I like playing nostalgic lvls. You should try my luigis mansion lvl.
Layzie's Yeahs
Super Mario Maker Community

Course Series Announcement
So, I finally got some ideas, and thought of a small course series I wanted to make. Currently named Mario Through Time, this course series should have around 20 l...
Super Mario Maker Community

My Future On The Wii U
IT'S YA BOI! Today, I'll Be Discussion A Few Things In The Comments About My Future On Miiverse, SMM, Minecraft, Ect. Before You Ask, Yes, I Will Be On Until Miive...
Super Mario Maker Community

My End On Super Mario Maker.
This game no longer interests me and Miiverse is dead so I'm done with it. Thanks to everyone who have played my levels over the past two years. I've upload a few ...
Super Mario Maker Community

School is starting so i won't be on vacation anymore! Expect a new level weekly! If i have time there might be a double upload!

First a mention for two people. My100 unselfishly did 100 downloads of our levels, Layzie.. chowie bar. First person i new of to fill his quoter of stars on two accounts.
Super Mario Maker Community

For my Best FRIENDS on smm.
I was going to do this at xmas, but nintendo would of turned the light switch off by then so this is a thankyou to my friends on smm.
Super Mario Maker Community

Q&A about my SMM Levels/Plans or other things + TINY Announcement.
Read the title. Read it? No? Well read it again. Anyways, Just ask me things about some of my SMM levels, scrapped/deleted courses, future plans, or other stuff, a...
Super Mario Maker Community

Play Exchanges~ Up to 62!
I will play up to 62 of your courses but remember you have to play mine firsr but if you don't trust I'll play them I'll play yours first or at the same time! So a...
Super Mario Maker Community

Farewell SMM Community
Yes, it's time. I might not have done everything I want to do, but I'm still satisfied by what I managed to do. Before I go, I have a few things to say...
Im Layzie and.......umm..........hmm.................uhh.............well?..........................
Im Layzie and.......umm..........hmm.................uhh.............well?........................thats about it
Age: Twenty-something
In Las Vegas
Follow me as I lead a path of happiness and delicious waffles HAHA :D
If you want me to follow you, just YELL AT ME
I also own a XB360 and 3DS