Ewan's Friends
charro charro46
bob B0BT3HBU1D3R
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Alex soriafamily6
ayy miiverse how are u all doin i love makin comics i have made a series called the adventures of super camel i cant sell them though because i dont have a dang permit from the government and i love games such doge wow! me no speak english me speak american such determination if you have read all of this you are a derp
Will GHSclassof2017
I like Pokémon, Smash Bros., Zelda, Kirby and Mario My favorite games from each of those series are: Sun/Moon Sm4sh Wind Waker HD Planet Robobot and Epic Yarn Super Mario Galaxy I have 13 amiibo with more to come (hopefully). Wolf Link, Kirby*, Meta Knight*, DDD*, Mario**, Link**, Pikachu**, Kirby**, both 30th Mario colors, OoT Link***,Toon Link***, and Toon Zelda *Kirby **Sm4sh ***Zelda 30th
Gspirit efilym
Tad&★Maddy Doubledash7
Omochao Say Hi Everyone Am Lightning Am 31 Please Meet You!! Am♂ Very Powerful Ghostbuster Catcher! Ranking 2576★+ Denpa Men 3 Games Ranking 16 at Coliseum I love Everyone!! Me & ★Maddy Are ♥♡Brother & Sister 4evers! No Rude In My Games Post Please! Enjoying Jack-o'-lantern & Snowman Magic Recipes! Am Tad Faster Gamers To Finish! Kinda Ok Love Dragon Quest Series!
★Fiore★ henrricito
CIAOO^__^♥♥ho un fratellino picollo di 1 anno!è cosi carino!e si chiama Fabian!♥★Ciao!spero che stiate tutti bene! é buone vacanze! a totti vio!!........segeitemi!CIAOO!♥♥
☆Utopia☆ UtopiaWiiU
Hi! I'm Scott, welcome to my profile! ================================== ~Stuff about me!~ I'm an otaku. I love playing SSB, Overwatch, Splatoon and Mario Kart Steven Universe 4EVA! ^o^ I'm XIII years old :3 My favourite themepark is Universal Studios :P I like writing fanfics! ^o^ I have Asperger Syndrome (a mild form of autism) Thanks for 400 follows! ^-^
Yung Yungtown
Any other Yungtown is a fake!
DuarteLC DuarteLC
Hi! I'm a 13 year old Portuguese individual... Anyway i love making new friends and I hope I will. I love Pokemon and Mario Kart 8 (Lemmy FTW). I love splatoon, too, and I'm looking for friends to play it with me after the August update.
Zachary deerman46467
Well miiverse is ending so you really don’t need to know anything about me, do you?;)
Dark Boo Darkboo007
Kevin MrJimmysteel25
Formally known as GHOSTFACE until 3/6/17. I've changed my mii because I just wanted to be me for the longest time. GHOSTFACE was getting old so I decided I would change it when the switch is out, since less people will be on miiverse. "Josh, when life gives you free nachos, you don't question it." -Drake Bell (2005) (Drake & Josh)
Charlie Oldschooly
Hello to all gamers, young and old! Welcome to my channel. I like Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Sonic the Hedgehog and Call of Duty. I hope you enjoy, and have fun gaming. BTW, I'm 26 years old, and my birthday is 19/8/89.
Chloe meglane
Hi! My name is Chloe Lane and i live in Australia just like Michael Lane. My favourite flag is France. I really want to go there! that is all about me!
Lizzy lizebenben
Hello my name is Lizzy and l live in Ireland and l love fun and games. If you want to add me then do l would love to be anyones friend oh and l LOVE Mario games,Wii U Party, Rayman Legends, Action Games, Adventurous Games and Sporty Games!!!
DevonHoyer Deveon886
Hi my name is Devon Hoyer and it's is my life I like to play Call of Duty BlackOps2 multiplayer and Zombies. My favorite food is pizza,wings and Chips. So can you be my friend on the wii u
Toblet Toblet
Miina Waddle-Luigi
Hello fellow Miiverse users! I love Nintendo a lot, mainly the Mario, Pokémon, Kirby, Zelda, Kid Icarus, and Fire Emblem franchises. I also love LEGO toys and series. My favorite characters out of them all are Luigi, Kirby, Toadette, and Rosalina! Yay! I'm also a STEM nerd, kind, amiibo-enthusiast, dedicated to art, and a lover of clean classics across various media and cute things.
Dogman15 Dogman15
I play games sometimes.
★Eclipse★ MilezX16
How's it hanging, I'm Milez and gaming is my specialty, especially when it comes to my Wii U and 3DS, how about we chat and play together sometime?
jake solid-jake
Pat Patsworld
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♪Sorapol♪ sorapol0
Hello this is my account where you can see gameplay ! I will be more accesible with friend request and follow every kind of nice people here n.n My other account its sorapol there i draw & colour mainly o: i will play online games in both accounts =D Thanks for any kind of support ñ.ñ
Derrick BitnerdGX
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Larry larry012
hello if you give me a yeah or a good comment than i will friend you. I also do wii u chat.
Luke lukeross
Caleb calebhighboy159
im caleb i am a big fan of nintendo
the ninja MANGOLOVER
hello i'm the NINJA! goal gcn games on wiiu and zelda 3000yeahs and i take friend requests I dont wii u chat sometimes so hit the follow and friend request botton ^.^ L.E.D the clan of luigi ps, i am sonicman and tails fan brother
Robalert robalert28
joseph joseph0421385008
Hi my name is Joseph Barakat i am Australian▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼ I am 12 years old my favourite games are Super Mario 3D World, Just dance 2014, Wii Party U and CALL OF DUTY GHOSTS ▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼ "FOLLOW ME AND I WILL FOLLOW YOU BACK" ★★★★★★★I WILL KEEP YOU POSTED★★★★★★ just saying that my birthday is on the 15th of October :D▲▼▲▼▲ ★★★★★ STAY TUNED★★★★★ i will allow friend requests follow me from joseph
Folkloner Lonefolker
Folkloner's Personal Account. Status -------- Wii U News - Folkloner (active) 3DS News - Folkloner3DS (active) Playing (Wii U) -------------------- Mario Kart 8 Mario Party 10 Zombie U Playing (3DS/DS) ---------------- Luigi's Mansion 2. StreetPass Fishing. StreetPass Zombies. Future Titles --------------- Weapon Shop de Omasse (3DS) Mighty Switch Force (Wii U)
Katie Nikkislaw93
i have been playing video games for a few years. My favorite video game franchises: Mario Pokemon Zelda Super smash bros Kirby Sonic The Sims Earthbound Kid Icarus Pikmin Mario kart. I also draw pictures of various characters and being outside taking the views while listening to music in my free time. I don't do Wii U chats
spanky spankyy
wat up im spanky i do wii u chat but only add me if your 18+ *insert facemelting air guitar solo here* that is all.
awsome man nova79
I love games like zelda and mario and awesome at games and love uberhaxornova,pewdiepie,nintendocaprisun and tobuscus and i am a nice guy! and IN THE BATHROOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
froken froken
[*~*Wàâáy Päst CôöL*~*]
Spider SpiderStaryu
Big Nintendo fan, gamer, podcaster, and also a Let's Player! I love a whole lot of Nintendo franchises, from Mario to Pokemon to Kirby, and oh so much more! My most favorite character from Mario is Princess Peach. On an unrelated note, I also love citrus juice!
tre DCT507
Hi there! This is just me being positive or I might get banned from miiverse. Ex. :) :D you look nice today (Sarcasm)
VSM Vipsoccermaster
jp456 littlebigplanet3
hey everyone i hope you like my comments and others if you guys want to add me be sure too if you want:D And also lets reach our goal of 1,000 yeahs.I know we can reach it.
Tøμc★Sushi supamawiol0l
Hi! I'm Ronin. I'm 10 years old, and I LOVE playing video games. Please follow me if you like my posts. My goal is 1000 yeahs and 50 followers! Help me reach it! I am a HUGE pug lover and my favorite food is pulled pork!
8-Bit Darkness_Doom
Hey, anyone remember Rhythm Thief? Of course you don't. Doitsu is our lord and savior. Aph America's caretaker.
Andinos ss3_Andinos
Something about me? Geez, what do I say? I've always grown up in a Nintendo home, we've owned every Nintendo home console, except SNES. Although if given a chance (or a Mega Drive), I definitely would've grown up Sega. Big Sonic fan. Also love Pokemon, Mario, Zelda and recently Pikmin. Please do not call me in Wii U Chat unless I know you. Regardless if you're in my Friends list or not.
Aaron O ROXAaron44
I like Mario Mints.
christinq 123rtfg
Seb falcon29321
***PLEASE READ***Hello! Welcome to my profile! Please follow or friend me! I accept ANY friend requests. I play Super Mario Bros U, Super Scribblenauts, Nintendo Land, and Sonic & All Stars Racing Transformed. If you friend me, I will try my best to keep in touch with you! I am usually so busy, so no Wii U chat please!
tommy rocky111
Big Fan Of Anime And Manga !
Bronte Brontesaurus
brontes my name, squidbaggings my game H8ers cän't hândle my $w@g holláâà I am going to marrу Link I ilу him <3 ««xoxo gossip ganondorf»»
Caytarts CT-Rocks
Welcome Just an nineteen year old who enjoys drawing,& playing videogames in their downtime hoping to become a pro animatior. Sidenote:I'm not on here very often,apologies for that.I'm not attached to the Wii U as I used to be back in twenty twelve.I still play with it tho. Also I can't accept friend requests.I hope you understand That's all for now I hope you all have an amazing day!
Jen lano500
emil emiljansson00
hey im 10 years old and im expert on games. im from sweden. my favorite games is new super mario bros u and nintendo land and zombiu and just dance 4
Daniel megadaniel2000
link 2043447y
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Tom Marx MarxForever
Hello. My name's Tom. I love to draw, play video games, and collect cool nostalgic stuff. Like old games, cards and VHS tapes.
Job J0bix-NL
all your WUB WUB belong to us
Rick GilvaSunner
Video game music enthousiast
Egg Hunter EasterEggHunter
Creator of The Easter Egg Hunter series, Glitched Up, Mini Egg Mondays and Cartridge Tilting and Glitches on Youtube. PS i think the Wii U is Awesome!!!!
Bunnii Bunnii
25♥ I am a gamer girl☆ Embracing my inner nerd☆ Nintendo fangirl♥
Kaz nerak64
NewSuperSwitchVirtualDDEntertainmentCube3DWiiU64! EAGERLY AWAITING NINTENDO SWITCH! Viva La 3rd of March! I am a huge Aussie Nintendo gamer, collector & fan. I love visiting Japan and I'm going for a complete Amiibo, WiiU and N64 collection. Some past games I'd love to see return: Wave Race, Pilot Wings, 1080, Turok, Baten Kaitos, F Zero, Unirally, Mario Football
Mykle SonicsChannel
Mykle MykleH
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Sol ComPete
I'm a 15 silly kind of guy, and admittedly, afraid to get out of his shell. I'm in high school and love emoji's. My drawing style is "professionally childish" but charming, meh. I love to game and draw, just add me and we can talk! I'm timid and insecure IRL but silly here. I'm geeky but amiable, or something PLEASE SAY HELLO!
Tombo RaginTombo
CoolClub64 CoolClub64
Matthew mattmike
Kevin Aqua_Express
Mario Maker is my main game right now. Let's create!
nin10gamer demetrisrussell
AshGX MaverickHuntrAsh
Diehard Mega Man fan, pro-love/anti-hate. Favorite game of all time: Chrono Trigger. Smash mains: Mega Man, Kirby. Editor @ GameXplain, Senior Editor @ UDON Entertainment, LA Console Game Examiner @ Game On. Former Associate Producer/Comics Editor @ ShiftyLook. Don't take unanswered friend requests personally; I get tons of requests from GameXplain fans, so my friends list is usually full!
Yoshi-1up Yoshi-1up
Sup yo! Let's play some games!!
Zambezi SuperZambezi
Mario news, features, and guides - Mario Party Legacy - www.mariopartylegacy.com
André GX GameXplain
The most exciting profile comment
This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
I'm Curious about stuff and I have autsim so I wish for respect twards me. I honestly don't mean ...
I'm Curious about stuff and I have autsim so I wish for respect twards me. I honestly don't mean to be a nuisance to anyone. I'm a Nice Appreciated Guy. You may also know me from other Social Network Sites on the Internet. I'm sure you can be used to my sort of person. You can only call me by my real name if I allow you to.