Dit's Followers
Baby Katie mrroman83
Thanks everyone one for 100 followers! Its a dream come true! But I still may ask for more till Miiverse ends! HAPPY HALLOWEEN everyone!
Dal daltonlee8
comic book, superhero geek
Great, now my face hurts... Anyway, hi! My name is MRB! Welcome to my profile! I have some sad news: Miiverse is ending soon. But I'll stick around and keep posting until then, so let's enjoy it while it lasts. I'll also accept friend requests if you want to continue playing together after the shutdown (except blank ones). I will greatly miss you all. #Miiverse2ForSwitch! P.S. I love Miis!
sebas papuprooooo
hola prros
★Antia☆SMV Antia-Sansgirl
Hola soy ★Antia☆ y gracias por seguirme y ser mis amig@s... significa mucho para mí... ...Gracias por todo... Voy a extrañar a: Karen, mangle2•0, Anna, Sans, Brittany y ☆Alexa☆ Sobre todo... voy a extrañar a ·●Nathan●· y a BestG. 3.0 Ellos han sido los únicos que me han apoyado y ayudado en los buenos y malos momentos... #SaveMiiverse please ;-; Last day of MV...
☆エモンガ★♪! PokePlat4
Thanks for checking my profile to see my final drawings on Miiverse! Yet to draw: Nothing If you want to follow me and see my drawings after Miiverse closes, friend me on Wii U and ask me there to find out how! Feel free to chat in the comments of any of my recent drawings. Follows are welcome and yeah-bombs are appreciated! Arigatou everyone, see you! Joined Miiverse on: Jan 11th, 2014
Logan spartain606
this is T-T's alt i will not be on all the time
chi Natbro
εdεη-Ωмкт Mr.Remembrance
Hi i'm Eden! I'm just your average 14yr old who wants to be and Artist! With Miiverse ending there's not going be much to do anymore... :V I've got things to say to you! You should Stay Fresh and we can all have a Fresh Start! Welp that's all from me :P (Yes all drawings are on 3ds and pls don't ask for my Personal Information!)
ari finalgirl16
Roo OkapiRock013q
Hi .... I'm Roo uhhhhh nothing to happy Halloween (^o^)
♪Luna♪:› ximenayluna
hi there im Luna you can call me smainy but it ok. guy you need to follow me,Zorua,Pikachu '^',and all my friends you see in my perfil I like: Bendy and the ink machine Pokemon Gravity Falls Yokai Watch UNDERTALE Star vs the forces of Evil
Plasma HeckingWhy56
If you're here because I followed you, hello
Mahum Maahum786
My name is Mahum, I love playing Cookie run, I draw good on paper. y u still reading BoTW is da best So is Oddessey
rush dog☆★ Blackrose5911
♪its only magic is it amzing when you now♪ every part you see of me is 24 coneted pieces thank you for coming thank for you stay thank you for watching the show♪ um.... thats it leave oh um... here have love★☆★☆ ^_o bye have a cookie ★
●•ιονεмε•● egarciac2
нειιο ωειсοмε ♡ ●^● мγ ηαмε ıς ●•ιονεмε•● τнατ΄ς ίτ ƒοг мε сαιι мε СìСí ♡ αηdz уα •ω• ♡♥∞«βγε»∞♥♡
Layla Seam laya-seam
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しゅうsあそぼ~!w taka7009
顔ポチアザすおもに、マリオメーカー、動物の森をやっていきますよろしく! マリオメーカーそこそこできます! アイステもはじめました 自己紹介 好きな食べ物、辛いものなど 好きな歌、拝啓ドッペルゲンガー、 太陽系デスコ、ダンスロボットダンス (全部ボカロやん) 委員会、図書委員会(本読むの嫌いだよw) んー聞きたいことそこら辺の俺の投稿から質問書いてくれじゃ 11/3更新
Hassam 235g60
hello my name is hassam (stupid name in the world =C) i 14 years old now i like nintendo games and even more the mario games i have litles not so much but i can speak english tambien puedo hablar español (im litle loonely =C) you guys , my friends are great here (aqui) is my best friends in miiverse(estan mis mejores amigos en miiverse) nogla64 y opal son los que mas conozco are the only they i m
Luigikid luigikid11
goodbye guys it was fun having friends and showing my game experience i will miss u guys :( R.I.P MIIVERSE 2012-2017 NOV 7th
reece cool-boy-dub
hello friends?
nina serenity200512
hello, im nina. i love anime, my fave anime is Tokyo Ghoul. i like pizza. i am 14. i am lazy. and i like minecraft. B Y E
Emma! Peeper1970
kRuZDaN_10 Danni2007
κопichiωα!! como estan! espero que bien y si es asi no les molestaria si me siguieran verdad? esque quiero llegar a los 200 seguidores antes de que Miiverse cierre. -(o,~,o)- .
rainbow horsehart
Hello! Things I Love: Horses, Anime, Animals, Hunter X Hunter 2011, Killua, Anything With a Face, Miku, Rin, Len, My Pets, My Family And Winter! Things I Dislike: Summer, Haters, Gundom Unicorn, Being Sick And Hisoka! Favorite Anime: Hunter X Hunter 2011, Gundom IBO, Jojo Bizarre Adventure!, Himouto!, Shounen Maid, Dimension W, Lucky Star And Kanon! Alright Thanks For Readings! Bye-bye!!
Evie FoxGirl320
Fun Facts: *My name is Evie *I love cats *I love my friends *I love muffins *I hate salad *I love broccoli and carrots #PeopleWhoHatesThoseItsOk LAST FUN FACT: *I love all of u my followers! love, Evie <3
Freddy FreddyFazBear250
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Neko-chan! Neko-chan.link
Hi!!Did thought that cats can talk?U are not wrong!!!(cuz i'm a talking cat!!)I'll introduce you to myself,*ahem* I'm: _ENERGETIC _11years old _Dumb...'-' _A VOCALOID FAN!! _born in April 17th I don't like: -Bad words -when someone is mean with me Ps:#save_miiverse!
DarkKendal ItsFunneh1234
Hi!! I'm Kendall! Nice to see you all. My Favorite games is ROBLOX. So Thats all For Now! Bye!
ςαςςурαητς genesis072406
Hey I'm Jay! Oh, u wanna friend me? Cool, I wanna friend me too:) Zodiac: Leo♥ Music: Melanie M, P!ATD, FOB, Halsey, BVB, Set it Off, & MCR Games: LOZ, Tokyo Mirage Sessions, Pokken, Splatoon, & MK8 ★Creepypasta, Undertale, & Vocaloid★ Hobbies: SINGING, WRITING, BASEBALL, DRAWING, & ANIME †Miiverse needs holy water† What's that? Am i secretly Nyan cat? Hahahahahahahahaha yes. Yes I am.
レトルトサーン>▽< 09o7ju
こんにちは!えっとフォローしてくれるとうれしいです!>< 歌い手さんと実況者さんがすきです! 歌い手»ゆきむらさん、浦島坂田船、天月さん、96猫さん、AtRさんなど 実況者»平和組、チームTAKOS、らんたんさんなどです! 好きなアニメは 刀剣乱舞、銀魂、文豪ストレイドッグスとかご注文はうさぎですか? などですだいたいのアニメはみてるのでこれ知ってる? って方はコメントで! フォローしてもらえたら1000%フォローします! ここまで見てくださりありがとうございました><
Brandon™ Pikpikpk
What's up my Troops, PikSylBits here! Gamer | Otaku | Music Lover | 19 | ♍️ | ♂ Favorite Series: Pikmin, Pokémon, Mystery Dungeon, Final Fantasy, Digimon, Mother Goodbye Miiverse, thanks for the memories. My friends: RioluGamer James Éli Jordan Mc Staraptor★ TenshiFoxx Shrek Reesie Ryan Frost ♪Caггот♪ ★Angie★ Vulpix InvaderSel ★Bluti★ Anncario I'm ending this passage now, PikSylBits out!
☆сαmι★♪•ω• Camicavi
Ηοlα/Ηι/βοпjομr/κοηιсhιωα Soy Cαmι•ω• •Soy ♀ •Tengo cierta edad xddddd •Me gusta dibujar •#SaveMiiverse Ya no hay naaa Es enserio Se q me leiste.Bai
α ησβσδγ oddlumprulz
Alola! Why the *cars honking* did you tap on my face?! Anyway, my name is Autumn. I'm 18, addicted to anime, LoZ, AC, furrys (ya, furrys), UnderTale, Pokemon, JackSepticEye, Markiplier, PewDiePie, vocaloid, nightcore, and puns. A wolf in sheep's clothing is more than a warning♪ I'm extremely emo. Depressed. Passing is my homie :þ Online √ Offline × ~Queen Of Toast
dess Emeraldstar24
My name is Destiny, I play Play Station Three and DS and 3DS games. I love warrior cats and wolves and foxes. I like pop music and country. My favorite animes are Black Butler and Hetalia.Some of my favorite youtubers are Yourpalross, aphmau and popularmmos. I enjoy playing Assassin's Creed and PvZ Garden WarFare. I like minecraft, Wolf Quest and Animal Jam.
Yep. Dontaskmewhoiam
oh hey You probably found me from a comment section I'm not funny uh, well bye
qųακε HeyItsQuake
Hey, I'm Quake and im an artist. im trash. That's about it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Trash kid disease is contagious.
lost wifi bellebelle07
hi im having a community here are the people: co-leader: Flix co-fonder: Dit members: yaboi and ¡STsunYT!
dragonloli Jwee009
•hi im dragon lolita •im youngest in my family out of my 4bros and 3sis's •i draw anime \(·_·)/best in class •i miss our dad •il do request so comment on my drawings if u want 1/1+ •my age is 10+ guess •im a gamer •doctors&internet say i have a intelligent unique&exceptional brain •likely to be a college grad •LOVE VIDEO GAMES,CARTOONS AND very picky with animes •my bro posting pervy stuff
ちょー r7mcht
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Ello, Jello I'm Dit! I'm a girl that draws cute stuff.
Joined: 3/05/2017
Kogamii (My IRL...
Ello, Jello I'm Dit! I'm a girl that draws cute stuff.
Joined: 3/05/2017
Kogamii (My IRL BFF!)
Zluigi (A man of great ideas)
commie (A close friend)
MLG★Sweety (My 1st fan)
GiGi/Giselle (A sister to me!)
eclipse (My homie)
Katie (My MV bestie)
Numa (A very close friend of mine)
You should follow them cuz they are very important to me!