Users CutieBlaze Is Following
Plasma TheMinecraftMovi
victor victor25690
hola me llamo : Victor Rodiguez. Vivo en : Venezuela. Tengo 11 años . Necesito amigos toda persona que me siga yo la seguire y le dare aja a tosa sus publicaciones. follow me and I'll follow U.l PROMISE :v a ah mi bff es : anna elena es muy kawuaii
Lil Wolf<3 madelinerules12
my truth my life sucks bad irl i have 4 friends on miiverse i have 100 or more why the big difference? friend me to find out! whatever *slowly fads away*
Sparkle Hollifield07
Helo my peeps thanks for checking out my profile i love drawing and going on youtube F A M I L Y G U Y Is my FAVORITE will say YES to ANY freind request okay! so please follow me so i can get to 200 please and remember when you follow me i follow you okay! BYE BYE! wait why are you still here (-_-) Sigh
Montana Mixolydia98
I just want to say I'm sorry for all of the inactivity these past few months...But, no use moping about it. If you would, please, check out my final post's comments.
Ant:) lucca0712
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Crispy swagmaster297
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nasir nasir1127
im a fan of mario and sonic and i mostly play smash bros wii u and captain toad and splatoon i love dogs i take all friend request
Max Noreute
Je m'appelle maxime et j'aime les manga , j'en connais plein des mangas japonais et la musique la kpop. Je suis fan d'exo de bts , les fan d'exo on les appelle les exo l et les fan de bts ont les appelles les armys . Moi je connais encore beaucoup de groupe mais pas vraiment fan. Ce qui connais la kpop dites le moi par commentaire.
Umbrеоn LunarNoctoli
Kawaii Desu Desu Ponychan~ Also, isn't my Mii just the most ADORABLE thing ever? Yes, I am an Umbreon Furry, and Gym Leader. The best of the NSLU Royal Family. ♥Lusamine♥Ragyo♥ (more waifus to be added)
Ava FireGirl12
Hello. I'm Ava. (•-•') I'm 13. I like playing sports and singing. I play the drums. (^,^) My fav color is orange. Um... (o_o) That's all I got. (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ ☜(゚ヮ゚☜) (ಥ_ಥ) o()xxxx[{::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::> (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`) Waaaaah (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*: ・゚✧ Sooo fabulous! ⊂_ヽ \\ _ \( •_•) FABULOUS ( ⌒ヽ / へ\ / / \\ レ ノ ヽ_つ / / / /|
Ferris III LonglivetheEU
Another 3DS alt for Felix. Nothing more.
Nike√B34T Eldo24
I am B34T
Kiibo liloreocookiez
◆B U T T H A T ' S K A Y A Y A D A Y ' S L I E I S N 'T I T ?◆ Hi im ◆Leafff :^) not that anyone cares. Fav Husbandos: Henry Ouma Kokichi Male corrin rantaro amami Gender:alien(female) Waifus: kaede, angie,junko, celestia, miu iruma and kyoko from danganronpa.
Jeff natsufromft
Hello there. Call me Jeff! 16 y/o ♂ Taken by: nobody yet! :) I take friend requests (blank ones too!) Happy to play Smash with anyone, but I don't Wii U chat, tho! NICU survivor! Interests/fav stuff are: • Anime: One Piece • Song: "I See the Light" by Zachary Levi/Mandy Moore • Movie: The Lion King • Actress: Scarlett Johansson • Band: Babymetal Follow for a follow! Byeee!~ •▼•
Lilix 0_0Peace
Profile Comment Unavailable To The Eyes Of Humans ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■
Ben Miteydrill
2014: I try to draw everyday in order to increase my skill. Reason why you might see a weird looking piece of art everyday :) 2017: First started drawing in 2014. You can find my first drawings at the bottom of my page (they're pretty bad please be gentle) Edit: 2017 Also the year miiverse shuts down, ive seen tons of wonderful people here. Thanks for the experience :)
(Marcus) Swim_555
Wowie it's been some time we had wasn't it? *furiously points at I.d* I hang at the verse of closed nowadays. You will be missed Miiverse. Not you badmins go away.
Mati_64 Pencastudios
Hola soy Matias! me gusta dibujar,ver cartoons/anime leer comics y los juegos de Nintendo. ◆Santiago,Chile ◆Wii / Wii U/ 3DS ◆age:15 ◆I speak english too :^) ◆Juegos favoritos: Smash Bros y Yoshi Island S E E Y O U S P A C E C O W B O Y ... que wea estas leyendo
Hylian Аdа bookwerm
A WINNER IS YOU! HEY I'm Ada, a weird Mario fan who posts trash on the NSLU and sometimes draws Mario characters. Stuff you should know about me: -I sure do love me some video games -DL said it best: "Miiverse needs more Fawful" -Left-handed You won't find me after MV ends, so don't even bother. F U R Y !
TrashGino Gino3dsAlt
have ya ever regretted doing something cringe worthy and have anxiety over it? I have.
Mon2na RedGreenYellow
(If you're looking for more quality content, it'd be best to follow my main, rather than this account.) Heyyyy, this is the second account of Montana! I'll only really be using this account for when I run out of posts. If you're looking for my main account, check my Friend List, and feel free to follow if you want to keep in touch. NEATO BURRITO BLOB-OMB BLACK AND YELLOW HELLO
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Damien paikilr38
Mimishooty NikTori
↑↑↓↓←→←→BA Start You've unlocked Great Memories and New Friendships! Miiverse has been a safe haven for a lot of people, and it's sad to see it go. But know you've created something great. Have awesome lives and keep doing what you all love. See you all on Switch. Love you guys, stay safe, nerdy, and happy as you possibly can.
Ashley birdee.15
To Chandler: (269)4059840 srry I out of posts and I typed it wrong! Hope u see this I love you bro Goodbye , darlings! Thank you all so much!
コウタ 0307fuku
Fцяяγβσί37 MinecraftMadMan8
So, this is it........ the end of Miiverse has come...... This is sad. Idk why in the WORLD Nintendo would do this, and it brings a tear to my eye......... I just want to say this before it all ends. To all of my wonderful followers, and fellow furries/non-haters, I'd like to say thanks, to all of you. It has been fun.... but now, the time for it all to end has come........ i'll miss you all! ;-;
♪Iso★Kilo♪ TheBiNeko
You got me caught, in all this mess. I guess, we can blame it on the rain. My pain is knowing I can't have you. I can't have you. Tell me, does she look at you the way I do? Try to understand the words you say, and the way you move? Does she get the same big rush, when you go in for a hug and your cheeks brush? Tell me, am I crazy? Am I crazy?!
Limo LimoVerde02
Boo awesomeoshawott1
★☆Bandana Dee and Fawful for SSB5!!☆★ Goodbye random people I hardly knew! I wasted so much of my life on this site :) L'p dzhvrphyloodjhu rq wxpeolqj zklfk lv zkhuh L'p prvw dfwlyh. Wzhhwhu lv IdzixoKdvPhphv dqg L wklqn pb Ghylrxv duw lv pxvwdug-ri-grrp oro THREE LETTERS BACK Also Switch on your Nintendo for won hive mine - mine for hive tree - mine for hero hive I HAVE FURY!
AndrewGPZ* endermanendercon
Hi it's Andrew! I will draw on the weekends and maybe a weekday! Favorite Games: Splatoon, Minecraft and Roblox! There's not really anything to say..., so... Stay Fresh!
Nick nick408
My Wife, Yes. My Dog, Maybe. My Dodge?... NEVER I'm Nick408, A huge MOPAR Fan. ======================= Car Of Choice: 1970 Dodge Charger R/T 440-6Bbl. I'm 14 Professional 200cc Racer Best Car Builder On Minecraft My Ultimate Rival ---> Todaytion ======================= I'm a huge American Muscle Car Guy Dodge&Plymouth MOPAR OR NO CAR Mechanic Until I Die #SaveClassicCars =======================
catherine catherinesayre
sweet goldys rp catherine:*lets winter out of her pokeball and sits winter on her lap and hugs her* yes toby i really do *snuggels the small vulpix* also isn't this vulpix cute its name is winter
MIYA:wrwrd miyanodo
ミーバースの終了に伴い、多分最後のプロフ更新となるかも 短い間でしたが、フォロワーの皆さん、 自分の投稿に共感を押してくださった皆さん。 本当にありがとうございました。 これからもフォロー返しはやりますが 投稿はもうしないつもりです。 ありがとうございました!
Thanks for 780 followers! There's also a Defenders of Darkness Discord, I'm the current leader/owner. *I am* Defenders of Darkness Leader PokeSmash Dark Gym Leader 'Reigning' King of the NSLU Community Big Brother of NSLU's Queen Leader 1 of the Feline ξclipse Furry Greece Community is shared between Freege and Defenders of Darkness #SILVLEY Until next time...
Hoi…♡Welcome to my profile U wonderful ☆Miis☆<(^_^<)
Hoi…♡Welcome to my profile U wonderful ☆Miis☆<(^_^<)
Favorite color: Red
♥Loves to draw and play smash
Check out my other drawlings…Hope u enjoy them(>^.^)›
My mains R (☆Metaknight and Lil Mac☆) ♥
(›:v:)›♪You follow i follow back♪
me willz start drawling again soon
imz back
I havs 2 accounts follow tat 2 4 more danker memes