Danny's Friends
Best lol00123
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Oscar Oscarsel
Kaito RouttMeister
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skywalker biggin123456
hi my name is luke i'm 23 years I love gaming and talking to friends alot my favourite game is resident evil it soooooo good
дгснίτεст★ WhamyWednesday
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buderball zrdzrd
louise GimmoBear
JMasters47 JAlvarez7418
Hi Welcome to My Profile The name is Jonathan Love Videogames ever since The N.E.S Favorite Series are Zelda,Mario,Metroid,Pokemon,Fire Emblem,Star Fox,Xenoblade and Super Smash.I do Wiiu Chat and also play Online anytime so Thanks and Take care.(Follow me and I follow you) (A Gamer Never Quits)
νχ★Jαмεs JamesToivo
Hi! I'm 15, and I like to play a variety of games! My favorite games are Portal 2, Super Hexagon, Subnautica, Grim Fandango Remastered, VVVVVV, and Super Paper Mario. I'm also the leader of the Velocity Xperts (νχ) in Mario Kart 8 & Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. (Founded by νχ★€ħ¤¤ April 17, 2016) And unless I think you're up to it, you're not getting in. MK8 VR: 10023 MK8DX VR: 4130
yanedric yanedricroger
salut ! je m'appelle yanedric j'abbite a sinnamary et j'aime jouer minecraft et j'aime faire des passages secret ses cool et j'aime bien parle avec les filles qui sont mes amies et je vous aimes de tous mon coeur
SWITCH★★★★ ito3794-3
αωτ●εмоlgα faycal34
salut je m appelle ƒαγсαl chui un petit kαωαι jadore splatoon et mario kart 8 dedi a αγмεяιс le dieu de splatoon et mon copain guigui descend encore abonnez vous svp je mabonnerai aussi !! ps abonnez vous a kaobuto c est mon 2 eme compte svp ciao
My Name is Felix M. Van Heijden and I am always open for a friend request. Feel free to Wii U chat with me. I <3 U Iwata. (in the appropriate way, of course) Er... I like food. And uh... I have a broken toe. (actually true) ... I'm a boy. Uhhhh... You know what, just ask me a specific question next time.
Chrisomega hackercop188
the only thing im gonna post for now on is mario maker levels that is it thank you for all the support also ANY OTHER post i make will be posted on the Super Luigi U Community. Thank You
zane jaszy21
call me jay im 13 ......IM VERY SHY!!!!
sasha rdb sissie02
jai 13 ans je suis sympas cool demander moi en amie merci tous mes amie du college: najwa de 3eme du college , hanna seconde ,léanore de 5eme , tony 5ieme ,pedro 5eme et marina 5eme enfin bref merçi a tout mes amie du collège hétan b.t sympas:♥♥♥♥♥ rageuse:♥♡♡♡♡ belle:♥♥♥♡♡ merci au 104 abonné
MIIVERSE rockingrobin07
yo whats up im an experienced player who plays rocket league on the ps4 and minecraft on the wii u.I know miiverse is closingdown but i updated it anyway. WE WILL ALWAYS REMEMBER U MIIVERSE
SheepBias2 TheSealMan
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Creepy Man Creepinthevan
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Jaime Jr. jsarmiento
hola soy Jaime y me gustaria ser amigo de todos tengo 8 años muchas gracias no soy muy bueno en algunos juegos pero da igual gracias otra vez ah y una rima buena si fuese superman te llevaria a casa volando pero como no lo soy te fastidias y vas andando
★OxYgEn02★ nikb316
Baned4life ashdilkes
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daniel dantheman81501
hello my name is daniel i grow up in a town called dublin its in ireland.my family moved to texas when i was five.i would love to go back but im broke.i have 1 pet its a pitbull lab mix. her name is lucy.anyone who does wii chat can be my friend if not i still will be your friend. i am now 14 and love to fish. thats all i can tell u if u want to here more about me u are weird lol jk thank you
Nik ViewtifulNik
The Royal Family doesn't pay me enough for this.. The grass does though, so it's cool.
Zug Zug miguelalentejano
davide zalando699
ciao amici sono Tommaso su miiverse davide ho 12/13 anni e amo roblox @tommyromeo se mi seguite seguirò ance voi ciauuuuuuuu
Marcus HerobrineMarcus
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link linkylinkerson
☆Sten☆ ™ StarZocker
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MAL3NiGHT ChallengeOn
Omma Gitti freshnoelia
Judas Judasflame2014
Hey Leute, bin seit 1992 eingefleischter Nintendo Fan. Ich begann meine Zockerkarriere im zarten Alter von 4 Jahren. Klar bin ich auch schonmal bei der Konkurrenz gelandet aber Link , Mario, Yoshi und Co. führten mich immer wieder zu BigN zurück. Wenn ihr Volljährig seid und ihr euch vernünftig artikulieren könnt, würde ich mich über eine Freundschafsanfrage freuen. Lg Judasflame
Fragger madamfragger
YULIMEPLZ$ yuliana0004
Wishing to meet my idols (NEVER GIVE UP) Never stop doing you. It's never too late to start to heal. $$$
macklin mcmacklin
Emma Ms.Anmut
★ Certified graphic designer ★ Retail worker ♡ Zelda ♡ Pokémon ♡ Kirby ♡ Harvest Moon ♡ Fantasy Life ● Pokémon ● Sailor Moon ● The Simpsons ● Farthing Wood ♪ Disturbed - The Night ♪ Linkin Park - New Divide ♪ Nickelback - Lullaby ♪ Evanescence - My Last Breath ♪ BoA - Atlantis Princess ♪ Nana Mizuki - Scarlet Knight ♪ Tinie Tempah - Written In The Stars GAMER SINCE: December 25th, 1994
junior oscarb456
whats up everyone on miiverse 13 years of age favourite gaming characters are sonic and mario i love b-boying (breaking) favourite b-boy is kid david second favourite b-boy is casper and im single
mom TheSmifFamily
Jair discua71
Hey guys Please friend me and long live awesomeness Jair: discua71
Iverson AllahuAkbar
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McLovin MajinBuu123
I love Pokémon, and I LOVE The Legend of Zelda. Metroid games are pretty good, too lol currently focused on learning to play my Ocarina of Time!
Blankman Iron-GIR
Top of the morning to ya,the name's Patrick.I'm 17 years young.Some of my favorite games are Mario,Sonic,Pokémon,Megaman and sandbox games like Destroy all Humans! and Skyrim.Oh and my fighting games like Smash Bros. too.I accept all friend requests and I am open to smash it out, burn rubber or to ink some turf.
Ricky07 ShigueruMiyamoto
Hola amigos Zelderos! Subo Curiosidades de "The Legend of Zelda" AMO TLOZ soy 100% Nintendero!!! y soy super fan de Shigueru Miyamoto, No olvides Seguirme para conocer más curiosidades!! Gracias a mis 200 seguidores!!! Más de 400 Curiosidades!!! ......▲ ...▲...▲
Anestis Anestis
This user's profile comment is private.
Glover2 Shirikai
JR sonicfan21
Hello Miiverse, welcome to my profile. I am a really cool guy. You'll like my profile. Also make sure you yeah all of my posts and follow me! I only accept friend requests from people I know well. Note: Bad comments are deleted and mean users are blocked.
qclover Quill96
Hi im qclover or quinnifer.I am a Teen-Adult who has loved nintendo seince i started playing pokemon in 2nd grade. I AM OBSESSED with achievements. Seince Nintendo dosent have a formal system for them I make miiverse post of what i feel is a worthy acomplishment so go checkem out in my activites!!!
reddrew56 Geisler2003
im a guy who goes with the flow i like terraria, mc, ffex, ect also i like memes
Kat♪ derpkat123
Illustrator, memer and compulsive eater. If you feel we have "unfinished business" after having a WiFi match (usually Mario Kart 8, Smash or Pokémon) feel free to add me and we can schedule a rematch! If you want to accuse me of "cheating" (AKA you're salty from losing) just block me and move on. Have a... day.
kak 231231
I'm 24 and have been gaming forever. Curently, beating every mario/zelda game for the counsels is something I have been working on. Video games are for when I'm tired of being a healthy and successful person. I go to school, game, and lift; other than liking metal musice, that's all there is. Making friends on here would be nice. Send me a request if you like.
satouakira AKIRA0922
Ashton teamgenuine
I LOVE PEOPLE ! I am 12 and I Love NINTENDO ! (^o^)
Dude Immortalew21
Hi! I'm 21 years old and I'm from Sweden. I'm a hobby-musician/one-man-band Nintendo-consoles: Dsi XL, 3DS, Wii, Wii U. Favorite game-series: Mario, Metroid, Zelda Wii U games: Nintendo Land, New Super Mario Bros U, Rayman Legends, Super Mario 3D World, Mario Kart 8
BroMii brokenrules
Hi! This is the official MiiVerse account of Broken Rules. We made Chasing Aurora. Add us as a friend!
Remember me? That is all. Nint3ndo is ready.
Drthsparow BlackDragon110
This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.