Dasch's Friends
Jude Thundurus13
Aaron michealhallo
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Sprinkles SofiaM4
Hi, my name is Sofia a.k.a Sprinkles. My favorite game is Splatoon, and I love to watch Netflix. My favorite tv show is Psych, and my favorite movies are the James Bond series. I love candy, and I'm in 8th grade. Hope you have a great day, and thanks for stopping by.
grabriel pt_ranger
helo my name is gabriel im portoguese joponese:☆☆☆☆☆☆ espanol:★★★☆☆☆ inglish:★★★★★☆ francies:★★☆☆☆☆ ↓ ↓↓↓↓ ↓ ↓↓↓↑ €€€€ #100
D Blanc_De_Lacroix
Ich spiele leidenschaftlich gerne Mariospiele. Es ist einfach klasse ihn durch die Levels jagen zu lassen und Münzen zu bunkern.
Jerick lodi429
Hi! I'm Jerick, but you can call me Lodi. I'm a long time gamer thats young but has alot to do in life, feel free to follow but idc I liek anime n stuf. plz friend. Anime, Anime, Anime, and Anime. I'm weird. Anyways let this desc continue. I'm weird and dumb. I has story. Once I was 7 years old my girlfriend told me, go get myself a life or I'll be lonely.
Cαρ'ηßιακε dexsam369
Hey Everyone βιακε Here! I Am 27, I Love Video Games, And Most Sports. I Have 9 Dogs And A Job As A Programmer. I am Mostly Friendly Unless U Annoy Me And I Play Mainly Minecraft. Plz Only Play With Me If U Have Voice Chat As Well As Be At Least 10 Years Old. I Will Help U Build Something If U Want Me To. Well Thats All I Have To Say So... As Always Keep Calm And Game On! :D
Dooda Dooda.Buddha
Helloo...add me!!♡♡♥♀♀
clubownerë 123456nicknick
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camu camu camucamu2015
Miiverse, i will miss you!!!!
maya denveratl
hi! im maya! i love to play all sorts of nintendo games! i am always open to play battles with you so don't be shy! i love accepting new friends and followers as long if it is appropiate. i love playing smash and splatoon so if you are open let me know! so far i have 8 friends but if you join it would mean soooooo much! i also love to draw and listen to 70s,80s, and 90s music. #nintendo!!!!!!!!!!!
Neto NetoSJ
Sejam bem-vindos! Sou brasileiro, novato no Wii U, tenho 16 anos e moro em João Pessoa - PB. Estou me divertindo bastante com o console! Os jogos que tenho estão nas comunidades favoritas. Me adicionem para jogarmos Mario Kart 8 e Splatoon! Espero fazer novos amigos ^-^
SniperMonk ThatAggieGamer12
Add me as a friend
Harley Q. TokeDad
Hello my name is Cassidy. I love to draw, and no wii u chat that's all. Stay awesome! :3
☆nomnom☆ nomnommuncher
hi My favorite game so far is splatoon I usually acccept friend request no wii u chats!
Fΐς★κατε☆ AHatersJustAFan
this place is dry but 'tis okay, cause deserts are dry and that's where all things die noT that this place is ded or anytHinG( ͡°╭͜ʖ╮͡° ) -lab
McTim Timmy_Mctim
terminator shaneomac28
Hi my name is Brody I like Five Nights at Freddys, pokemon, cats and raps. I wii u chat so if you want to you can. and i'm a friendley person I hope I can get a lot of friends if I can that would be awesome! im not a good drawing. and please don't be rude to me im only 8. I look nothing like my mii. Favorite animatronics Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, Foxy, Mangle, Plushtrap, and Golden Freddy. bye-bye!!
SquidChild MasonLevy
Follow me I follow back If you want to have a private battle or squad battle in Splatoon, let me know :)
Rick ecokinesis
Favorite games: Scribblenauts Unlimited Minecraft PE and Wii U BTD 5/Battles Geometry Dash Posts:0 Status:Online Favorite animal:Bunny Favorite video game bosses: 1.Dark Bowser 2.Moon Lord 3.The Destroyer Favorite Minecraft mob: Enderman Fight Music: Final Battle (1:50 second mark) By Waterflame Clans:TRG LoGL ξG§ JFDC Favorite Youtubers: SMG4 Grian G4lvatron Trusta Serponge Bye.
SW★Lapis U ivysaurfalls254
That one girl that plays Smash Bros (both versions), Mario Kart 7/8,Yoshi's Wolly World, Pokken Tournament and Splatoon. I go by Malachite or Lapis. Non-Creepy Wierdos are always welcome to follow or friend request. :)
idk 881967
Miss☆Ryann MissRyann
Hello Lovlies!!♥ I'm Ryann (Rye-ann) Nintendo Veteran XD I Follow Back!! Inkling: Miss Aubree aka Woomy☆Bae Level 50 B Rank Current Weapon: Tri-Slosher☆ *Splatfest Gives Me Life* Smash Main: ¤Bayonetta¤ New 2 Minecraft World!! ♡.My Family.♡ .Volga. .Hami. .Tabi. .LoneSOAKER. .Midna. .Alex. .Rin. .Splaterato. .Lilly. Lets Have Fun!!
#ForaTemer Jessicalmeida
ice³ get_rekt_today
gotta really avoid little kids on here or i'll end up getting perma banned *sighs*
Leonardo DamascenoB1
Sou um cara apaixonado por games, principalmente os que levam a assinatura da Nintendo.
nono noahzile
Alex AlexAponteFTW
Rell rellcrum
♪DUDEDAD♪ averillfamily
João André Joaolandia
Olá, meu nome é João e tenho 15 anos. Eu sou brasileiro e carioca. Me sigam ou peçam amizades, que postarei várias coisas legais. Splatoon rank: S Splatoon level: 50 Pare de me stalkear
waguinho W4GU1NH0
Sou um dragão jedi com um lightsaber,geek,cristão aprendiz,mochileiro das galaxias,mestre pokémon em busca de um anel para todos governar e chama-lo de precioso. #LetsPlay
robert redcajun
hi i,m robert i play alot and i love nintendo i play ssb and smm
Jeffrey falchek24
Hi, my name is Jeffrey. Two of my favorite games are Super Smash Wii U and Super Mario Maker.I'm looking for friends between 13 and 17.Send me a request
Prometheus mightymitchell99
My Wii U Games are: Smash Wii U, Pikmin 3, Zelda Wind Waker HD, Nano Assult Neo, Little Inferno, Zelda A Link To The Past, Mega Man 3, New Super Mario Bros. U, and Mario Kart 8 My 3DS Games are: Animal Crossing New Leaf, Kid Icarus Uprising, Mega Man 2, Tomodachi Life, and Smash 3DS.
TommyJons TommyJons
I have been a Nintendo fan ever since the NES, owning most of their systems. I don't have anything against the other companies' systems, but I only own Nintendo systems as their well developed games just appeal to me more. I enjoy playing Resident Evil Revelations online with voice chat and I would like to play with those in need of help. I'm eagerly awaiting Super Smash Bros. for 3DS & Wii U!
Ocyrus Swagkitchen
Hey there. I'm Ocyrus. RPGs are my thing, but I love all genres really. I was born with a SNES controller in my hands. Currently really pumped for: Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE
What's up guys! I'm Houndred, a dog/videogame/books-loving person!
What can I say about me? Well...
What's up guys! I'm Houndred, a dog/videogame/books-loving person!
What can I say about me? Well, I'm 24 years old, I'm from Brazil and... I don't know, I thinks that's it
Have fun playing! Because games are there for this / Divirta-se jogando! Pois os jogos estão aí para isso ;)
Thanks for the memories Miiverse! It was fun!