CutieBlaze's Friends
DISRESPECT kinqlouie300
NX Fighter Xapherios
Hello im NX Fighter I support the NX and i play many different games the NX will be the future of gaming. -NX Fighter 8-20-16
Adrian phillips66adrian
Smash and Guitar Don't sleep on the blue Yoshi
Nin★Rufixy Smash_Rufus157
hello i do play super smash bros let me know if u want me to play with u online. i also play MARIO KART 8 and, MINECRAFT WiiU EDITION :] if u guys are "Modding" pls.......thats a violation to the miiverse code and a ™©® thing ★—Miiverse Code Of Conduct—★ read that to understand what im saying. i will respect the code with my determination and never forget it, and i hate fox and him in smash
hi im w2s my favorite video game character is sonic my favorite sport is soccer favorite player sanchez I speak spanish english british german and france and i do follow for follow i love math top 5 songs 1 stress out 2 here 3 me my self and i 4 to late to apologize 5 summer
Joe JoeyTeee
Hey guys! I really want to play some Smash Bros. or Super Mario Maker! Tell me your level ID's and I will play them!
Hello mk★krasten here and i play many games on my wiiu and ps4 plz be my friend so we can have fun and smash!!!!!
Bruce SirHindenberg
Hey guys my name is bruce and i mainly play SSB4 on here ( C Falcon & Little Mac main ) so see you all around
Jojo Miltank1234
Yoshi is my life pokemon is my love video games are my eternity
FinalBlaze kirbyawsome
insert stuff here
Tsuruhime Zeldaisy
Daisy for Sm4sh DLC ! ♥˙˘˙ Group Leader♥ Sengoku Basara and The Legend of Zelda are life! Love watching anime and reading Manga. Bookworm since forever♥ Let's go home, Hide. ;~; Self-taught anime "artist" (i don't consider myself good though...) Let's smash! "Some are born great, Some achieve greatness, and others have greatness trusted upon them." - Shaekspear ♡Female, 15♡ \( ● ˘ w ˇ ● )/
Amatsu amatsu24
Mr.S Trobbler
Take care you beautiful bαstards, every single one of you I love you guys♥ It's been a hell of a good time ;u;
Skaar SkaarB
The Cat Grande_Kit_Kat
Let's play Smash .–.
YuNarukami Tenshi21
Detruse AlexandraTonkay
Ravioli Stravaganza Henlo, I am your worst nightmare. I'm what the cool kids call "Cringey" ;) They/Them Im love you all
Devon DevonTank135790
Hi :]
IM SO EPIC ChikenMii
Sup. im not always on and whenever iam on i would either be playing smash brothers or im on youtube
Kev GatorBoy15
If you are reading this, have an awesome day!
Brendan SneezelWeezel
Dood DoodSmash
Blinx GaleBlinx
Always down to play smash bros or mario kart! (Main in Smash is pit)
LightAxl AlanAuditore
I'll let you decide...
Georginho GeorginhoYT
Hey Im Georginho and I love Super Smash Bros Wii U if you want to have a match I'd love to challenge you fam!!
Violet Raiden0494
♪Dιśсоŕd♪ iloveprussia
нαι τнеге ˙˘˙ status: i hope senpai notices me today >\\\< hai ιм мιllιε 16 ÿгs hobbies cosplaying reading playing video games i love anime ^˛^ ♥ creepypasta ticci toby fnaf i ♥ foxy hetalia i love to talk to people so talk to me! ♡ but.. im kinda shy tho *hides face* >\\< i love ssb4 mains Lucina ♥ lke★ zero suit samus roy dark pit βαι сυτιε~♪
Ðάςΐюπ★ώ☆ wriewolvisx
♥Welcome To My Profile♥ ★☆Favorite Games☆★ ◆Splatoon ◆Super Smash Bros Wii u ◆Xenoblade X ◆Mario Kart 8 ◆Minecraft Wii U Edition ◆Pokemon Fancies ◆Tomodachi Life ◆Nintendo Land ◆Mario 3D World ●Life● ■Youtube ■Games ■Youtube Channle■ ▲Making One its for vlogs ▲Darion Games in progress Thank You =) ^˛^ ^_^ wut
mike gomezhouse
Michael Michaelrfjr
Just got a wii u!!! :3
Michael sermoneta12
Hello there, welcome to my homepage! I play many games in interest like - Gta V, Star Wars Battlefront, Mario Kart 8, Smash Bros 4, Outlast, Kirby, and Formula One 2015-2016. Mario Kart 8 mains - Larry, Luigi, Iggy, Waluigi and Wario. Smash 4 Mains - King Dedede, Falco, Luigi, Bowser, Ganon, Ike and Wario. ~I HOPE SHE MADE LOTSA SPAGHETTI~
Jimster64 Jimster64
Hey what is going on fellow players? I am Jimster64 a person who just goes and faces any challenge given. My favorite games are Fire Emblem Awakening, Luigi's Mansion and Smash 4. My favorite characters is none other than Lucina, Luigi, King Dedede, and Mario! I'm occasionally on but free on Saturdays. "That guy with the shield" Possibly insane. Always go for your dreams..... cuz I won't. ._.
ko kylesfatd
I'm looking for friends
SuperFalco Mauriciosnumber1
i am Mau i know my nickname is weird but i love my nickname. I will be happy to have you as a friend and smash or ink it out with you anytime i am available.Yes that also means for 3ds on smash. Tambien hablo Español.
TOM mikito16
abe trollface3
GaroJW GaroJW
Jeani caljoy100
Hi everyone! My name is Jeani ( but it's pronounce genie in different spelling). Favorite games: Splatoon, Shantae, Pokemon, and ect. Things I like to do : drawing, gaming and get creative My goal: 300+(complete) before miiverse shutdown Language I speak: English and bit of spanish I do accept friend requests, but please no wii u chat ( Miiverse, all of us had a good run (T~T) )
Ko†ik TKZion777
▲^▲ †luis† mr.butter2002
Hey guys Mr.butter here and welcome to my kingdom Real name:Luis Age:13 Live:Nj Favorite color:Red black and,white Best game ever play:Mario kart double dash Clan:butter▲ˇ▲ From:Mexico Brother:B.lgamer Problems with wii U:Gp broken Get soon:Nintendo NX or ps4
Hector Momoi23
Hi c:
ReFluxed® XxAkutoxX
Hymeka Hymeka
Hi ! I'm a french girl named Julie and I'm a huge fan of the SSB series and Fire Emblem. I love anime and manga (I love Levi but shhh) Byeeee~ !
Cheef Beef Quintin11
BlazeBlue Gwatts37
Hello I'm DAVIER I mainly play smash on the wii u. I enjoy good and fair matches. NO SPAMMING if you want to friend me. ♂and♀ aloud to join my clan it's called elemental clan so far here are the people who joined DeltaVolt TIGERBLAZE AuraStorm ShrekAnatar AquaFlame ●◆■▲▼☆★♡♥ ♪♭… ••••%¾ §¤§ (monster face) ^¤^ ~_~ <_< >_> :] :) :D XD -_- :3 Ó_Ó Ö_Ö (O_O) I also like making alt/secret final smashes
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Rαγ Ray_The_Warrior
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Aσ Aotsuku
Hey. I'm a french guy and I'm a fan of Nintendo, SSB, TLoZ, Fire Emblem and Pokémon especially. I played every games. I'm good, I like to be impressed. I spend a lot of time on SSB4. It was the same on Brawl. Good memories ! -- I'm friendly, just don't annoy me, I'll be cool. Hymeka is my awesome and lovely girlfriend, she's my princess. ♥ I'm always with her ! -- Have fun.
Reggie SnivyCyndaquil
Snivy and Cyndaquil FTW
TigerFawxx xDeathBatFoREVer
Ninten★ daMasterSword991
Hey-o fellow fans of Nintendo. I'll probably use this profile mainly for doodling or throwing out bad puns, so feel free to browse whenever.
Steve S.Harper095
hello i'm Steve i remember it so you don't have to [no reference intended], i'm a fan of mario , sonic , kirby and zelda,this is just awesome, i'm a mario kart and smash bros veteran and a retired pokemon player [last game: platinum version] i accept friend request and followers
Muffγn π Kanon_Ozu
._.' <= If you see this emoticon right now, consider yourself a wonderful human being or whatever species you may be. If human: Proceed. If not: Twirl twice saying twintails then proceed. If me: Eat a muffin Loves platformers & Wayforward Shantae 1/2 Genie waaaah Col-erase pencil fan! Rip Mr. Iwata Fave series: Last Exile, Coppelion, RwbY, Tokyo Esp, Kill La Kill and Eden of the East.
pablo mr.migins
Life ain't cool... but whatever, now I'll just say I love Italian food, Smash, Gorillaz and a very specific kind of cheese... now I think about it, it's not just one kind of cheese... Sun gives me the creeps. I once ate 2 whole Hubba Bubba Gum rolls at once, it was interesting... I've inhaled soda, and seriously... just... don't, there are much better ways to kill your nose :( Expected more?
Çole007 colewj
«Amire» Dromtheo
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Reg Supersmash224
Hello. This is my profile. Welcome. I love video games, music and anime. I'm shy. Luigi #1. That is all. :D
Мάττ★•·. matthewfoster99
Adios Miiverse, its been fun. I'll miss ya, love you guys ♥♥!! May you succeed!!! ^^ Мάττ★•·. Saying Farewell....
Robert Gamer_RBR
Hello ^w^ I got the Nintendo Switch! Age ?? Aquarius Outgoing Kind to everyone Always gives chances Love drawing Love watching anime andI Love to make new friends Favorite Wii U games: Mario Kart 8 Super Smash Bros. Splatoon Don't ever let anyone stop you from being who you are because you're the only one that will ever be you. Don't be afraid of who you are and always follow your dreams. -RBR
JoshyWashy Robotmann.012345
Sup? Joshy Washy here! My b-day is NOT 1/1 it is 5/17/ my age should be self explanitory. I play Smash Bros. being mainly Mr. G&W. Corrin is my back-up fighter and I also play Yoshi and Luigi. In real life I am funny and quirky, yet I also got that cool, easy-going feel ya know. Follow me, I follow u. Friend me I friend u. EASY! Well... Dassit pretty much... HAVE A GOOD ONE! :)
Angel Angel321
I just wanna smash... (in more than 1 way lol) wanna know more? message me, add me, do all that bs and hmu to a smash battle ;)
Jeff MewtwoShadow
MMA, Weightlifter, Investor, Video Game Nerd!
Jacob PoizonShroom
Asian and a hearty Nintendo fan. Proud gamer. Live life. Be super. I LOVE Super Smash Bros. but I HATE playing competitive online Smash. Smash is best played locally, in the same room.
Hoi…♡Welcome to my profile U wonderful ☆Miis☆<(^_^<)
Hoi…♡Welcome to my profile U wonderful ☆Miis☆<(^_^<)
Favorite color: Red
♥Loves to draw and play smash
Check out my other drawlings…Hope u enjoy them(>^.^)›
My mains R (☆Metaknight and Lil Mac☆) ♥
(›:v:)›♪You follow i follow back♪
me willz start drawling again soon
imz back
I havs 2 accounts follow tat 2 4 more danker memes