It was an honor being part of this amazing community.Thanks Miiverse!It was VERY fun while it lasted
Dasch's Post
Nintendo Land Community

Depois de um longo trabalho em equipe, os três bravos heróis do tempo conseguiram a última triforce!
Super Mario Maker Community

Makers Club - Week 21
Current Theme: Conveyor Belt (By: º˘•ςαмX•˘° / Camu Camu) Time Limit: 08/28 (next sunday) This week, just follow the flow and do a Conveyor Belt level! As always, ...
Super Mario Maker Community

Makers Club - Week 20
Current Theme: Summer! (By: Camu Camu) Time Limit: 08/21 (next sunday) After 20 weeks (a little more actually) the club finally went back to the seasons! As always...
Super Mario Maker Community

Makers Club - Week 19
Current Theme: Outer Space/Sci-fi (By: Camu Camu / D) Time Limit: 08/14 (next sunday) Space, the final frontier... And the theme of this week! As always, to partic...
Super Mario Maker Community

Makers Club - Week 18
Current Theme: Yoshi! (By: John) Time Limit: 08/07 (next sunday) Yoshi! This week the plumbers best friend will be the star! As always, to participate, just create...
Super Mario Maker Community

Makers Club - Week 17
Current Theme: Spin Jump! (By: Houndred) Time Limit: 07/31 (next sunday) Don't get dizzy, cause this week you'll use spin jump a lot! The levels have to focus on t...
Super Mario Maker Community

Makers Club - Week 16
Current Theme: Non-Mario Levels (By: Camu Camu) Time Limit: 07/24 (next sunday) So, this week, the adventure will be in a level inpired by any non-Mario game! You ...
Super Mario Maker Community

Makers Club - Week 15 (The Return!)
So guys, we're back! (Details in the comments) Current Theme: Pirates (By: rj) Time Limit: 07/17 (next sunday) As always, to participate, just create a level w/ th...
Super Mario Maker Community

Makers Club - Week 14
Current Theme: Scary Levels! (By: Joshua) Time Limit: 06/25 (next saturday) Boo! I mean, welcome to the scary levels week! As always, to participate, just create a...
Super Mario Maker Community

Makers Club - Week 13
Current Theme: Snow Levels! (By: Houndred) Time Limit: 06/18 (next saturday) Let it snow guys, vause this week we'll only have cold levels! As always, to participa...
Super Mario Maker Community

Makers Club - Week 12
Current Theme: Auto Scroll (By: David/ Camu Camu) Time Limit: 06/12 (next saturday) Keep walking guys, cause this week we'll have auto-scrolling levels! As always,...
Super Mario Maker Community

Makers Club - Week 11
Current Theme: Hard Mode (By: Camu Camu) Time Limit: 06/04 (next saturday) I hope you guys have skills, because this week you'll be uploading your hardest levels! ...
What's up guys! I'm Houndred, a dog/videogame/books-loving person!
What can I say about me? Well...
What's up guys! I'm Houndred, a dog/videogame/books-loving person!
What can I say about me? Well, I'm 24 years old, I'm from Brazil and... I don't know, I thinks that's it
Have fun playing! Because games are there for this / Divirta-se jogando! Pois os jogos estão aí para isso ;)
Thanks for the memories Miiverse! It was fun!