John's Followers
BandanaDee KIRBY-ROCKS-0o0
BandanaDeeThree come find me where the blue birds live happily Currently Playing: Wii U: Skyward Sword [Hero Mode] 3DS: And this is where I'd put Miitopia IF I HAD IT Tomodachi Life Majora's Mask 3D Wii: Super Mario Galaxy 2 Other: [None]
Jammy JammyDW
Nintendo finally found a way to get Jammy to shut-up about Dr. Mario. RIP Miiverse. There are 1155 Jammy s at the Discotheque. Please give your Miiverse name to the bouncer to be let in.
dustin dustin141
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ok ihopeidie
ok im going to edit my profile comment hi im a guy age:32 likes:memes hate:north korea favorite memes:weegee and mlg favorite youtuber: angry video game nerd ok bye what are you doing in my profile ok ._.
Rose RoseS707
i love you bobby
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Gab → =) ← J1.GABY
Wesh c'est Gaby jsuis sur miiverse depuis 2014 :] C'est dommage que sa ferme en 2017 ... En plus mon aniv. c'est en novembre Moi : MON ANNIV !!!!! Amis : Miverse ferme... Moi : *Pleure* pour mon aniv miiverse ferme super cool... :( Amis : Ont y peut rien nous... Moi : Je sais... Donc miiverse ne fermer pas ou allors crée une nouvelle appli mais fermer pas ... :-[ bizz ...
charles charliehb01
Why nintendo, why? I would like to say goodbye to everyone, it's been a great few years, I wish I'd met all the people I follow sooner. gg miiverse R.I.P.
~Charlotte Sam_l0ves_ham
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Loser zombiebunny13
This place is like being trapped in a burning building. I used to want to call for help but now I just wanna set up a lawn chair and watch it burn.
MegaAndrew MegaAndrewIsBack
RIP Miiverse. If you wanna see my stuff, I'll be on here until Miiverse closes and I'm thinking about getting a Closedverse account. (Same NNID and Mii)
Ben Doug375
RIP Satoru Iwata 12\6\1959 - 7\11\2015 This could start out with an overused meme. but I'll spare you. I'm an NSLUCer I've only owned nintendo consles. (I guess that makes a hardcore nintendo fan?) Currently playing through:
SeeDank thelunafamily7
Hello Everyone My Name Is SeeDank Or Thelunafamily7 And Everyone Plz Plzzz Follow Me My Goal Is To Get 330 Followers By The Begining Of November But Am Trying Not To Let Miiverse Die And These Are The Dayz I Play:Monday,Wednesday,Friday,Saturday,Sunday Thx For Your Time.
John Donatru3
I have a third account on a site that's going down in 2 months lol
Caleb TheOtherCaleb
I'm not from the UK. Also, please don't send friend requests.
dustin dustin143
hi everyone welcome follow me my favorite pokemon is lucario and rayquaza and many more and these are all my games! :] :|
Jon nomis8812
ProfAwsome REBORN!!! "Do or do not, there is no try."- Master Yoda "Man is what he believes."-Anton Chekov I run the Smash Brotherhood Members Donny Isaac Byron Jr. I am a Christian, 14, and I'm a preacher, If you disagree with what I believe, talk to me about it I'm sure we could change that.
NachoRacho 321SonicSwag
CONGRATZ ON FINDING ME!!! About me: I'm a weird 12 year old girl who lovez to draw. You'll see lotz of my art here. Favorite thingz: Colorz: Blue & purple Foodz: Pizza & ramen Animez: Yuri!!! On Ice, MKDM, Naruto/Boruto, etc. Show: Doctor Who Top 3 fandomz: Gorillaz, Yuri!!! On Ice, anything from SSB (haha loophole) Instruments: Piano and melodica ♪Gone with the self of the day, gone♪
happy tree 21amethyst
lvl. 82 death metal enthusiast you ever sit there in awe and just think to yourself- "THE LOUD HOUSE IS A HAREM?!" i've finally hit my 30th ban TwT im gonna be attending mv's funeral in: Tonight... T_T
Carmen ThatOneCrazyGirl
Dear friends and other people that follows me Miivers ending soon i cant talk to yall anymore so this is a good bye note i love you Max Autumn Alyssa Keira Luna and *Airplane* good-bye ='C i love you
T-T noah.i.herringto
hallo every bodys ho are yoo so here are some things about me insane,weird,sly,creepy [some times creepy], 37, crдppy artist!, Undertale freдk, Fairy Tail fan, PKMN master, LWA [Little Witch Academy] fanatic/fan, i am a pдthэtic welp!, MLP fan/freдk, FNAF fan/pro, BF [Buddy Fight!] fan/pro/fanatic, Twokinds fangirl, cat person, miku fan, LOZ pro/fangirl/fanatic, Monster Musume fangirl/lover/perv
Jara jarabacoa1982
I like P!ATD and Chocolate cereal *insert dead meme here*
(Marcus) Swim_555
Wowie it's been some time we had wasn't it? *furiously points at I.d* I hang at the verse of closed nowadays. You will be missed Miiverse. Not you badmins go away.
Spartan SpartanGen
あいこさまでござんす aikosamadeatta
NaDaniel drawingthings
I I I a a a m m m a a a r r r a a a n n n d d d o o o m m m g g g u u u y y y And this is my third account along whith my 200 follower NaDaniel account I never use anymore. And idk what happened to my second one. im feeling sad idk why.
Niya.some. mannyandniya2015
Name:Niya if you know what follow me @niyalovespie or @zoeyandniya3379 i have 8009 following so maybe i'll follow you roblox niyalovepie or reisnotanoob REAL NIYA.SOME. IF SOMEONE ELSE SAYS THERE NIYA.SOME. THERE NOT, BECAUSE JUST REMEMBER MY NINTENDO NETWORK,MANNYANDNIYA2015 EVEN THO WE GOT THE WII U IN 2014 SEPTEMBER STILL.
Reuel rraull
Hello. I'm basically dead here, you can find me on CV with the same name. From now on I'll pretty much just be posting PAA stuff
★MarioMan★ 1987supermario
Hi! I'm ★MarioMan★! Likes: Nintendo, Mario, Kirby, Undertale, Splatoon, Pokémon. Dislikes: XBox, Playstation, Call of Duty, FNAF, rudeness, trolling. Friends: SuperKev, PaintBrush, Tripp, Larry. Enemies: Markus/Mackenzie, MTP Fave 3DS game: Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam Fave Wii U game: Super Mario Maker & Paper Mario: Color Splash Check my fave communities to see the games I own! Bye!
Gluttony 184712cool
The apple ate the frog and the watermelon ate the apple and the tomato ate the watermelon and the tomato was eaten by the humans.
max NeonGamer43
hows it goin guys NeonGamer43 here friend me for games we can play with eachother like splatoon or minecraft im a gamer who would play splatoon alot so ya oh ur still here well umm ok why? i have a brother (jackson12gaming)
Mгς.Coco•. DeViye
.·•★Welcome★•·. Mrs. Coco appreciates you taking your time to view her profile, she will be posting more often now. Here are some things about Mrs. Coco. ;D Always winking. Age: ? Loves all her Sugar Cubes. Taken by the handsome Hot Coco. Always HAWT ;D All who follow Mrs. Coco are Mrs. Coco's Sugar Cubes ;D motto: Stay cute, but stay HAWT ;D ~Mrs. Coco Loves all♡
Gabbster Zelda-Garza
Call me Gabby woop woop Btw follow Y_Are_You_Here, he's really good and he's really cool! >v<
PaintBrush PaintBrushJr
Hello people of Miiverse! I'm PaintbrushJr, but I go by Paintbrush! I create stories on Mario Maker, RPs on Miiverse, and Play Journal entries! I hope you enjoy my content, but if you don't, I respect your opinion! Some facts about him are: I speak english, don't like cussing, memes or vines, encourage fun, enjoys Mario, Kirby, and Zelda, and is only a beginner class, despite gaming for awhile.
Sherry Decembers_Scales
DA = DecemberScales Hi. I like stuff. I hate stuff. I draw stuff. Enjoy my stuff. If you don't enjoy my stuff go look at someone else's stuff.
MaddyTSS madelinecalton
Goodbye forever miiverse we will always miss you on the wii u (idk even know why its shutting down) btw you cant friend me sorry
CookieOni DemonDragon35
Hello, I'm Cookie, also known as chibidragon. I'm the classic edgy teen that's obsessed with hot pink and purple. likes: •voltron (klaaaaaaaance) •aphmau •roleplaying •splatoon •making ocs •the infinite amount of fandoms I'm in •thinking up stories with my ocs •my hot tub squad dislikes: •furry haters •dead memes that aren't shrek and the like •people who can't seem to leave me alone
Adios ObjectPower
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