a tourny. Heavy weights! come join and have fun.

In-Game Snapshot Sharing Community


03/25/2017 12:11 PM

I still dont know

In-Game Snapshot Sharing Community


03/25/2017 12:10 PM

I dont know

In-Game Stage Sharing Community


03/25/2017 12:07 PM

Smash community! i've got a cool new stage I think you'll like! Its called smashketball. All you have to do is make a stock battle and get your opponent into a cannon. Tip, when using cpus, stand u...

In-Game Support Ganondorf!


02/24/2017 7:42 PM

Discussions Super Mario Maker Community


11/25/2016 4:21 PM

Open Closed


If you haven't heard the maker Psycrow has been banned from miiverse and mario maker. I would like to say that Nintendo should of used his levels to fix glitches i...

Play Journal Entries Super Mario Maker


11/25/2016 4:00 PM

#psycrow Nintendo, unban psycrow for breaking your game. why dont you use his levels to FIX glitches than discourage people from basically helping you fix your CLEARLY broken game! And if you dont...

In-Game Nintendo Badge Arcade Community


11/14/2016 3:26 AM

When all of the characters in the nintendo universe come to mario's christmas party. HAPPY HOLIDAYS!

In-Game Super Mario Maker Community


11/12/2016 8:07 PM

The GOOMBARENA : rookie league (A6C4-0000-02BB-C757)

In-Game Super Mario Maker Community


11/12/2016 5:59 PM

How to gain points! (CB5B-0000-02BB-B256)

Play Journal Entries Super Mario Maker


10/15/2016 6:19 PM

Sorry for not including the id in the screen shot. so here is the screen shot of the level id. so check out the glitch!

Play Journal Entries Super Mario Maker


10/15/2016 6:14 PM

Hello mario maker community!!! It's been awhile. Today I found a glitch with springs. I let my bro make a level with it. go check out CreepyCool for that level. my level isn't much different other ...

In-Game Nintendo Badge Arcade Community


09/28/2016 10:35 PM

A slightly better level

In-Game Nintendo Badge Arcade Community


09/26/2016 12:33 AM

How all matio maker levels are made.