Users Naoki Neko Is Following
Adam TheFantasticAdam
Hi. I'm Fantastic.
Giulia Soniavacargiu
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The king $ rebeccadesaint
nana sabrina59820
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★★Andrea★★ Dragovelox
ale EsimioCollega
Vendetta Nuova_Vendetta
"Quanto a me, uscirò volentieri da un mondo dove l'azione non è sorella del sogno. Possa io usare la spada e di spada perire" Anno 1857 - I fiori del male - Baudelaire
An Englishman 38, now living in Hamburg Germany. Started gaming on the NES and ever since. I will hunt you down..I will find you..And i will yeah you. Speak fluent English and German.
marioneta marioneta551
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¤Hannah¤ CocaCola09
Hålla you guys :D A few things about me: ~I'm 14 ~I play 8+ Instruments(in the marching band) ~Many nationalities ~Artist, Photographer,& "soon to start" DJ ~I listen to all forms of EDM, jazz/big-band,& 80's (Interesting mix i know) ~I'm interested in aerospace technology, modern architecture,& art (preferably modern) ~Love hockey, tennis,& team pursuit(cycling) ☆♡ I Thank you for visiting :)
Corrai Corrai
★☆Welcøme tø my prøfile!☆★ I'm a 24 year old guy from California who loves to play games, watch anime, and read some manga. I also like to draw and animate on my spare time. I appreciate every yeah! and comment on my posts, thanks for the support! ●Comment on my latest post for replies ^_^● ★•ƒø//øш•мз•★
I'm Tilmen... YeahYeahYeah.. if U like my profile... U R AwesoooooooME ^o^
Siv Ragnhild
Hellooo there cutie ~.^ Draw for fun, not for fame♡ Thank you so much for all the support! It means a lot to me ♡ Please: Don't advertise yourself on my drawings. Don't copy my art without asking. Don't ask for requests/follows. ♡ ♡~Phazey~♡
Oberaffe Zidake
Kyleman Kyleman
Hey i'm Kyle! A budding author from the UK. Loving the miiverse!
RustyCade PalkiaSpace
GizmoGamin GizmoGamin
woooooohoooo marios back baby
Gay Nintendo Gamer / Streetpass Oxford Events Organiser Nintendo fanboy with over 30 years of gaming experience. Animal Crossing Dream Address: come visit Nintown at 7500-2198-1074
Dylan Dragonwarrior149
charles CLIFFE
Gamekyo Gamekyo
En direct de
diaglyph diaglyph
Computer geek, gamer, programmer, loves cats :3 meow ;) I enjoy RPGs and some of my favourites are: Xenoblade, Planescape and Bravely Default/Second. Really enjoyed Bayonetta 2! :D Live long and prosper! <3 Wii U & 3DS :)
Hafskjold SkyMarshall
Name: Eirik Hafskjold Web: Hello people. I've been gaming since the Commodore Amiga and have a deep passion for Mario, Link, Samus, Starfox and Nintendo in general. I'm here to enjoy the ride of Nintendo's first plunge into serious online HD gaming. Awesomesauce. My favorite games of all time is 'Ocarina of Time' and 'World of Warcraft'. See you around :)