Users Layzie Is Following
☆★Jøςн★☆ awesomeguy067
It's a big shame the Miiverse era is close to done. There were setbacks, but it was really fun. So let's enjoy these last 2 days Before Nintendo forces us to part ways. Wanna communicate with me on Switch? Send me a friend request, and we'll discuss in messages. Thank you everybody for helping me enjoy this service to the fullest. Love y'all! Switch Status: I GOT IT!!!!
-Théо- Meuh773
Why do I have 250 followers? I'm Théo, your typical French-Canadian-Acadian user. I'm a mutant mix of the NSLUC, YTC, Mario Maker, MK8, Smash and the old PINCH50. My peeps: No one because I have no friends. :"D
... jeneri
No one reads this do they? I do. Anyway, im Reid, I like chocolate (I [ä_è ä /í]1(]íèñd) and her name is Hannah, and a very best friend Isaac. My favorite games are Undertale and Minecraft. My favorite Youtubers are, Jacksepticeye, Markiplier, YuB, and a lot more! Well that was it, it was long too! See some of ya guys later. Byeeeee!!!
☆Lφgαη moganlaki
Hi my name is Logan and I love Nintendo! I have games such as, Splatoon, Super Mario Maker, Mario Kart 8, and Super Smash Bros 4 Wii U and 3DS. I play Super Mario Maker a lot and hope you check out my levels! -Logan
Caeleb CB-kid1
Im an average gamer with a destiny for greatness. Follow me if you like mini comics, nintendo land, super mario maker and more. I will follow you if you follow me. Ideas for anything are wellcome. Go Gamers!
owin owinhollingswort
hi my name is owin umm i sy kool a lot oh and my bday is comingup oct 16 i will be turning *mom: its your dinner. me: okbye people
★3мм★Jon 0616Jon
Hey, I am Jon, I play SMM,Splatoon,NES Remix, but I mostly play SMM. My open discussion will always be Tournament or Sign ups! Online:★ Offline.
Esteban Captain_Win
$Josh$ 3DSboy125
Hello people of Miiverse, Im $Josh$ or RedInferno. Im a huge Mario and Pokemon fanatic and I always look for a good challenge. Whether its u challenging me to a game of Smash Bros. and Pokken Tournament or someone sending me a difficult level to complete im always up for the challenge. I always to push beyond my limits and strive to be the very best!
Teacher: You now have a detention. You: Why Teacher: Cause of your attitude, what do you think? You: B**ch you got me fcked up! Teacher: Call your mother right now! You: ...She said ''Cash her outsid how bout dat'' Teacher: ...
Magicsnivy magicssnivy554
Hi My Name Is Magicsnivy and I like the Cleveland Cavaliers !!! I am the sidekick of Squideeboy! I also like Mario, Little Mac, Luigi, Kirby, Chibi Robo ,Donkey Kong. I also like the NBA 2k series.
Dannyh09 dannyh09
#1 level maker in the UK in Super Mario Maker with over 375,000 stars! 2nd in Europe and 14th Worldwide! Danny Super Ultrathon Completers: Bruhhhhhh Kirby Jimmy Ruds_Labs Leith Ash K Kieran DTM Kyle Trey Tyler Duo-Face
TRG-ºςαмXº UdaBros
SamX's Profile- ♪"Splattack!" - Splatoon™♪ I joined Miiverse on 25/12/2015. ☆★☆Check out my open discussion!☆★☆ Thanks for 500 followers! I'm SamX! ◆Like my Profile Pic? Then 'Yeah' It!◆ Stay tuned to my Profile to make sure you keep up to date! ★Follow Me Too!★ ☆I'll follow U if U follow me! Thanks for checking out my profile!☆ ♥Anyway, See You Guys Later! -◆SamX◆
NLM★Gleπ★ Supr_G
Hi im Glen Medrano. Im a 15 year old teen who loves Mario. Im an Experienced Maker in SMM. I have 9400★'s. [Lets see if I can get 10,000 by the end of the year.] Im also a Big Sonic fan! "Way past cool!" Miiverse ends in 24 hours. Goodbye guys! I will miss you all. Been using Miiverse since January 1st, 2016-November 8, 2017. Im president and leader of a clan NLM (Next Level Makers)
Karli Karli9034.m
Hello People im suppost to be the person that posted "I Rule Im Dicktater." is that about everybody "Loved It" So I Finally Got Tomodachi Life In August 13th and then I will tell the world how these "Spoillers" I find and how I play like always and some Spoillers just hit me or come appear And My name is Karli Johns I grew up in Pennsylvania PA US and im 12 years old plus I love Racing & Drama.
Bless S blessing12345
Gender: ♀ Age: 9 Hi, i am a nice little girl i am now 9 my birthday is on 4th June my Hope you have a good day or , night Byeeee! youtube channel → " bless s "
Sam mariolinklover
I love the legend of zelda!!!!
Anthonio awesomeanthonio1
i won't forget the people i met and memories from the good old days on here
Neo swagalious52
HEY! im neo. I like videogames,the color blue, hanging with freinds, listing to music, swimming, and tae kwon do. Remember people Miiverse is a fun place for everyone to hang and enjoy life.. SO TAKE THE DRAMA AND ANGER SOMEWHERE ELSE!! thanks for reading this and don't be shy to yeah or comment on any of my posts. FOLLOW ME, ILL FOLLOW YOU!!God bless you and your family.
Alexandria MallyHally
guest Bacon8r
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Nishman235 Nishman235
HERE WE GOOO ! For tips, tests, challenges, drawings, glitches, funny posts, Super Mario, Sonic The Hedgehog, Kirby, Donkey Kong, & more! I love to complete and speed run my games 100%! Follow me to victory if U want to ;) YTChannel- Nishman235 Competitive Smasher
Brandon b-dizzle_xX
Hey guys, it's Brandon! Remember to yeah and follow!
Jack searun
New status: i don't post on miiverse that much. Sorry friends and followers D: [Hobbies] -drawing -acting -drawing -playing roblox i love to draw requests, so if you have one, tell me. [Awesome Friends] -Danielle- Best Friend_always there for me_ -Nyan- AKA. Little Sis, That i never had -Dimitri- Best Buddy -Rath- Artist of talent {currently}- Out of style _-_ status- summers amazing :)
haze HaleyCardoza27
RedΩmega ossieawsome
I have officially left miiverse forever... UPDATE PLEASE READ BEFORE YOU CONTINUE:Alright if you see ME posting it's not me it is the game (Mario maker) doing it. Now this doesn't mean im back on miiverse (Talking about a CERTAIN someone i did nothing to after I fixed the certain drama) so don't bother commenting or something. Peace
★David★ spyrod
Hello! I am ★David★ I am a nice user that posts various gaming related posts every weekend! My best miiverse friends are: Ryan,Ben,Collin,Jason,and Travis! My birthday is on May 24th I am the owner of A.M.B.A See you around Miiverse! I cri for all of my 300+ followers i love you all ;-; Last updated: 5/18/15 I'm BACK!!!!! And Yuki is still my senpai <3
smile girlsworld
HEY, YA'LL just wanted to say hi, hope you wont mind a country girl like me? am very girly, like a girl should be - who am i? i like spegetti and love ice cream - foods dr. pepper, coke, koolade, juice pouches - drinks what do i do? i spend my time catching frogs and lizards, but i spend alot of it by doing girly things. Like painting nails!!! i love my nails+hair!
Codeblue2 ilovebooks
minecraft Meganandluke
hi im new here so give me a lot of yeahs I Accept all friend requests and Wii U chats well not all wii u chats just some name Mario age 25 favorite color blue favorite show sponge bob I love Wii U Chat DarkFFForce please Wii U chat me games luigis mansion dark moon nintendo land well it broke super mario 3d world and land
Eveamu TheRunawayGuy
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Chase chase.acky
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братва™ KidBuuAvenger
нεγ τнеrе, ƒеııοш нυмαη (οr шнαтеνеr сrеατυrе уоυ αrе) αηd шеlсоме το му ρrοƒιlе! >:D •I liκе Pοκемоη (jκ I ♥ Pοκемоη). •ƒανοяιτε Ροκεмоη: Gαясномρ •ςроrτ(ς): τеηηις (ςιηgιες) Νοш lеανе. τнiς βαd boy dемαηdς iτ. >:|
Megan TheMoog
Hi.Welcome 2 my profile.Feel free to ask 4 friendship.I NEVER do wii u Chat. Name:Megan fave WII U game:Mario WII U. target:get over 1000 yeahs. comment:Feel free to comment or just yeah my posts Mii of the week is:Dark AlexID:DarkMasterRaycon. Prize=10 Yeah's. Best friend=K.stephen ID=roastie1231 From Megan.XXX
Dee_Turtle dee.turtles24
Ask and yu shall know :)
CSauce MasterManKingdom
Hi and welcome to my profile m8! I'm 15 and I'm vegetarian! The games i play include: Super Smash Bros, LoZ, KIU, ACNL, Mario, Splatoon, Pokèmon, and most games with Wii in the name. And if you follow me i may follow you...I prob will;) Plus if you wanna play with me in any game listed above send me a Wii U friend requests and we can play! And i luv Jesus+pizza! So ill let all that sink in... Bye!
☆ я е s ☆ OrionzillaTG
Hey guys! I'm XYZ, and I love making Mario Maker levels. That's all!
russell ruselito
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Youtuber11 youtuber1970
Hello, Everyone! My name is Jesse Strobel, And I spend most of my time posting informational thoughts and facts. I animate films, And I read the information in the Developers Room, which is the basic source of all of my posts. I wish that I will be healthy growing up, still being a child in all, but I have a certain maturity, and I will deal with problems with an appropriate action. Happy Day!
~~~Zachary zachattack2003
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Relaxing dontefoley05
hi im toxicmix but i do change my name i lot and im sometimes i can be englandish what im saying is im a nice guy i can draw good but not on games i draw on paper im also a youtuber not a famous one but one day i been playing on the wii u for 6 years and the 3ds for 7 years so that means im really old im in my 20s i also play on xbox one (FTW) well thats me plus im out of word spleches
Im Layzie and.......umm..........hmm.................uhh.............well?..........................
Im Layzie and.......umm..........hmm.................uhh.............well?........................thats about it
Age: Twenty-something
In Las Vegas
Follow me as I lead a path of happiness and delicious waffles HAHA :D
If you want me to follow you, just YELL AT ME
I also own a XB360 and 3DS