SW-0787-5805-6779 Dcord: PieceOfGlass#3080
Danny's Yeahs

Evolution is a complete fallacy of a scientific theory. What's keeping it alive is peoples' unwillingness to be held accountable by a Creator.

The sun must set At the end of every day And the curtain must fall At the end of every play And every little bubble ever blown Must someday pop Like presents on Christmas day It doesn't seem to sta...

This whole things been fun. I am truly grateful for the support people gave me through the years and the people who like my drawings. I wish i could have done more for the past two weeks, but the a...

AND HERE I GO AGAIN ON MY OWN GOIN' DOWN THE ONLY ROAD I'VE EVEN KNOWN LIKE A DRIFTER I WAS BORN TO WALK ALONE An' I've made up my mind, I ain't wasting no more time But here I go again, here I go ...

wow, this is it. miiverse has been such a wild ride for me. the first thing i did when i got my wii u in 2012 was use miiverse. i deleted all my old posts, but it was the one thing that shaped my l...

bye miiverse i guess shoutouts to stel haipna breada fred sakucat sakuraichu a memer steven kyon radmin monadoguy whatever toastlogic tigerplanet ironnoc and gearshock you all know who you are and ...

i saw tom and amy jumping around in a dark room last night and creaaaaaaaam sauce was everywhere! :O