Users Kana Is Following
Orbz LydiaColorz
I'm not trash, I am Bree, who is a smol awkward potato chip. -13 y/o gurl -Srry I'm pretty bad at socializing -I can Draw (self-taught) -Christian -I joined 2015 -Ahhhh, tysm for helping me reach my goal of 300+ followers (ò▼ó) Have some nutter butters! -Check out all the awesome people in my following! Miiverse is at its end... so lets make these last moments the best!
★τоι•καиί☆ SwifterGirl-2.0
Requests are closed. I'm Eddsworld trash help- :/ I like ships~ ;) Btw I'm in the Edds/Ellsworld group. Edd☆ is my senpai. They also created the group. Other amazing human beings: _BAKA_ ★Ink Sans★ .·•Luna•·. F★xy autumnskies Tord ★Samantha★ spoopyeggu XmidnightX Keri .•°Fire°•. praise me
Myanko Rocky40
Nyan!...ko! こんにちわー! It's Nyanko! I am posting less thanks to school ;w; Some words by Myanko: Anything's possible, so don't you dare give up yet! |\__/| | / ∧ \ | ( = >ω< = ) ⊂ニ| |ニ⊃ P.S. #darkpitsquad!!!
Ged Epighost
October Costume: I'm Proffesor Ozpin, y'all. Hello! I'm Ged. I am interested in parkour, games, animation... did I mention games? Nicknames: Pikachu, Ged, Geddy-Spaghetti, Cheetoman, and Geddo, Kraison Frameworks. KF=YT
Kiibo liloreocookiez
◆B U T T H A T ' S K A Y A Y A D A Y ' S L I E I S N 'T I T ?◆ Hi im ◆Leafff :^) not that anyone cares. Fav Husbandos: Henry Ouma Kokichi Male corrin rantaro amami Gender:alien(female) Waifus: kaede, angie,junko, celestia, miu iruma and kyoko from danganronpa.
ετнαη pokemang09
Official creator of the Honkolate Ship. I can't draw. Don't expect much from me.
★Mario★ Luigiguy77
Bird: @Mariosomeguy77 Discord: NorahIsMySugarMama#7864 If I get banned, peace everyone. Shoutout to my buds ★Damon456♪,yventura34, and vîx. ‹3 you guys
Jaylan rodriguez0818
Hello Internet, Welcome to my profile! :p "You are the most talented, most interesting, and the most extraordinary person in the universe. And you are capable of doing amazing things, because you are the special, and so am I, so is everyone." -The Lego Movie I'm really friendly and I'm always here to give you a positive mood and make your day! I do fan-art, piano, and much more!
Jamie PurplePen456
Thank you and goodbye! Gracias y adiós! It was quite an experience ;¬; Ah, See you later :')
•Sαηdга• Sxndrx7u7r
No suelo estar activa, solamente me conecto y subo dibujos cuando me apetece :)❤
けい masakondoria
29.10.13更新。 けいの別アカウントです。 投稿内容はアホマンガ中心で~す。(^∇^) マンガ「キミ色に染めて」は42から、こちらで描いてます。「ぐるっちとボーイくん」はパラレルワールドだよ!よろしく! ★コメント欄に関するお願い 1.1人1~3コメント程度におさえてね。 まあ、常識の範囲内で(*´ー`*) 2.関係ないイラストはご遠慮ください。 自分の投稿で描こう! 3.人を傷つけることは書かないでください。 4.マンガの続きなど、想像でも描かないでね!次回とかぶってたら私が焦る(°∀°)! よろしくお願いいたします! H28.10.22開始 H29.10.13終了
Princess princesscricri
Bonjour à tous, Fan de mangas, j'adore dessiner mes personnages préférés (The legend of Zelda, Fairytail, One piece, animés Ghibli). Si vous aimez mes dessins, n'hésitez-pas à mettre un "ouais" ou à laisser un message (je parle anglais, allemand et un peu japonais). Dédicace spéciale pour : Alexopro Aurelie.Mangaka Lucypro PokeBigFan \\^o^// the best boy ^.~ ♪
Plush Pit UrNo.1Plushie
Mar :3 DracoFang
IT'S HIIIIGH NOO- What? It's not high noon? Well, it's high noon SOMEWHERE in the world... ¿Qué estás haciendo aquí? :o Well uh, hello there random person! My name is Maria, a weird 16 year old who has no life and loves playing videogames. >ω< I especially love to play Overwatch (as you can tell from my doodles xD) I think I would rate this profile description uh...*ECH* 10/10 too op pls nerf
AbbsW/Abs abigail618
Why did you click me? There's nothing interesting on my profile. I promise. Well, I guess there is... My name is Abigail but call me Abby :3 I also like to be called Abbs with abs cuz I'm very strongish.
Dark Gwenn Gwenn-the-angel
My drawings aren't good but at least I try? Right? Do I get some credit for trying? No? I like to yeahbomb sometimes... I do it manually... If you don't like me doing that then tell me so I can block you. Blocking me is fine too... No hard feelings... I will never do requests so don't ask... Other miiverse: femaledarkpit
Tai AnimationArt
Hi, i'm Tai! I really want to make movies or short films! >:D • I'm a kiddo girl with glasses • Apparently i'm a teenager 14+2-2= •I am a cellist. • I love Detective Conan, OneRepublic, BTS, Day6, and the Sherlock Holmes series. "Never theorize before you have data. Invariably, you end up twisting facts to suit theories instead of theories to suit facts." - Sherlock Holmes
Ben Miteydrill
2014: I try to draw everyday in order to increase my skill. Reason why you might see a weird looking piece of art everyday :) 2017: First started drawing in 2014. You can find my first drawings at the bottom of my page (they're pretty bad please be gentle) Edit: 2017 Also the year miiverse shuts down, ive seen tons of wonderful people here. Thanks for the experience :)
イモリん NOBU692070
両生類のイモリんです。switch難民。 スプラトゥーンが大好きで、暇さえあればナワバリで楽しく塗ってます♪ コメント・共感・フォロー、とっても嬉しいです!! もちろん無言フォローも大歓迎!! コメント返信は最近の投稿のみとしております。スミマセン。 フレンドは『せまく、深く』付き合いたいので 仲良くなった相互さんのみとしてます。 素敵な出会いにマンメンミ!!
SPIRALCRIS Character Designer FACTS -Orange Headphone Inkling Girl aka WOOMY is Best Squid -Professional in Squid Parties/Fiesta Calamarrr ~Stay Fresh and don't get cooked stay Off the Hook~
Jilly JustJillin
Do not let our final moments be a forever goodbye. We should say hello to a new beginning, a new twist...To a new chapter that will be added in our life. Instead of Goodbye, why not 'See you later'? Follow your dreams, achieve your goals, conquer your world. Do it for those who can't. ↓My beloved friends 1Ninjagirl Ace Eduardo Sem Darby Tucker Ty Ty I ♥ ya'll ♥We're Texas strong Pray for us♥
しずわかめ shizukatokiyoshi
こんにちは♪ しずわかめです(●´ω`●) スプラとわかめが好き♥ ゆるーいお絵かき&たまに模写をしています(∩´∀`)∩ 共感&フォローありがとうございます★ とても嬉しいです(*´∀`*)♪ フォロー返しは気まぐれです|д゚) コメ返は最新の投稿のみにできる範囲でしています フレリクは相互さんのみ受け取ることにしました(*´▽`*) まったく交流がなかったり、楽しく一緒に遊べないと感じた方、長期オフラインの方はフレンド解除することがあります(._.)ご了承ください 一緒に遊んでもらえるととてつもなく喜びますのでよろしくお願いします( *´艸`)
.•°Smol°•. rudybatres
Yo. It's .•°Smol°•. using this acc. UnderFell Sans is ma boy. Touch ★SmolNerd★, you'll be in h*ιι. MIIVERSE WHYYYY Ani and Zane are best friends. Bye.
Nin Neko ☆ jb3777
Saphu FiskSF
Well, I'm going to miss all you ;v;/ Without MV I wouldn't have met such awesome friends and discovered my passion for art DevSquid: SaphireDoodles SplatoonAmino: Saphu Hope you all find that special something
★Foxy foxy12364
I can't believe miiverse is ending already, I will miss you guys ;ω; Heyo people! I'm Foxy! I see that you clicked on me and then will press that "B" button •ω• Things I like 1.Fnaf 2.Anime 3.Pokemon 4.Warrior cats 5.Making Friends 6.Spoopy stuff .3. Dats' all! Now Get out (♭°ˇ°)♭ If you're still reading this, I wish You good luck in the future! ~★Foxy
Anissa☆ Furoiouskitten
Hello everyone!!! My name is Anissa and I am 18. obviously female lol :D I love cats, movies, cooking, tons of different videos, and drawing. I hope you enjoy my material and have a great day :3 meow~
いぬひと eeveenoone
[不定期連絡] ブレスオブザワイルド中につきしばらく不在。 [己紹介] 手前、超絶遊び人セラピスト。名を“いぬひと”と申す。勝手な頼み事たぁ思うがここはひとつ仲良くしてやっておくんなせぇ。
taka takanatsu50
あっという間に閉鎖当日。 帰宅したらもう、いつもの場所がなくなっているのは、何だかんだ寂しいかもです。 今後どうするかは定まってませんが、ルカリオの隣に居る事だけは確かです(笑)
*ひよこ* Hiyo-co3
ミバがあったから たくさんの方と出逢え たくさんの優しさを感じ たくさんの想い出をもつことができました(*´∀`) みなさま ほんとにありがとー(uωu*) これからも 明るく楽しく♪ ほんわかほっこり♪ ぼちぼち頑張ります! 相変わらず 時々(たぶん)変ですが それもあたしだ!(*゚ー゚)wってことで これからも自分らしく過ごせたら…と思ってます いつも暖かく見守ってくださった皆さまに 心から感謝し またお逢いできること楽しみにしております(*"*) (H29.11.8更新 どこでも*ひよこ*(*ё*)♪)
April AprilFoolThemAll
Welcome to my page. I like post here on occasions - sometimes a creative post or a drawing. Favorite Games: ACNL, Tomodachi Life, MK7, Pokémon �/� "It doesn't matter how many followers you have, just have fun and make friends" -Anonymous
I'll see ya on the flipside!
Aftfxoercuyk ILL MISS YOU ALL! Cthldtuaootonedrna