Users Dit Is Following
★☆Mickey☆★ chiby-furry
Hiya, the name's Mick. I'm a lil' nerdy mouse who loves Nintendo, Disney and draw random things related with Mario and Me (duh.) I mostly do sloppy drawings and silly comics Psst(I'm a pokemon fan too, but remember, its a secret. Favorite pokemon? Jolteon,Dragonite,Luxray,Weavile,Greninja) Oh boy.. Well that's all, see ya! Love u all!♥ Mario&Mickey are just friends Don't ship em' >:V
Great, now my face hurts... Anyway, hi! My name is MRB! Welcome to my profile! I have some sad news: Miiverse is ending soon. But I'll stick around and keep posting until then, so let's enjoy it while it lasts. I'll also accept friend requests if you want to continue playing together after the shutdown (except blank ones). I will greatly miss you all. #Miiverse2ForSwitch! P.S. I love Miis!
Plasma TheMinecraftMovi
The Driz Da-Driz
Just another guy who loves Nintendo and its fans. I have another account I sometimes post on, Lil'Drizzo (id: littledriz), but this is my main account.
☆エモンガ★♪! PokePlat4
Thanks for checking my profile to see my final drawings on Miiverse! Yet to draw: Nothing If you want to follow me and see my drawings after Miiverse closes, friend me on Wii U and ask me there to find out how! Feel free to chat in the comments of any of my recent drawings. Follows are welcome and yeah-bombs are appreciated! Arigatou everyone, see you! Joined Miiverse on: Jan 11th, 2014
Dragonblue bison_6900
Rest In Peace Miiverse... :´) Hi! I'm a weird girl who draws stuff. I like to draw strange creatures, dragons and characters from the kirby series... I don't speak English so if I make mistakes, you know why. Au sinon je parle français... Et je dessine pas très bien...Mais bon...
Logan spartain606
this is T-T's alt i will not be on all the time
chi Natbro
Chara M0r0xide
•♥•READ BIO BEFORE GOING TO MY PROFILE•♥• Ello i am chara i am a artist and animator in training •♥•I like undertale, Sonic series, eddsworld, and anime•♥• ¤•♥I don't want hate or criticism so if you have that then łęăцæ ňøш♥•¤ Please enjoy your time here on profile
.˙•F★xy•˙. khris8492
Bonjour! I'm .˙•F★xy•˙. I'm glad I got to be apart of something big. ~☆ I'm just your average friendly fox. ˇ ω ˇ ·.˙˙ •★• ˙˙.· •. .• ˙•. .•˙ ˙★˙ Guess what? I'm a senpai! Praise me! :D Thank you everyone. Everybody I see on Miiverse is my friend. ^ω^
Stormheart mudkip112
Welp,this has been fun.Thank you for 300+ follows,I appreciated your support.I'll miss all the friends I've made here,but never fear!For I have a Colors! account and a Discord too:@StormheartAlpha ! Out of Posts?:(forever broken…) Thank you Miiverse!You've helped me break my shell and encouraged me to share my stories and characters with you.
Eclipse Fluttershy8917
FNaF OCs: Starcosmo, Stardust, Topaz, Timber, Emerald, Shadow, Midnight, Fawna, Spot, Whisp, Void, Vortex, Starry, Rainbowheart, Sunset,Jazmine. Undertale OCs: Deathkill, Lolli, Swirl, Winter. Pokemon OCs: Moonblizzard, Lavender, Star, Spade. Warriors OCs: Too many to count. Random OCs: Phalanx, Akuma, Akuno, Uta, Ruby, Flame, Cave, Dewdrop, Aura, Mystic, Phoenix. BATIM OCs: Night, Nebula, Shi.
♪Luna♪:› ximenayluna
hi there im Luna you can call me smainy but it ok. guy you need to follow me,Zorua,Pikachu '^',and all my friends you see in my perfil I like: Bendy and the ink machine Pokemon Gravity Falls Yokai Watch UNDERTALE Star vs the forces of Evil
spoopy†ari nikkiann85
OHHHH YEAHHHHHHHH ITS TIME TO GET--- ‡~şρδφþψ~‡ this is a werid place- wheres the B O N L E S S commotion? enjoy theres puns and memes er-whatevs i am donut,hear me roar i love breathin' B R E A T H I N G I S M Y O X Y G E N tum:donutdinodoge insta:same thing↑ im making comics and stuff on w**toon and tum~
StarSpark S.S.Link101
Yo, yo, yo! (I am not a member of Team Skull.) Hi, guys! This is one of Star's alt. accounts. Go check out my other one, too!
Nhân nhanxna2
Thank you all for everything. See ya! About me: I'm Nhân. I'm a college student, a gamer and a big fan of Pokémon. I mostly play Nintendo games like Pokémon, Kirby, Mario,... I also love drawing. I'm just another normal guy. btw, I'm 19
SquidDaddy ZouaA13
Krill: "Don't go muddling around for too long unless you plan to walk the plank" The Pirate Crew: June/Viny_Snake\Mollux/Dingo Likes: Naruto/FNAF/LOZ/FFVII/Fatal Frame/Splatoon/Nightvale/Horror/Not so serious Splatoon battles! (Also no blank friend requests unless we battle very often together or squid party alot.) F/24
★Кαиdγ★ Kkandy105
Hoi!! U may call me Kandy. Thingz about me☆: I love anime(my fav is Yuri on Ice) Im a geek I love floof My favorite gamez are Pokémon, Legend of Zelda, and Fire Emblem I love drawing<3 Im left-handed i have dyslexia #ProtectLinkSquad i wouldnt be found after mv ends...I havent joined Mv as soon as i wouldve liked but nothing could explain how greatful i am for all the kindness and support!tysm
Maddy Roze xX-Roze-Xx
Kakashi please! don't forget to find me on e-chat, you all i got, i'l see you there mitch, i hope. echat→ [ Maddy Roze ]
kRuZDaN_10 Danni2007
κопichiωα!! como estan! espero que bien y si es asi no les molestaria si me siguieran verdad? esque quiero llegar a los 200 seguidores antes de que Miiverse cierre. -(o,~,o)- .
Ąςцηα AsunaRyuAsakura
Hi... Fakten ¬ω¬√: - !Abzeichnen geht gar nicht, wenn man's als sein eigenes ausgibt! -.-¤ - DON'T COPY MY O.C.s AND IDEAS! - Bin Otaku -ω- - Bin 18 ☆ Hab also den Stempel, dass meine Zeit wegrennt... - Zeichne und zocke gern ;3 Auch wenn das Zeichnen bei mir zurzeit schlaucht... ˇ¯ˇ' - Fabelwesen an die Macht òωó - BFF ♪: Darkness <3 - Sorry, for my bad english ^^' ▲Tschau▼
Sanctus Pk darkknight937
Miiverse closing in November? Lets try to make the most out of it. I'm just someone who likes to draw stuff from time to time Please note: Friend requests are closed, enough said I don't RP Comment spam and scribbles will be deleted No art request but maybe for friends...maybe So, sorry about that And with that, I hope you have a good day (or,night...whichever) Debuted:1/3/2016
Sherry Decembers_Scales
DA = DecemberScales Hi. I like stuff. I hate stuff. I draw stuff. Enjoy my stuff. If you don't enjoy my stuff go look at someone else's stuff.
Hi!!Did thought that cats can talk?U are not wrong!!!(cuz i'm a talking cat!!)I'll introduce you to myself,*ahem* I'm: _ENERGETIC _11years old _Dumb...'-' _A VOCALOID FAN!! _born in April 17th I don't like: -Bad words -when someone is mean with me Ps:#save_miiverse!
Brandon™ Pikpikpk
What's up my Troops, PikSylBits here! Gamer | Otaku | Music Lover | 19 | ♍️ | ♂ Favorite Series: Pikmin, Pokémon, Mystery Dungeon, Final Fantasy, Digimon, Mother Goodbye Miiverse, thanks for the memories. My friends: RioluGamer James Éli Jordan Mc Staraptor★ TenshiFoxx Shrek Reesie Ryan Frost ♪Caггот♪ ★Angie★ Vulpix InvaderSel ★Bluti★ Anncario I'm ending this passage now, PikSylBits out!
ςαςςурαητς genesis072406
Hey I'm Jay! Oh, u wanna friend me? Cool, I wanna friend me too:) Zodiac: Leo♥ Music: Melanie M, P!ATD, FOB, Halsey, BVB, Set it Off, & MCR Games: LOZ, Tokyo Mirage Sessions, Pokken, Splatoon, & MK8 ★Creepypasta, Undertale, & Vocaloid★ Hobbies: SINGING, WRITING, BASEBALL, DRAWING, & ANIME †Miiverse needs holy water† What's that? Am i secretly Nyan cat? Hahahahahahahahaha yes. Yes I am.
Layla keyalh
Profile comment hidden by admin.
lost wifi bellebelle07
hi im having a community here are the people: co-leader: Flix co-fonder: Dit members: yaboi and ¡STsunYT!
Yep. Dontaskmewhoiam
oh hey You probably found me from a comment section I'm not funny uh, well bye
Dit ditathlon
Dit Dittchen
Dit edithg19
hi, be sure to join me in mariokart8 and join my tournament called toaday'sfun . :)
BroodOwl Dr.Zeigler
Bonjour! My name is BroodOwl. I’m a skittish female who loves to draw and dreams to be a exotic pet veterinarian. •Likes: Overwatch, Warriors, roleplaying, Steven Universe, animation, Miss Peregrine’s Peculiar Children[the books], Harry Potter, Legend Quest, AC:NL and Lumberjanes. •Dislikes: Jocks, negativity, and sugar. Farewell, and may the Brazillian men always be in your favor. #PresEClan
Karorina Karorina13
Even though Miiverse is finally coming to an end. i want to thank everyone for supporting me over the years. Through the good times, and bad. I appreciate every single one of you. Thank You. A VERY special thanks to the ones who i was so close to. Thank You. ‹3 QuietGhost, ★Daniel★ , Purple , KevinToon, Ryan.exe, Wolverine, Cube, AngstyBaka, Villager.
ĎεмоηМεω☆★ lightflare1129
well hello im back we are almost going to DIE here because on the 7th 10:00 AM we all are going to be gone
Elizabeth KambriaAnne
This is Elizabeth (makeshiftauthor)'s alt. account. Posts left: 16 Offline. Soon-to-be forever… Roleplayers: * Vunvil * Star-kun (SpookyAsh) * Dit * BroodOwl * T-T (T-T's alt: Logan) * ♪Eevee♪ * Snowdragon * Gabe ШЩ * Cynthia * Uma * ΣΨpatri *Greenpaw Thanks, everyone, for being here, and goodbye. One last shout out to my best friends: Star-kun, Red Ranger, and Doodle.
Hamburger ilikehamburgers1
hamburgers......... i eat hamburgers...... why are you here? stawp! ugh..... fine keep going... okay........ can you stop now???? WHY WONT YOU LISTEN?! fine i wish i could be a chese burger. are you happy now? bye.
Ello, Jello I'm Dit! I'm a girl that draws cute stuff.
Joined: 3/05/2017
Kogamii (My IRL...
Ello, Jello I'm Dit! I'm a girl that draws cute stuff.
Joined: 3/05/2017
Kogamii (My IRL BFF!)
Zluigi (A man of great ideas)
commie (A close friend)
MLG★Sweety (My 1st fan)
GiGi/Giselle (A sister to me!)
eclipse (My homie)
Katie (My MV bestie)
Numa (A very close friend of mine)
You should follow them cuz they are very important to me!