RK☆Alex's Friends
{SS}Karma KitEnchanted
★☆Hello! Welcome to my page.☆★ If you would like to be friends feel free to send a friend request :D I am the leader of the Splatoon Clan Squid Scouts {SS} If you would like to join just ask! We are a very open friendly clan with quite a bit members already. ♡I love you all♡
Callie Callierocks1
☆♪Starxy♭★ Ohheythatsme
Bush did 9/11 and we all know it
Joseph 123supersonic
hi i play splatoon and pokemon i am in two clans dark lucario (co leader),mmk
Abraham Abrahamr17
★CRYSTALA★ ribbongirl123
hey guys my favorite games are mario kart8,splatoon,super mario 3d world and just dance 4 my BFFs are noe gem★??? jorden F A R T agent 3 and jaily go follow them and i cant wait to get splattoon 2 bye.
Yori Crowshijii
Heyo. I'm Crowshiji, your probably above average science freak. I like anime. »she/they »Artist »I don't pretend to be cool, I am cool. :3c
darla kwikunicorn
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MEA~Games★ Funtimelily
Hi I'm Mikeala You Might Be Familiar With My Other Acount Lily Games I Made A New Acount To Acomplish A Splatoon Thing Where I'm Level One And I Will Complete Story Mode And Amibo's So I Will Be Level One And Have This Cool Armor And Wepons And I'm Only Level One(Or Test If U Get To A Certaint Level Where U Have To Earn The Points Except It Being Easy. Bye Everybody Have A Lovely Day!
ςς☆Gem CreativeNameMii
Naythaniel DoppleGanger1
Hi. Im Naythan, and this is my second miiverse account. Look up Spikeblue4 for my main one. I'll play smash, splatoon, minecraft, and mariokart 8. No wii chat, although i'll accept friend requests. I enjoyed my time spent on miiverse, and I hope you did too. Also, please help me reach 100 friends before miiverse closes! IM SO CLOOOOOOOSE
ςς☆Royce Tagalong_81
Kon'nichiwa!! Hello!! You found my page!! Here's a few things about me... - Do not accept blank Friend Requests - Favorite Color: Rose Gold -Clans: -ςς(Co-Leader) ~ςн(Co-Leader) ~КΆ ~ ςςκ ~ƒτι(Leader), ~HL ~CC ~ив(Co-Leader) ~★\Splats/☆ ~ςρт(Co-Leader) ~ωω(Co-Leader) -I can speak fluent Japanese and english - I love watching Anime especially Naruto, DBZ, and One Piece. Well bye now. Mata Ne!!
äö==crazy= MR.crazyboy123
join my clan fidget woomy to join put in your name this äö and friend me in order to get in is having mk8 or splatoon and no i dont have minecraft
Gyrande~^^ G1r4nd3
*Well...Miiverse was a good part of my life, thank you Miiverse u,w,u *Bueno...Miiverse fue una buena parte de mi vida, gracias Miiverse u,w,u
~Beth~ asapxralph
#save miiverse plz! Hi I am Beth and I am a fan of Youtube, video games, and etc. I love being part of this community with everyone and I would love for miiverse to go on forever, but at least I get to spent time a little while before it ends follow me!
boruto nraulio890
ShadowWolf 32lovebird
hi im shad....and the leader of the RK clan boyfriend: KP (KawaiiPaws)#ShadPaws BFF: QueenDeath, John Adan,TFKZackS ,Dr.Carnage,Octogirl,RK★Cole and RK★Electro (plz follow all of them) Things i like: food, memes and puns
sonic sonic3254
hi everybody, i'm 14 and i like anything hands on and that has to do with cars. i do wiiu chat if you follow me i will follow you, pls follow skystar for he got me into the wiiu and miiverse.
GreenApple Thinkdia
Hi you great peps, I'm Thinkdia!!! Kay, so if there's any voice chat in the game, I will not be giving out my name 'cause I want to keep it private.. Splatoon is my most favorite game.. And Pokken DX (On Switch) Mate! I have a great time meeting other random people! (Im to crazy for my own good...) Overall, I'm pretty nice to be around with, even though Im alone.
eevee madieg263
coolcoby coolcoby
Grace grace1005
Hello I like video game jokes for smash and Mario Kart. Also, BLACK YOSHI IS THE BEST YOSHI EVER!
pickachu tonygamer2016
why you click on ma face? go away smelly ;-; still here? oh mkay well i wont stop you from going to the bottom √(º~º)√ so how was your day?
Dominic PowerPoint2017
This user's profile comment is private.
G&K Yoshi♪ mamiairam
This user's profile comment is private.
Spyke Sophia-n-Ian
WARNING! THIS IS A SHARED WII U My name is Ian and I like Minecraft, Splattoon (kinda) Legend of Zelda, and Xenoblade Chronicles. My name is Sophia and I'm the one who makes most of the posts for this user. I have another user that is just mine but I don't have an ID for it yet. I really like Splatoon and Legend of Zelda but *someone* got us stuck in Hyrule Castle in BOTW. I can draw, too. :)
CFA★Pika Pikachu0703
Love rollers and chargers. If you want to play with me send the request and let's get splating ! My Bestie CFF⭐️Lεχχiε Latina 19 yrs old Los vemos en el juego :D
Heydrich HeydrichT23
hello guys :D
ƒιαме Jesus36912
Daniel minecraftlolxd2
I like to play Sploon and MK7 I neither have a Switch nor the Wii U gamepad :( My nnid is like that because I cant take seriously the minecraft community a this one is my 2nd account If I commit a grammatical error its because Inglish isnt my main language. woomy!
Alex lollypop_bro_lol
Ooooooh fireblaster606
My laptop got a virus now its dead R.I.P My Laptop 2016 - 2017 Also Five nights with 39 fan the game is 18+ NO KIDS ALLOWED Fav Anime: Soul eater, Date A Live and Mirai Nikki Why are you still here? NUGGET SAYS LEAVE
Yuri☆Cutie degannes2006
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Name: Gavin Favorite Game: Minecraft:Wii U Edition Favorite Food: Macoroni and Cheese Favorite Friend: Brenton Favorite Youtubers: DPD4MO and ZackScott Favorite Book: Big Nate Blasts Off Favorite Amiibo: Mario from Super Smash Bros. for Wii U If you want to follow him, go to my Friend List. In the GSP clan. Bye!
riley Transformix
★x star x★ Aba53x3
hello everyone! ! my name is lizzy! leader of the ★x star x★ clan! as you can see -_- things i like: fnaf undertale batim video games books miiverse CLEARLY drawing writing and friends! games i like: splatoon sdk paint super mario 3D world minecraft never alone and starwal follow these people! kristiankaylee Grape Soda★ trash boi Ethan bye every one of you people around the world^-^
☆★jïηχ★☆ PrettyBird_75
gio littleg227
my name is jeff jk my name is gio i'm 9 wait -looks at window- creeper!!! -calls 911- help there is a creeper -911 hangs up- say something i'm giving up on you -givez cookie- now leave (^-^)
Squid★Lulu Pouch972
Salut les gens ! Hi everybody! No wiiU Chat So please don't call me :/ But i like do Squidparty ^-^ So i'm so sorry if i don't give you answer anymore End... ;^; I play just the WEEK-END :3
splatкιηģ☆ abiel.rodriguez
7 Things To Know About Me: 1) I'm a freshman 2) I play basketball and football 3) Smash is Life, Splat is Awesome, Minecraft is fun 4) I play piano and drums 5) I'm Awesome 6) I use wii u chat and show face 7) Yo hablo español pero mi inglés es mejor (I speak spanish but my english is better)
roro napcol
salut je m'appelle Romane . j'ai 11 ans et j'adore tout ce qui est mignon XD (pas tout heureusement) et il faut que j'avoue. I♥ Miitopia and Splatoon si je fait des fautes en anglais ne m'en voulez pas hein voici mes passe-temps favoris lire (des BD surtout), et jouer aux jeux vidéo (évidemment) merci à vous si vous vous abonnez sinon n'hésitez pas c'est gratuit bon voilà j'ai tout dit salut
ACE_Grimm NightshadeQueen7
The past is slipping from my hands, faces fading..names slipping, I'm losing everyone and everything around me. I myself am also fading..from arms..and hearts. Things are never forever, they shift like the desert sand, always changing, never the same..
Zech ShelbyPlaysXD
Hi everyone how is your day i hope its great
Metagame joey_russ
Carlos HNOS141415
hola mis amigos de smash yoshis
G&K–Octo♂★ joshmike78
Hi everyone this is my Profile And i like Splatoon so if you want to challenge me friend request so the fun can start!
τς★мαχφκαι tommyandjayden21
hi im a wommy,glitch person i love glitches♥♥♥ plz i need friends ü αгε ιη υκ *crys* ...i need more than hundred follows tip:do not kill others next to yall who came up with the word wommy? lol wommy,wommy,wommy!!!! best bud:dorito :3 best splatoon 2 bud:Sandwich btw i have a switch anyways just to tell yall goodbye :)
Axelito Karlos1094
Lil'Prince lucliontamer1055
Hello my Lion Tamer bros! On this channel i will post TONS of action pics and journal entres, so stay tuned! if you ever want to play with me just send a friend request! I play Splatoon, Mario Kart 8, Mario 3D world, and Need for Speed Most wanted, Terraria, even Nintendo Land if your into that! Dont forget to like on you way out! :D
giugiu passi80
Hello my name is Giuseppe
Purple[TS] viniciosisael
splatoon 2 wait me
CallieMacN Inkling-Callie
Main account is CallieMacN
Ð☆CāρtNug☆ hunnfamily
I like Splatoon,Super Mario Maker and MK8 i don't know how to draw but i wish i could i hope you like my post so i hope you all are having a nice day also i like nature and road trips. I love it when its winter because when its night time and its snowing and you can see all of the city lights and its quite everything seems peaceful and beautiful and it looks amazing ¯ˇ¯
Madelyn madiawesome
Hi I'm Maddie and I always accept friend requests so sent me one if you want, I love Splatoon, Super Mario Maker, and Mario Kart 8!!(I'm usually online for Splatoon.) (^-^)
RK☆Xeno IsaiahHarris1021
OW MY FRICKEN FACE. *Cries internally* HHHHHHHH... OH. Hi...Welcome to my little corner of miiverse. im just an 11 year old that has no life. So i make posts. follow these peeps • (Bff) ¶ieces •RK☆Octogal •★¤ςτεαм¤★ •RK☆May bye everybody! thank-you!! for 900+ followers Call me /Xeno/ or /Tyrell/ #Xieces #SaveMiiverse (wont be on long tommorow because of middle school.)
ßlack★Øpal kamain
MarioFan54 mnhfkgti
A broke Woomy who can't afford a Switch. Splatoon/Splatoon 2 is a pretty cool game.
δζīή Genette27
Hello im a really nice Friend to have maybe some of you guys can meet me in some MINECRAFT! Favorite color: Blue Best Friends: Dink_the_great and A1CLOWN and Pandahugs12 Thanks for reading and have a nice day :)
Oçł.Corrin sforks
The only one,OctoCorrin! I love playing splatoon,super smash bros,and Breath of the wild.My Favorite gamecube game is Super Mario Sunshine.My favorite 64 game is donkey kong 64.My favorite wii game is Twilight princess(A link game).I'm more to the evil side!!!Also Stay Fresh! I'm a fan of captain sparkles.I ♥ private battles.U can send friend requests. I'm the really the the only user though.'_'
clay gammanpapa3
hi im clay
Anja anph6556
Well, I guess it's time.. Thank you all for the precious moments we had together... I will never forget... Bye..(^^)/
Jazmin MorenaJazmin
Heeeyy! I am Jazmin!♥ 13 years old My birthday is not on January 23 but July 25th☆♡ I'm dutch! Jajaja Nederlandsss! Follow meee♡ Send a friend request and then we can play Splatoon together!!! »»» go ahead|doe maar!!! And uhmmm WOOMYYY
JFrank Jacuzzi_Frank
troyboy naz0217
travis blahblahmike
Weejee44 HowIsU
my favorit game is splatoon my favorit color is blue.
Asrto#LOVE jujutheman7
skul caiden520
ςςκ™QWERTY Puffleman247
I sing, I go to school, I play Splatoon. * L-3 Nozzlenose D Main here!! * * Proud Member of ςςκ (Sassy Squid Kids) *
Byrdman Mojo76
☆Welcome to cringeland☆ Give tea* Drink up! Hey! So i like Joji vlogs... jontron too! But i dont really know what to do in life... like really! What do you do for a liveing? Nothing probably... Joji and Ian work great for a funny skit! Ending bio here... yup good bye... why are you even here? for wut
Black★Star imran909
Freind me so we can do private battles!
RashaanEXE nikki10
hi my name is Rashaan my favoritre color is black I like to play splatoon and super smash I am 12 years old I am a fun times at woomys fan and a spider fan to and I am a six grader
☆УТĶЯМεαωα peanut31872
hi! thanks for visiting my profile! I try to post daily but sometimes I can't. I like drawing and making people feel good about them self. (^o^) I like to take time in my posts and jounal entries. One last thing I always check miiverse. Thats all for now see you later! ^o^
elchino elchino159
This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
Hi! I'm Alex! I usually like play splatoon, yoshi, any mario games and more! thanks for 90 follow...
Hi! I'm Alex! I usually like play splatoon, yoshi, any mario games and more! thanks for 90 followers! lets try to break 100!! I started Miiverse last year, so thanks for all the support you gaven! Huge thanks to Gianperre and DarylCoOl for getting me into the wii u and miiverse! Have fun on Miiverse!