Hassan's Friends
Rob Charizard_X_31
I love Super Smash Bros For Wii U I also collect Amiibo I have 60 as of 11/15/15 Favorite Games are Super Smash Bros,Pokemon,Mario Kart 8,Pikmin,Yoshi's Wooly World,Zelda Wind Waker.
liam rcutrell
chan carlpa
Hey guys im Chandler i like ptx ,mario ,splatoon and hassan ahmed is my favorite youtuber. Im always online having a great time with all of my friends on disney infinity 3.0 and splatoon I love gaming and follow me if you want to be my friend ;]
NekoLLX nekollx
Samuel amiibo8
jay 532Ejay
chris chrisMIW29
faclon ecwdude17
the name is pringle, andre pringle.And im a 25 year old nintendoaholic just here 2 make friends, dominate the compition, and post anything fun, funny, and amazing.
Jack jackamick
Noot mazer4455
Justin JustinBongard
Melanie MelanieBongard
craftbinky binky08
hi am jack i love sega games and nintendo games i have a 3ds and wiiu some day i might make a youtube channel also i can suck at smash sometimes because i am new to the series so yeah i can be bad
choopy cho0py
Chenix Chenix
Jakester Jakester01
Greetings I'm Jakob Flesher, you can call me Jake. I'm a huge nintendo gamer, I mostly play RPG's like Pokémon and Fire emblem. My birthday is 4/28. Fan of lego games
justnbeber edlchap
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Michael Rayrico23
Profile comment hidden by admin.
NFuse_Greg gamergd3
Editor for Nintendo Fuse fan site.
Zeldaboy16 Zeldaboy96
Rob 2.0 QuothTheRavings
Gaming my way through life, and photographing the rest.
Tim SquirtleSquad95
Generally a Pokémon player. I like Tokusatsu, Robits, and comics. Go Nintendo!
robert 120885
Warrior Warrior_Zombie
Enjoy playing video games, board games and watching movies & TV shows. Godzilla is my favorite movie monster. Enjoy mainly fighting games and Mario Kart. Enjoy watching 90s TV shows. Favorite type music is pop, rock and 80s rock ballads.
Linear LinearRanger
Linear Ranger, Ryan , The Doctor Yes, it's me.
Moke Mokesavvy
I'm a narcissistic, egomaniacal pain in the etc.
Justin JumpingGirraffe
The Cannon cannonbolt25
Hi im The Cannon i love all types of games some of my favourites being the legend of zelda and lego games. im always up for an online game of mario kart 8 and i can't wait for the switch later this year #Breath of the wild Cannon-out-peace
Amak11 Amak11
Im amak I play a lot of different games, guitar hero is my favorite though. :) if you're interested in my social entertainment... YT:amakeleven Twitch:amak11
CHAOS Master leader Of America Galaxy
Queen queenzelda
Hey queenzelda here. Just a run of the mill everyday kind of gamer. Can't wait for Xenoblade Chronicles 2. ^^
GABRIEL Gabriel7332
what's up gamers i am teen who is 17 and i could beat some games in one day or two i play alot of video games and sports and i am in high school still
Josh JTwenger
Love Doctor Who!
Brandon Weave88
High score? What's that? Did I break it? I seem to be getting a lot of random friend requests, if I haven't interacted with you I won't accept.
Nick NMantegani
Morg★Lamia MorganLamia
☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆ That geeky guy that likes geeky things like Japanese tv shows (Super Sentai, Kamen Rider, anime, lots of other shows), videogames and other geekery. Cat obsessed. Loves purple. Saves the world. I've been a long-time Nintendo fan since I was a kid with the original Game Boy. My favourite game series are Mario, Zelda and Pokémon ^^ @morg_lamia ☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆
Riley wiiuboss
Sup guys I am a gamer!!!??!? My favorite games would probably be Legend of Zelda, AC, Kingdom Hearts, Halo, CoD, and many others.
m0rt bjmort
Luke renderman7
Hi all, follow my site maxi-geek.com
I am Vook, from Vooks. Follow me, friend list is full!
ram deafdear123
FözzyB3Är fozzybear1986
add me guys and galls
☆F®âñ¢↑$☆… francis9023
Ladies & Gentlemen! Boys & Girls! Welcome one, Welcome all to my Miiverse page. I dont always get on Miiverse, but when I do.... I create Art, usually because i'm not at work ;p Anywho follow Mii & I'll follow back. Thanks for your time. (You'll never get it back!) Mwahaha!!! Jk L8tr!
Livia hey_suburbia
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Germ JHardin
Abbany batmangorden
Derek BlueManifest
Leave luck to heaven
Carlitos CarlosRod22
What's up, people? Enjoying your Wii U experience? I sure am. I'm just an average Joe that likes videogames A LOT. ¿Que tal, gente? Están disfrutando de su experiencia Wii U? Yo sí. Sólo soy un tipo común al que le gustan MUCHO los videojuegos. My current Wii U game collection: - Nintendo Land - Assassin's Creed III - New Super Mario Bros. U - ZombiU (Borrowed from neighbors)
krazfoot krazfoot
Now you're playing with power
Greg Gamer_Greg
Nintendo Gamer guru, check me out on twitter and nintendofuse.com.
Stupei acedefective
Hawk hawk1010
Christberg Christberg
Brian ShukuenShinobi
Hey Miiverse, ShukuenShinobi here!
D21Beast d21beast
-> Gamer since the NES days. Looking forward to Smash Bros for WiiU! -> Thank You Nintendo, for free Windwaker HD! -> Star Trek & Marvel FTW!!!
Marcus imrblankie
( º ς º ) imrblankie on psn
Roth RothSothy
I'm a multi-talented super being from the year 1985 \:D/ Find Mii on the Wii U web browser!
Mikalo Mikalo
Just a tech geek and fan of gaming. I also enjoy toku shows and forever a fan of Turtles (the teenage mutant ninja variety). I have always wanted to visit Japan and learn the language and culture. I can go on and on about my nerdism but that would take 400 words and I won't continue to bore you. PS: I only use Wii U chat with people I personally know. Please understand.
Steve NF hattrick
Senior Editor for NintendoFuse, big Nintendo fan, & Wii Games 2010 Finalist. Started gaming on NES, and I've got no plans to stop anytime soon. Own all Nintendo consoles except Virtual Boy and some of the Game Boy versions. (I might be slightly addicted.)
Podcast host on NintendoFuse, Power Rangers toy reviewer and vlogger on YouTube (HAVortexDude), a...
Podcast host on NintendoFuse, Power Rangers toy reviewer and vlogger on YouTube (HAVortexDude), and love the acapella group Pentatonix. Huge Nintendo fan, they're awesome! Favorite video game series: Smash Bros, Mario Kart, and Animal Crossing. Going all digital on Wii U and 3DS, yay for no more disks!