Kana's Followers
Miles Miles-100
Hi, I'm Miles! I'm 14. Joined: March 2016 I play MK8 and Smash 4 regularly I've played DKC:TF & TLOZ: WW RIP Miiverse, thanks for all the good times (Discord): 10Miles#8336
あみあみ 2y2o6u
どうも!とび森とぷよぷよ大好きでよくプレイしてるアミだよ!以後見知り置きをw スマブラもプレイしてるよ!よろしく! (過去にいじめを受けていたので言い争いはお控え願います) 昼3時~夜9時過ぎまでオンなれません!ご了承をw某定時制高校に通っている為(祝日・休日を除く) 好きなお菓子…ガトーショコラ、マシュマロ、パンケーキ、クレープなど 苦手な食べ物…ゴーヤ、骨多い小魚w 趣味…イラスト描く事、音楽鑑賞、ゲームだよ!w スマブラ応援コミュにも描いてますw 英語訳:Hi! My name is Amiami. I play Animal clossing and Puyopuyo! My hobby is drawing! Nice to meet you! おもしろ投稿をモットーにしています! kiyo_retosan←妹アカです! ミバ終了後は青鳥飼います!多分 <2017:11/4より>
Nelson+ legendofzelda259
MATCH MY RESOLVE - ASH/ ∞ Stuff about ме Cringey Banned alot Akward Dumb Mexican ADHD Sarcastic, Me NEVER! Likes rick and morty цςιεςς Good at super smash bros Follow these people : Zetsu Ash Tyler & Sky HUNGRY FOR APPLES? YOUR NOT.... OK I like Loz Mario & Smash & more ıξανε пощ This will go on forever if u like
Orbz LydiaColorz
I'm not trash, I am Bree, who is a smol awkward potato chip. -13 y/o gurl -Srry I'm pretty bad at socializing -I can Draw (self-taught) -Christian -I joined 2015 -Ahhhh, tysm for helping me reach my goal of 300+ followers (ò▼ó) Have some nutter butters! -Check out all the awesome people in my following! Miiverse is at its end... so lets make these last moments the best!
Juanpa mavric8
hola que hace
TrailBlaze Rachelfrico
Hey it's TrailBlazer the Hybrid Dragon and welcome to my profile! I love... -Music! -Dragons -Wolves -Eddsworld [favorite character: Edd] -Harry Potter [My house: Hufflepuff] -Writing -Drawing I do interactive drawing posts so if you like that, go ahead and follow me! I'm in the Eddsworld/ Ellsworld group! Remember to always blaze your own path in life!
Jasmine jasminekirby2006
Hello i am Jasmine- elizibeth - jayne and i love netball and rounders growing up with a mum a stepdad and five brothers. follow me ind i will follow you i am still in teaching
Shu puffyjo22
Also any one who sees my comments sorry for typos get lost in commenting sometimes and make many mistakes along the way. My oc Yuki Sakurai for rping Personality:gentle,energetic outift:White hoodie,blue plaid skirt Hair:short black right bang chin length left bang eye length backround:Genius,idol,model details of family and personal life in rp (sorry) Mina-san arigato
brandon brandonbato
im werid :)
Myanko Rocky40
Nyan!...ko! こんにちわー! It's Nyanko! I am posting less thanks to school ;w; Some words by Myanko: Anything's possible, so don't you dare give up yet! |\__/| | / ∧ \ | ( = >ω< = ) ⊂ニ| |ニ⊃ P.S. #darkpitsquad!!!
Ûmbrian Kæ DarkLordofFood
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Kana Sakura7620
This is goodbye, I'll be making drawing posts for my last few hours of miiverse and my favourite post features myself in color for the first time so people can see what the characters I draw look like in color (See more in Play journal) Bye my dear followers see you in Closed verse
Mai Mai-Tayame
Hi i'm Mai im a christian / i love playing video games/and i love kingdom hearts!/ final fantasy my favorite anime of all time is fairy tail!! thank you for 600+ follower's I love making friends :3 so come talk sometime i don't bite XD my favorite artist on miiverse is taylor, britt, Dragon64, domo 030
プロフィールコメントは運営者がステーキにして美味しくいただきました(BBQ) 顔ポチあざーーす!! 投稿の方にまぁ、色々ありますww フォローよろしく!! ミバ友 こより、Komin、あやか、イカマリオ-D、ゆうま ミーバース終わるの悲しい!! 更新日 2017年9月29日
Candy splendidspade
I honestly had a nice time on here. Got to meet some great fellowed artists and learn about a few people. :) Y'all be safe. <3
ναпеssα BTSARMY2004
Hi Guys ^ω^ Follow 4 follow (^_-) if i don't talk to you guys that means im out of posts ... i speak spanish too ^υ^
Trouble T DJToadstool
listen here i loooooooove mincraft if your reading tell everyone this (if i get 100 freinds ill show you all a tour of my epic not flat world i built all the five nights at freddys places i built a modern house i built a big a## house with thousunds of things to do i built prision i built a place made of diamonds and bed rock if you break a creation i kick you out if i get 200 freinds i get pad
Raul RJningamer6989
Hello and thanks for coming by!!!. The Name's Raul a mii nerd who likes using Miis in certain games and such. I would like to remind you that i can't accept friend requests on the Wii U (belongs to my brother in law) but however on the Nintendo Switch i don't mind at all.
Ryoko DeathAndBones
I like de@th and everything associated with it
ετнαη pokemang09
Official creator of the Honkolate Ship. I can't draw. Don't expect much from me.
нαźμ_Moon KANZI1111
自己紹介いらないよね。 好きな歌 小さな恋の歌、妄想感傷代償連盟 好きな音楽 NCSの、love uですね。まじで神。 好きな実況者 レトルトさん、牛沢さん、ガッチマンさん、キヨさん、実況者ねが本拠地さん、アベルさん、ユッカさん、ぴくとはうすさん、、実況者ラギ本拠地さん、アベルさんです。基本的にマイクラ実況者ばっかり見てます。 好きなゲームは、 Friday the 13th: the Gameです 所属クラン 刄撞欷 リーダー нαźμ/はる様です メンバー募集中です。試験有り 試験は、はるさんにフレリク→はるさんにスピードガップル1vs1で1回中1回勝利で入団できます! もうすぐミバ終わるね。ウィ
★Mario★ Luigiguy77
Bird: @Mariosomeguy77 Discord: NorahIsMySugarMama#7864 If I get banned, peace everyone. Shoutout to my buds ★Damon456♪,yventura34, and vîx. ‹3 you guys
MI:ぱるぷんて★♪ ittyann1117
こんにちは、猫カミチです! 好きなゲームは、スプラトゥーン、大乱闘、マリオメーカー、YouTube、マイクラとかが好きでよくやったり見たりしています!フレンドになって一緒に遊びましょう!(^^)改名しました!
ぬりのじゃまするな! nekokichi-no1
どうも皆さんイカがおすごしだろうか ゆきとですあのあきとさんの友人なのでどうぞよろしく フォロワー様300人 今年中には、フォローワー様+1000人ほしいですねフレリクやフォローは必ずかえします プロフ 近畿地方出身(基本関西弁でしゃべります) 年齢:12さい小学生ちなみにあきとさんと同じ学校、同じ教室 好きなゲーム; スプラトューン(ランク50ウデマエA マイクラ(ディスク読み込めなくてお休みです)
Jamie PurplePen456
Thank you and goodbye! Gracias y adiós! It was quite an experience ;¬; Ah, See you later :')
•Sαηdга• Sxndrx7u7r
No suelo estar activa, solamente me conecto y subo dibujos cuando me apetece :)❤
☆★ホモ∞ニート★☆ shinobi123
Nancy San VetrixArclight
Hi im nancy carrico and I love Takemaru and Quill and I watch pewdiepie and fooly cooly and Inuyasha and I play majora's mask and yugioh and mad father jersey devil for ps1.
__Jax.Ax__ Eric_Ealmoney
The end of the world...it was a pleasure serving with all of you.Until we meet again my friends. R.I.P. Miiverse No regrets
Plush Pit UrNo.1Plushie
bruh xPOSTE
Lu¢as 2.1 P1X3LB0MB
I hate badmins I won't be on this often Once I get a Switch, look for my Perma'd account Banned from [07/28/17] Banned till [??/??/??] Banned for [? weeks] Time left [?? Days] Permabanned [DELETED BY ADMINISTRATOR] I love my Иaomi <3 Riddle to find me---By the power of books, I shall use the first and last words of Unrelenting Force on your face Vague, but obvious
Supercam supercam06
I got a squad name,The super squad you join it! I got miitopia! i got Rpg maker fes! i know miiverse ending but im getting a nintendo switch!
Kiibo liloreocookiez
◆B U T T H A T ' S K A Y A Y A D A Y ' S L I E I S N 'T I T ?◆ Hi im ◆Leafff :^) not that anyone cares. Fav Husbandos: Henry Ouma Kokichi Male corrin rantaro amami Gender:alien(female) Waifus: kaede, angie,junko, celestia, miu iruma and kyoko from danganronpa.
lenny ._. 692032loLeroHehT
IMPORTANT MESSAGE AT THE BOTTOM 4 MY FRIENDS↓↓↓ sum bout me: •i'm weird •like gaming •breathe memes •like electro/dubstep/vocaloid/96Neko •i'm ok bye dontfalsereportmeori'llfinduandkillu... :) WARNING: When MV closes i'll unfriend all my not MIRL friends so... GL and sorry my friends... i had fun with ya :') but everything good has an end. Sincerely, Lenny ._. i'm always ignored :'^)
AbbsW/Abs abigail618
Why did you click me? There's nothing interesting on my profile. I promise. Well, I guess there is... My name is Abigail but call me Abby :3 I also like to be called Abbs with abs cuz I'm very strongish.
Angel Rose pizzalover109
Just a Sailor Mercury Fan here! Find me on DeviantArt @ AsrielAmyRoseNEO I also like Hatsune Miku's Songs Y('O'@)
~☆Ariwolf★ wolfy07493
I'll see ya on the flipside!
Aftfxoercuyk ILL MISS YOU ALL! Cthldtuaootonedrna