RK☆Alex's Followers
#RYDERDOG# Ryman74
hello my friends like a shooting star in the spot light im Ryder sills with my bey sharpedo thats right!!!!
Asher glumcrescent
Name: Asher Gender: Male Religion: Christian Age: 13 Favorite color: Lime Top five favorite video games 1: Super Smash Bros 4 2: Terraria 3: Pokemon moon 4: Kirby Returns to Dreamland 5: Tomodachi Life Hobby: Making pixel art and building legos
fabi fabian0424
★CRYSTALA★ ribbongirl123
hey guys my favorite games are mario kart8,splatoon,super mario 3d world and just dance 4 my BFFs are noe gem★??? jorden F A R T agent 3 and jaily go follow them and i cant wait to get splattoon 2 bye.
Though miiverse should be dead by now, it's really inspiring seeing everyone hanging in there and posting to each heart's content, also Matt-B-u speaks the truth. I'll be screenshot dumping till the 7 ps.top kek Mattypb
ςς☆ J-cub reneleft01
So..Miiverse ends tomorrow! I knew this day would come but still..! I'll miss all these people: Sushi Star SpoopyKris Followers But especially Sushi Star. Guess I have a thing for her. I dont know.. Anyway bye peeps. Lets hope I dont die from pneumonia.
Bros Can You Follow Me
MRyoshi sofiane123lol
salut a tousse cest lasalle faux bon en se moment je vendn juste de crée mon ulistrateur je joue beaucoup a mario kart je cest déraper a coi ser les piece bref je vas pas fair de spoil cest interdi par exemple vous vouler que je vous spoil undertale commme par exemple .................. je nai rien écrit pour ne pas spoil bon bay jai un jeux a terminer.
Rashem Rashem2004
Hey guys, my name is Rashem. Daisy is my favorite character of all time.Some of my best friends are Emilya2006, Icy888, Lalafox, Woodbritt28, Mr.Jones027. Theres one more thing I would like to say before Miiverse ends. I will miss you all! Thanks for all the memories guys, I will make them last forever! Goodbye, and hopefully I'll see you on the switch!
☆УТĶЯМεαωα peanut31872
hi! thanks for visiting my profile! I try to post daily but sometimes I can't. I like drawing and making people feel good about them self. (^o^) I like to take time in my posts and jounal entries. One last thing I always check miiverse. Thats all for now see you later! ^o^
Kallen kallensmama
follow to 200!
てるや TERUYA04
▓▁▂▃▄▅▆▇안녕하세요 你好▇▆▅▄▃▂▁▓▁▂▃▄▅▆▇안녕하세요 你好▇▆▅▄▃▂▁▓ M▓ ①②③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨❶❷❸❹❺❻❼❽❾ⅠⅡⅢⅣⅤⅥⅦⅧⅨ♠♣♥♦♤♧♡♢㈱㈲㈹㊤㊥㊦㊧㊨㌃㌍㌔㌘㌢㌣㌦㌧㌫㌶㌻㍉㍊㍍㍑㍗㍻㍼㍽㍾㍿№㎎㎏㎜㎝㎞㎡㏄㏍ª—™¡¤¬²³¹¸½¼¾¯¿√˜˘卍乂℃Å℡〈〉《》∃∇∈∋∑∝∟∠∥∧∨∩∪∫∬∮∽≠≡≦≧≪≫⊆⊇⊿ ̄─━│┃┌┏┐┓└┗┘┛├┝┠┣┤┥┨┫┬┯┰┳┴┷┸┻┼┿╂╋☀☁☂☃〄〠☝☞☜☟☎◢◤▏▎▍▌▋▊
}KS♂Emile{ EGT_Gaming
Welcome To My Profile! About Me: ~ Splatoon 2 is my fav game ~ Current Main Clan: }SSR{ ~ Best Friends: Chris, Sesome, Nathan, Mikayla, Jeydan, Xetris, WFM ~ Splatoon 2 Stats: Level: 43 Rainmaker: S+ Splat Zones: S+ Tower Control: S+ Mains: Hero Charger Replica / Jet Squelcher / Hero Shot Replica Well, thats it! Cya! :D
Ally ;P carloscorral85
hi i am ariana can i draw no what can you do be lazy and play video games for SIX hours what do you what to be when you are older a photographer do you have something to say about the closeing of miivers yes i think that is very dumb to close it cuz many people love and have so much fun on it and you get to see what other people are doing with ther lives [wii u]
stellcat HartsHouse
hello my name is stellcat and i love pikmin splatoon minecraft and it is sad that they are ending miivlers and i what to say good bye to every one and all my followrs and frends so this is your last chans to friend or follow me and if your follow me i follow you and i will owase axsept you friend request pluz i am a youtuber
PK~Alex alex04002
Shark0 clemente716
Hi im Bloody101 i play hockey and soccer like to play splatoon and breath of the wild
ŞİÇ♪€©↑¡ħ ColinoCappo
Aloha! im CFF Colin. Im 10 and Love The Switch!!!! People i Love: CFF Lexxie and Blaze! Food: Pizza!!! Hope U Follow Me!!♥♥♥ PS: To Fr Me U Must Go on Fr List
ςς☆Gem CreativeNameMii
toad chiquitin2009
HOLAAAAAAAA a todos soy toad y te digo si me siges te sigo mi personaje favorito es mega man y pac-man de los super héroes es tor y batman de sónic es shadow de mario luigui kirby y pichu son los personajes mas tiernos soy de clan OTAKU ádios por qué siguen aquí xd
molly ws craftywolf3
hello nice to see you guys real name:molly age:private best friend in real life: my big sis Mina my favorite games: splatoon legend of zelda breath of the wild pokén tournament what i like to watch right now: fairy tail teen titans go favorite amiibos: callie and marie i love you all <3
boruto nraulio890
Haley cat kawaiikitty1235
If your feeling down, just read this you'll feel alot worse R.I.P Miiverse Nov. 7 th
andrea stenn44
Jordan AShinyRayquaza
Black★Star imran909
Freind me so we can do private battles!
ÑÎGĦŤмάŕě hood05
Ħēĺĺő fгîêñdš Łėť мê ťěĺļ yôù мÿ fàvõŕįť ťħiпgś Animals:Dogs,Dolphins,and Cats Fam Colors:blue,green,and black FamilyHere:Texas,Beverly,Caitlin,Vicky,Alice,Nicolous,Aaron,Kenneth,Undertaker,Yomomma.... (If I missed anyone please forgive me) But thats all I wish you a very good day☆★♡♥:D
********** EvanLiam07
Hi guys Im Evan i love splatoon Level 50 S Rank Clans: NONE! I NEED ONE! ♡IM NOT TAKEN!♥ I love anime DRAWING IS MAH JAM! I quit WiiU MC 2016-2017 WiiU Chat only if i know your over 2 weeks K thx for using your time to read this K thx bai
☆ĶЯ»Killer alejandrodania
Leader of ĶЯ» Clan, ĶЯ»Face is the leader on the switch ĶЯ»Rydia ☆ĶЯ»(japanese) ĶЯ»Meaka ĶЯ»(japanese) ☆ĶЯ»Gwen☆ ☆ĶЯ»Zachy® ĶЯ»Star ĶЯ»ßιηχ ĶЯ»☆wølf☆ ☆ĶЯ»Siwan ĶЯ»asmaa кЯ»j-bear ĶЯ»daliah♪ ĶЯ»Leaf ĶЯ»Jesus ★ĶЯ»Hemi ĶЯ»Sησω KЯ»»Ďąvįd' ĶЯ»Angel ĶЯ»DaNy507 ¤ĶЯ»мodx¤ ĶЯ»Trey ĶЯ»ƒέřľįň™
♪Lorde♪ nataliaemoxxa
ħι мι ηαме ις ηαταιια, Ι αм 14 ÿеαгς σıď;му ƒαγσгιțе сσıσг ις тħе вıαск, I αм ƒгσм țπе мехιсσ αηď шιтнιη α уеαг I шιıı ıινе ιη τехας (I αıσηе нαнα) I нανе țне Ņιηтеηďσ ςшιťсн, I ıσνе тне ďυъςтеρ, му внιгтďαу ıς ση ζυηе 8*
ßlack★Øpal kamain
Name: Gavin Favorite Game: Minecraft:Wii U Edition Favorite Food: Macoroni and Cheese Favorite Friend: Brenton Favorite Youtubers: DPD4MO and ZackScott Favorite Book: Big Nate Blasts Off Favorite Amiibo: Mario from Super Smash Bros. for Wii U If you want to follow him, go to my Friend List. In the GSP clan. Bye!
alex brixnblocks
WELCOME TO COOKING WITH THE CHEF! thanks for 30 followers! ok first of all im mostly playing splatoon and mario maker also i only add friends that are my irl friends unless were doing splatoon btw im in a clan called ςςκ (sassy squid kids) and... im not sure what to say now... i have a switch btw GOODBYE FELLOW COOKS Pikachu was here
Blaze lulu20350
Guys miiverse is ending :-O :-(
Jqualn jqualn2007
Profile comment hidden by admin.
★x star x★ Aba53x3
hello everyone! ! my name is lizzy! leader of the ★x star x★ clan! as you can see -_- things i like: fnaf undertale batim video games books miiverse CLEARLY drawing writing and friends! games i like: splatoon sdk paint super mario 3D world minecraft never alone and starwal follow these people! kristiankaylee Grape Soda★ trash boi Ethan bye every one of you people around the world^-^
marypumkin evamay43
Hi! I'm Alex! I usually like play splatoon, yoshi, any mario games and more! thanks for 90 follow...
Hi! I'm Alex! I usually like play splatoon, yoshi, any mario games and more! thanks for 90 followers! lets try to break 100!! I started Miiverse last year, so thanks for all the support you gaven! Huge thanks to Gianperre and DarylCoOl for getting me into the wii u and miiverse! Have fun on Miiverse!