David's Followers
GOJIRA jamb11000
Hi! I am a big Splatoon fan. I am also a big fan of Gojira, or Godzilla. I like the way Gojira keeps going. He never gives up. I also like to keep on trying. Hope you have a great day and remember..keep on going! Oh and sorry no wii u chat... See Happy Mii こんにちは! 私は大きなSplatoonファンです。 私もゴジラの大ファンです ¡Hola! Soy un gran fan de Splatoon. También soy un gran fan de Gojira.
Lissy LissyJ78
JUSTIN T SonicBoom7183
Greetings I'm Justin and I'm a autistic 15 year old. I am a kind person and DOESN'T post negative comments towards people. I'm a shy person so I DO NOT DO WII U CHAT. But I can accept friend requests depending on the person that wants to be my friend.
Nadia nadiack222
Hi and im Nadia. I speak 3 languages. I speak spanish,french,and English. I took spanish class in Kindergarten, and i know some french too. I hope you enjoyed im 9 now i just turned 9 in February. I also know alot of japanese and Chinese. I love you guys. Your the best byeee
BrewMaster BrewMasterLex_01
Nintendo Switch
popo regyer
sheepy aquino5
i like catbug
MrChompers Hartman97
•ώκιττεиώ• kamiprincesa
hey its kami.. to all my long lost friends on here, sorry for not being on here as much i never ever want to experience a heart break again in my life... love you pandas
EJ cheetah0415
horselover Libbyloveshorses
hi! Thank you for looking at my page and even following me! Any girly girls? If you are a girly girl, am a HUGE tomboy so you might want to unfollow me. i love animals!! And i really lov to have fun with the guys and hang out with the guys because girly girls are tye worse to talk abiut there first kiss bkyfreinddrame shopping ad makeup. and i only like one thing shoppijg with friends who we talk
Gracie rawktopus
Go Buckeye go_buckeyes_go
Go Buckeyes!
Ash ASHER1347
Jxmmi bossawmness
Aye yo whaz good, Battlefield, Destiny, overwatch, Xenoblade. thats it. Sremm life
Benjamin SleepyBoyBen
Hey, everyone! I like to use Miiverse to post about my gaming accomplishments, impressions, and anything else that I find funny or interesting. I've played almost everything Nintendo has to offer and I am looking forward to seeing what they have in store for us this year. I am especially excited for the release of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. I hope to see you all around the Miiverse!
Brandon Weave88
High score? What's that? Did I break it? I seem to be getting a lot of random friend requests, if I haven't interacted with you I won't accept.
Willie RedBear666
Hello. Keep on Gaming!
Flame Frank644
Ummm hi I guess So... Why did you poke my face...? (ya wierdo) Your still here? wow dont you have anything better to do? stop it... Hey :D go check my friends out forget it Im just gonna get a cookie
Dreadd darkdragoon24
I`m video gamer and grew up with nintendo all my life. "Leave luck to heaven" also if you have an interesting name, we played together, or your someone i saw on a website i'll send you a friend request
._. Maxbacon69
really depressed, life sucks. This account is dead...like i'm not posting stuff anymore.
DMαηPà†®!© Patric2005
Yo, yo, Yokai Watch. Yokai are everywhere, 'Causing you problems messing up your hair. They'll trip you up give you a flat tire. Or make your socks go missing in the dryer. Yokai make mischief everywhere 'n you may not even believe they're there but let me introduce you to my friend he's found a way to connect with them. He's got a Yokai Yokai Watch He's gonna build a supernatural ontourage.
Dark Samus keough219
im justin 24 years of age and im a huge gammer, favorite titles are zelda, and metroid games. smash any one in smash bros. with mario, link, or samus of course!(now cloud too)! i also like yu-gi-oh, poke`mon, marvel,DC comics. Im a cook a skater and a juggalo!
luke345 jamesbutt
ちょっと私の名前はジェームズと私は私が描くのが大好きな子供やマリオのようなので、多くのゼルダを愛するが、私はまだ任天堂は私のお気に入りの会社RIP岩田聡ある吸います。私はまた、スプラトゥーンの大ファンです。あなたは私の友達リクエストを送信する場合、私はそれを受け入れます 私はWiiのUチャットのしません
Alex Xylvan
Hi! I'm playing: - Super Mario 3D World. - New Super Mario Bros Wii U. - Mario Kart 8. - The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, Twilight Princess HD, Breath of the Wild on both Wii U & Switch! - Super Mario Maker: Yoshi's Island Castle Style! (13B8-0000-035F-8E4E) Mario & Yoshi vs Giant Kamek! (057D-0000-035F-8E4A) The Path to the Starfield! (53BE-0000-033C-B3E4) Friendly, Alex
Fyre Fry FyreFry
I am an artist, writer, creativist, graphic design college graduate, gamer, popular arts enthusiast and all-around nerd. In regards to gaming, I enjoy fantasy RPGs, various science fiction series, and many other various genres of games. Among my favorites are Zelda, Metroid, Super Smash Bros., Animal Crossing, Pokémon, Final Fantasy, Mass Effect, The Elder Scrolls series, and games by Blizzard.
Jeff Gensumaster
Goodbye and farewell to everyone in the miiverse! Thanks for all the yeahs! I will miss this :(
dapichu dapichu
I love to draw and play games. smashbros, pokemon, Persona, kingdom hearts, xenoblade, phantasy star, project diva, puyo puyo, devil survivor,kirby,layton... So many adventures to see! EXCITING!
Jack.P jackispirate56
Hi im Jack i am awesome
Bradley Fiercedeitybrad
I'm a big Nintendo fan, love all Nintendo series. Got my first NES during christmas of 1987 or 88, been a fan ever since and gotten every console since then, including handhelds. my 2 favorite series are Mario and Zelda. I'm hoping to start a youtube gaming chanell soon too.
AndrewJ AndrewChace
Friend List is currently full. I do NOT WiiU chat, so quit calling me! I enjoy Miiverse, so let's chat there. I love MarioKart, puzzles and RPGs. I am currently addicted to Amiibo. Favourite games/series (in no specific order): -XENOBLADE! -Fire Emblem -Professor Layton -Final Fantasy -Zelda -Everything Mario -Metroid -Castlevania -and others... Je parle aussi Français. :-)
Jake Jockkoman
Cabbage D3bb13saur
Well, this is it. The end of Miiverse is nigh upon us, and there's nothing we can do about it. Farewell friends!
Tannim∞ Th0mas3llis2014
I'm just a guy who likes games of any kind. and if u want we can be friends too. if u like working togather in games like cod or any other games we can get along just fine :-D
Justin jitterbeers123
pokemon or smash brothers brawl
Jake Zangoose-Red
Real name: T-Jay Age: 21 Fav color: Red Fav movie: Madagascare Fav show: Family Guy Fav game: Simpson's Hit&Run Fav animal: Snow Owl Fav fruit: Apple Fav vegetable: Broccoli Fav gaming company: Nintendo Fav gaming platform: GameCube Gaming platform opinion: Nintendo > XBOX > PS1, 2 & P > PC > PS3, 4 & Vita. (just an opinion, relax) ACNL Dream Address: 4E00-009F-A61F
Jeanenne zanimefreak
23 year old college student. Loves anime, video games (especially Legend of Zelda), manga, music, reading, drawing, art, computer programming, cosplaying, going to anime cons, and playing my ocarina and playing the piano. I accept all friend requests but I DON'T DO VIDEO CHATS. I also don't give out sensitive information so don't bother asking! Games of the moment - Pokemon GO, Wizard101
santiago santiagoarizti
Hola soy de Mexico. I own a Wii U with mostly Mario Games and Zelda games, Lots of Virtual console games, Wii Sports Club, Wii Fit U, wii party u, rayman legends... My amiibos: - Inkling Boy - Toon Link - Link - Samus - Donkey Kong - Mario - Toad - Kirby - Luigi - Bowser - Peach - Sheik - Wii Fit Trainer
Krabby IceKrabby
§tefaniâ°★ laurizzzzz
I LOVE the music and my LIVE yo amo la musik y yo amo mi vida ×D xD :) ;) :] =) => =P ☆ ★
Linktendo LinktendoMX
Que tál! No soy fanboy, pero disfruto más con Nintendo que con otras compañias y consolas. Soy fan del anime y las caricaturas. Mis franquicias favoritas son The Legend of Zelda, Pokémon y Bomberman.
Chip CircuitChip
I love pc and nintendo.
My name is David. I draw cartoons for a living! Currently at Disney TV Animation.