Users John Is Following
Jammy JammyDW
Nintendo finally found a way to get Jammy to shut-up about Dr. Mario. RIP Miiverse. There are 1155 Jammy s at the Discotheque. Please give your Miiverse name to the bouncer to be let in.
John Donatru3
I have a third account on a site that's going down in 2 months lol
slim - vin vincentkarlsson
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Boi Jesus hitherebro1
BE BLESSED WITH WITH MY FOLLOW AND YEAH! Hi This is what you need to know... Im 15 .–. I like Pizza :V MARIO IS OG. Ima Nerd/Geek. I like EDM #TEAMDATBOI Favorite Artist:Logic Oh and i like Memes. Dank Memes. Relationship: i wish i had one. :< Gender: BOI. lol Don't be shy to talk to me. :D ¯\_(·_·)_/¯ YEE. That's it. Bye. GET OUTTA MY SWAMP! - Shrek
Buisy thebuisnesscat
Hey there! This is my 3DS account, you can check out my WiiU account here: BehindTheBuisnes Also me and my oc are guys, just saying this in case anyone gets confused ;v;" ~"Buisnessycat" ~"thebuisnesscat"
øºSharkºø LegendOfZelda47
Oh Umm hey if you don't want to forget about me, that'd be cool of you. Insta: @konamiwhale ~will post much art there soon~
Frungle Herald64
frungle#1927 Hi. I'm Frungledrum; your friendly neighborhood egotist. When I'm not on Miiverse, I go by the name Franghis Khan "I'm not cynical. I just hate everything equally." ~Frungle, 2015 I may or may not be a frog. I'm awful at wording things. I also draw stuff sometimes. Likes - The Slam Dislikes - clowns, spiders, commitment Feel free to comment.
Schnarfle thatpizzaguy2
it is time for duel I used to be ThatPizzaG before I used a bad word and died forever
Legit Girl 8NIKKU8
Hello Humans! I'm a human! Yes, a human! I am 20 Human years, I have human game technology, and, I really like collecting humans uhhh I mean, video games :D I follow artists and nice humans! Humans stop adding me! Stealthy Disguise >:3 WANTED LIST You ;] Follow my best friends!
моδδίэ TownofModdie
♪°<{γоů ƒоůпδ мε}>°♭ 'Sup. ',:) So... I'm a female of the human race. I can draw and breathe. I aLSO HAVE THIS HAIRCUT THAT IS FABULOUS ♪º‹{şėė γου αřöцлδ}›♭
Bob Dmatrix617
Hai! my name is Jojo. i don't know what really to say except that i like drawing... if you want to know more about just ask i accept all friend request.. umm so I'm gonna stop here okies? BAIIIIIIIIII!!!! :3
Shad0w SidF0x
-Hiatus- Hiya, thanks for visiting my page. Call me Shad0w, or Shadow, whichever you prefer. I like to game and draw. Pokemon, MMX, Undertale, KH, and SSB are some of my favourites. Don't be shy to talk to me, I don't bite [I promise]. Aaaand that's about it. Have yourselves a good day. Joined MV: December 2013. I'm going to miss the good days on MV... ...Oh wait.
Juniper lispenalia
if im posting here, it means im bored no dont follow i only use this account once in a billion yrs
D-Thunder ComicalSituation
Almost everything I draw is a comical situation! This is the place where you want to stick around if you like two things: 1. Humour 2. Nintendo I combine both of those in my own, creative style. If you enjoy most of what I post, be sure to hit that [follow] button for more of my goodies straight to your activity feed! ACNL dream: 5800-4674-6171
zorua CoolZoroark
Welcome to whatever this is lol Feel free to ask about my OCs: Stanley Ramses Sasha Zubon The Bargeier family Kenan Claude Dmitri Gil Nefaris Ozzy Fursona: Natalie
JJTC jjtc4471
18 years old. 25% Japanese and 75% caucasian? Name's Jonathan. I like fishing, hunting, art, martial arts, and Tons of anime Broken Depression Blank emotion Mentally depleated ♪"nobody knows who I really am. I've never felt this empty before."♪ Alt accounts: dscgDSCG str1vin6 characters (OC): Jonathan (JJTC)♂ Eiji ♂ Clay ♂ Aysel ♀ Teal ♀ Nero ♂ Benny ♂ o---{==(¬~¬)==>
Sherry Decembers_Scales
DA = DecemberScales Hi. I like stuff. I hate stuff. I draw stuff. Enjoy my stuff. If you don't enjoy my stuff go look at someone else's stuff.
jay jason7539
★☆self taught artist ^~^ i like to draw ._. (/^v^)/ im a really nice person so yeah dont be shy to say hi \(^v^\) ☆★
Montana Mixolydia98
I just want to say I'm sorry for all of the inactivity these past few months...But, no use moping about it. If you would, please, check out my final post's comments.
Flahv Flahv-not-Flav
Uh, hey. I don't really have much to say here. I have the tendency to curse, and I doodle. So if that peaks your interest, then okay, have fun. If not... I don't know, avert your eyes or something. - 3 - And here's some information for the stalkers out there: • 19 • Male, and does not identify as a toaster • Romantic Preference: Yeah, it's dudes... Yay. ^ - ^
Domo Arigato Mr.Roboto TwattTer= BFORBONKERS yolzataholocast420 = Dumblr
Sonyasha SonYasha
>:^U ugh jeez man, this drawing gig is wack, yo. Forgive me if I sound mean, it's just my bad personality. Started: 07/03/14 I'm very lonely.
Zedd Xeerawth
Pokémon humor is a dying art. I am not Anton Zaslavski. I take suggestions, but i don't do requests.
Peach MariaRenard666
Life goals: Play and 100% every Castlevania game of the original cannon. Become as good an artist as Ayami Kojima. Learn to sing all of the songs by Dragonland and Dark Moor. Become a gothicloli fashion or costume designer. Something involving Sonic and EverAfterHigh that I haven't figured out yet. And learn Romanian, maybe.
Lai 0025sadskies
ò v ó) 9 Sporadically active, as always.
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