Naoki Neko's Friends
papà Lalo67
ciao sono vittoria devescovi ho 10 anni i miei giochi preferiti mario party dieci,mario maker,animal crossing,animal crossing happy home desiner,mario cart 8,yo cai whatch... E tanti altri ancora Chiedimi l'amicizia ed io la accetterò sicuramente e saremo S.M.A.U.P.S.(cioé super migliori amici uniti per sempre !!!!!!
kira Kira132745
Rated ~K~ for ~Kira~
Mattia Mattiplayer
Mi piace tanto giocare a Splatoon e a Minecraft. Mi piace fare il gioco di squadra ma so essere anche un temibile avversario.
BarnesMBA BarnesMBA
Check out my Detective Mario saga, picture puzzle levels which also incorporate the need to use various Mario powers! The series was also re-released in early 2017 with updates and minor refinishes. "A Case For Detective Mario" reached #1 in the Global All-Course Star Rankings My other series is a difficult three part puzzle room adventure. Comments on! This series is about the Mandela Effect!
nat sdz4600
Dragungg sysley03
manuel muccicante
mi chiamo manuel ciao
ilyes ilyes360
salut stp soigner les gas
aicha sonicrona
salut je m'appelle cisse fanny aicha j'ai 10 ans et je viens juste d'arriver sur miiverse et je suis ravi aussi de faire votre connaissance a tous et a toutes.
YO/SK★Tony LenZeZ
SVEN Sven-Ovechkin
clementou clementou1
Almex Mai Whitchertre
Eliott malouxeliott
robby biglio3
sono bello!! anzi bellissimo !!! w ascelle
umbreon santy159
yanis jador59
goku rusandominic
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di p1cypri
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Simone SimoneDavide
gustavo milenepinto
avatar2 babbelnao
I miei giochi: Bayonetta (1) Bayonetta 2 Splatoon Mario kart 8 Wii fit u Sing Party Assassin's creed 3 New super mario bros u Super Mario Maker Super Mario Bros 2
justin mktvjaden
tt riddlekittie
Sweets Mikes888
Dii-san Tamaki_suou
Super Mario lebe hoch.
bahar bahar1968
HonkeyHowl vinhowl666
alessandro alezexal
ciao,mi aggiungete cm amico?
sander Sander2507
Davide Davide2
Riccardo Riccardo2
Hi!Did not see you coming on my profile... Lemme present me!: I'm an italian guy who likes playing Nintendo and Valve videogames! My favorite type of game is fighting games and my favorite game is Pokken Tournament for the WiiU.I also like playing MKWII,Mario Party saga,Counter Strike Global Offensive ,Team Fortress 2 and Overwatch. I love Karate,English and i like playing drums!
fabio fabirex56
enrico enri31
Genzo Baergenz
Hello ! N'hésitez pas à m'ajouter à votre cercle d'amis ! ;-) Bon jeux et see you around !
shopstore shopstore
ruckus mr_ruckus
zelda90 maximus9090
AggeBagge AggeBagge
*~-~*~-~*~-~*~-~*~-~*~-~*~-~*~-~* AggeBagge here! I look around Miiverse for funny posts, and post some doodles of my own. Check them out, and maybe even follow! Favorite titles: LegoCity Undercover, Runner 2 FAQ: What's up? Not much. You? Have you been to the moon*? Yes. Are you the Batman*? I won't answer that. *No one has asked me this. *~-~*~-~*~-~*~-~*~-~*~-~*~-~*~-~*
carlitos76 CARLITOS1976
azmario AZMARIO
aggiungetemi se vi fa piacere ciaooooo
RustyCade PalkiaSpace
xghosts xghosts
L'originalite est encore de ce monde ! Merci Nintendo !!!
TheAngelCr TheAngelCrow
Insane Gamer My fav game is TLoZ:Ocarina of Time Shin Megami Tensei is my fav JRPG TheDevilShelly is my girlfriend ... I like WiiU
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