Hassan's Followers
nutsu nickbestguy
i play best game
william willdhol
first day of school to do list 1find a seat 2 write your name on your desk 3 stut your mouth
♪Jessica♪ BlueMario9021
I am a good person.I am a gamer.I love to play games in general.Games are basically my life.And I am a bright person.Also one of my favorite games are Splatoon and the Five Night's at Freddy's franchise.I love playing games on all platforms.Mobile games,PC games,and Console games.My favorite consoles are the Wii U and the GameCube.Also please friend me.My Nintendo Network ID is BlueMario9021.
william thomas1542
im done with school for the year
michael powerranger558
Hector HECTOR335
Hello what's up everybody.My name is Hector335, or just Hector and I like to play Mario kart 7 and Super smash bros. and also pretty active on Miivirse so please make sure to follow Mii and comment and/or Yeah my posts. Gamers, follow the Hector335 communtiy!!!
Jay Jay OcarinaOfTime99
This Is JayReed08's second account. I play Mario Mostly
Jakester Jakester01
Greetings I'm Jakob Flesher, you can call me Jake. I'm a huge nintendo gamer, I mostly play RPG's like Pokémon and Fire emblem. My birthday is 4/28. Fan of lego games
Hassan whoisyourgrandch
Rob Charizard_X_31
I love Super Smash Bros For Wii U I also collect Amiibo I have 60 as of 11/15/15 Favorite Games are Super Smash Bros,Pokemon,Mario Kart 8,Pikmin,Yoshi's Wooly World,Zelda Wind Waker.
chan carlpa
Hey guys im Chandler i like ptx ,mario ,splatoon and hassan ahmed is my favorite youtuber. Im always online having a great time with all of my friends on disney infinity 3.0 and splatoon I love gaming and follow me if you want to be my friend ;]
jae jae jaedon08
liam rcutrell
justnbeber edlchap
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Collin supercollinlogan
Profile comment hidden by admin.
64Digiman Dogma64
Video games are my life play them day and night unless i am at work i like dogs i like to swim i am a big fan of the CBS show Big Brother i have been watching since Big Brother 12 and have seen all the seasons that i missed i am collecting amiibos i want to try and get them all i like collecting and i am a Doctor Who fan
Andrew drewjr3
I'm Andrew i'm 12 years old. The expert in Mario Kart 8!!!, Super Mario Maker, Super Smash Bros 4. For WII U and 3ds versions, Splatoon, mario tennis Ultra Smash And many more games. I love WWE. I am also a big fan of football. Because My favorite team of the National Football League (NFL) is the Seattle Seahawks Beast mode 4life. Also i'm now on 3ds miiverse and WII U.
GABRIEL Gabriel7332
what's up gamers i am teen who is 17 and i could beat some games in one day or two i play alot of video games and sports and i am in high school still
Tas Tas1209
Harman hypersc
im one usual sonic and mario fan im not into that many violent games but i am more sonic than mario plus SMASH BROS
Samara powerranger50
Hi I'm Samara and i'm very cool and I love the Power Rangers I love Nintendo Games too.My fav Nintendo Games are Animal Crossing New Leaf,Zelda and SSB.i have a 3DS XL and a Wii U. my other account is shoe2003 which is my New 3DS one. My favorite vocaloids are kaito and luka!My fav Power Rangers Seasons are SPD, MMPR time force in space!!My best friends are Skipper Cordy and MadBoo!
NekoLLX nekollx
D21Beast d21beast
-> Gamer since the NES days. Looking forward to Smash Bros for WiiU! -> Thank You Nintendo, for free Windwaker HD! -> Star Trek & Marvel FTW!!!
Sakurai CoolFunnyFace
My Favorite Nintendo Franchises Are Animal Crossing Super Smash Bros And Mario Kart
Pádraig PFriel1
Hello everyone. I'm an all around gamer and will play anything from Nintendo to Playstation to Xbox. Favourite franchise is Smash Bros. Friend requests have been disabled (apologies).May or may not comment. Also, No Wii U Chat.
Nolan nolant13
Who am I you ask? Well, you have came to the right place! Hello there! My name is Nolan, and I am a HUGE Nintendo fan ive been a fan sence I was 5! (Fun fact my first game was Super Paper Mario) here's SOME things I like to do when i play on a Nintendo System. Creating some levels on Super Mario Maker, play some multiplayer, or fight it out in Super Smash Bros! So there you have it! See you later
Brandon Weave88
High score? What's that? Did I break it? I seem to be getting a lot of random friend requests, if I haven't interacted with you I won't accept.
Noot mazer4455
Gary gdelacru1
Trevor Chernetgear21
i like the name trevor
Rob Triple_R_3
Rob 2.0 QuothTheRavings
Gaming my way through life, and photographing the rest.
Brian ShukuenShinobi
Hey Miiverse, ShukuenShinobi here!
Justin JumpingGirraffe
Luis Luis-GVN
Hi, the name is Luis, I'm a video game journalist. I love video games with some of my favorite titles being Kingdom Hearts 2, Smash Bros, and Portal 2. I own a 3DS, Wii U, PS4, PS3, PS Vita, and a Xbox one
Queen queenzelda
Hey queenzelda here. Just a run of the mill everyday kind of gamer. Can't wait for Xenoblade Chronicles 2. ^^
Daan NintenDaan
I write with/for people about videogames, banter in podcasts and enjoy making videos. I love Japanese stuff, sports on tv and talking to peeps like you.
Morg★Lamia MorganLamia
☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆ That geeky guy that likes geeky things like Japanese tv shows (Super Sentai, Kamen Rider, anime, lots of other shows), videogames and other geekery. Cat obsessed. Loves purple. Saves the world. I've been a long-time Nintendo fan since I was a kid with the original Game Boy. My favourite game series are Mario, Zelda and Pokémon ^^ @morg_lamia ☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆
Livia hey_suburbia
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Germ JHardin
Greg Gamer_Greg
Nintendo Gamer guru, check me out on twitter and nintendofuse.com.
Podcast host on NintendoFuse, Power Rangers toy reviewer and vlogger on YouTube (HAVortexDude), a...
Podcast host on NintendoFuse, Power Rangers toy reviewer and vlogger on YouTube (HAVortexDude), and love the acapella group Pentatonix. Huge Nintendo fan, they're awesome! Favorite video game series: Smash Bros, Mario Kart, and Animal Crossing. Going all digital on Wii U and 3DS, yay for no more disks!