Users Dumbo³ Is Following
Sudofox sudofox
Hi, I'm Sudofox! I make art, trashpost on Miiverse, and run an art and animation community. Long Live Miiverse, even After The Hatena Era The Miiverse Code of Conduct forbids sharing account info for other sites. As such, please do NOT contact me here regarding any issues you're experiencing on Sudomemo.
Does your cable provider offer a channel dedicated to monkeys stealing ice cream cones from humans? No? Then what are you paying them for?
ζ Zandaxar
Now with video solutions! I enjoy all the Professor Layton games, plus Boxboy, Catrap, Turn Lost Artifact, Ninja Usagimaru, Robot Rescue, Toki Tori, Rush, Adventures of Lolo and of course the whole Pushmo series. ●◆▼ф☆ж▲■★
AC 0:) angelboricua
Hello! How is it going? :) Traveling, games, music, lawls, homemade cooking, and a long walk on the beach. Blue chirp: angelboricua4t DArt: tweedlejack If anyone wants to keep in contact. \m/(>.<)\m/
sid master_sid
Hey!I'm Sid blue bird: Sid master,master__sid I love playing Pokemon,acnl I want daa. FMA and FMA:B <3 That anime should've been named feels metal alchemist tbh. I dunno follow if you feel like it and I look forward to us becoming friends. :3
+*Rozé♪*+ tousan_morimori
:.*Rozéロゼです.:* 最後の日まで よろしくね♡ Welcome to my profile.I'm Rozé.Thank you for playing,seeing my drawing and a lot of years to me. I'm glad to see you all! Thank you so much.♥ Keep your happiness and enjoy with me until Miiverse ends. あなたに出逢えて良かった ありがとう(#・・#)♪ ♡ Rozé 届けたい心の想いを絵に
Steiner★* shy-quiet9
★ * ☆ * ★ * ☆ * ★ * ☆ * ★ * ☆ * ★ * ☆ 後数時間ですね…皆さんありがとうございました! フレンドさんへ *ミバがなくなるので、お知らせがあればフレンドリストの一言コメントで言います。 *Nintendo SWITCで、別のアカウントなので僕が表示されませんなのでどこかで教えてね! ☆ * ★ * ☆ * ★ * ☆ * ★ * ☆ * ★ * ☆ * ★
ユイラ yukyyy
今年から、中学生になりましたので、平日には、なかなかこれず… 休日は、これます♪ ユイラと、いいます。 おはな村、村長ゆき。 夢番地 1E00-0010-0886 ぜひ、来てね^^ 共感、コメント、フォロー感謝です。 フォロワー600人以上、達成!! フォローについて。 フォロー返しはしておりません。 気に入った方は押させて頂きます。 ファッションのこと スカは、お断りします。 申し訳ございません>< 楽しかった!!思い出を私にくれて… ありがとう^^ 更新、2017年11月7日。
Vivian upsided0wn
profiles on other places below- Find me on яεδδιт at ьяεαdcяumbς101 (minus encryption). I'm active, so feel free to PM! I made a 41 (1-A) (2-B) (3-C) acc just for the end of mv, lol. It's danny-dorito. Closeverse acc is danny-dorito. FE:H name is corn, leading hero Linde. Code- 2329670728 see ya soon, y'all.
Mon Alisa Alisachu1742
☆¤°˙ Howdy, y'all! .•*★ So this is the end, huh? It's a bummer to see this place go... oh well. We've had some fun times! Here's where to find me after the apocalypse: - the "blue bird" website - that artsy website abbreviated as "Dee Ay" - on the Nintendo Switch In all of these places, I'm known as my Nintendo Network ID name. Au revoir, mes amis! ˙˘˙
Sheik sheikahtribesman
HEYO everyone! I'm Sheik, my real name's Alayna. I'm also a IK(Inkling Knites) Member. Fav games: Hyrule Warriors, Splatoon, and Pokémon Art Academy. fact(s) about me:I'm OBSESSED with Eddsworld TomTord, EddMatt, and just Tord in general :'). I'm a YT taught artist but as you can see I still have alot to learn :') thx for coming to visit this piece of junk :'''))) #R.I.P. MV.
Yoshi FennicYoshi
I know this service is ending in a month, so I just wanna say thank you to my friends and followers, both here and in my main account. And my dream address? 6D00-000F-F5FC.
Valentin B Val3nt1_MK-0nly
Welcome on my profile☺ I'm not a YB on MV & not a GD on MK8 👌😃 As Miiverse is ending I give my Tw🐤tter to everyone : @Valetudiant. Join me here if you want to follow me even after the end of Miiverse.☺ But it's not a gaming account unlike Miiverse (be tolerant)... I'm Valentin or C.Étoile in MKWii❤ | 20 ツ😎 Would be nice if I could reach 900 followers before Miiverse shuts ! 😁❇🌴 please :)
X¬XGerardo pikmin_pro98
Welcome to Crippling depression.avi Boneless Zone also i rap thats cool :] ShofuthaBeatdown tho Swag m8 Accelgor still my favorite pokemon and i Still love purple :] Speaks english and spanish Gorillaz is lit understandable have a kermit filled day. lol Jesus christ its jason bourne :0 and a Goth as well :] . Still sippin tea in your hood
__Jax.Ax__ Eric_Ealmoney
The end of the was a pleasure serving with all of you.Until we meet again my friends. R.I.P. Miiverse No regrets
E$ Wii U ebgallager2
Hi. 30 posts/comments is too few, so here I am. Also, 100 friends is too few as well. A good FR message should: 1. Actually say something specific to us 2. Have proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation
コニー♂ nobu-524
主にポケモンアートアカデミーコミュで活動しています。 歴代祭り企画 ・セレナ祭り ・温泉祭り ・水着祭り ・Mii&嫁ポケ祭り ・ポケモン映画20周年記念祭り 独自の世界、コニー♂劇場展開中 フォロー、フォロー外しはご自由にどうぞ。
みずさわ☆めぐり 56yoyoyo
みなさん、こんにちは。 みずさわ☆めぐりだよ。 プチコンでゲーム作ってる 幼稚園児だよ。 ミーバース終わるまで みんなとおしゃべりしていたいな。 ドラクエXIクリアしたよ! 裏ボスも討伐できるといいな。 お気に入りのキャラは マルティナさんだよ。 サキュバスウインクが 便利なのよね。 めぐり、パートナーの アシレーヌと一緒に 世界を愛で溢れさせるのよね。 どんな時も希望を忘れずに、 夢を追いかけ続けるのよね。 みんなの笑顔を守りたいのよね。 そのためにはみんなの 力が必要なのよね。 だから、めぐりは 今日もゲームをするの。 ゲームは人を ハピネスにするのよねー。
gu 1234gunner
This user's profile comment is private.
Miguel MiguelMulet
I sit beside the fire and think of people long ago and people who will see a world that I shall never know.
Viru$ociaL KarieSociaL
Mizu-Maru Tanka-Okiru
Classically trained on the N.E.S.
Link Chris20XXTE
I love you my friends. KIccKing? Seriously?: "TheSmashingBro" is a pretty cool dude, I only wish I could share with you all about the guy, great friend of mines. :'(
KITKAT N.and.zekrom
★☆•.HAPPY HALLOWEEN!.•☆★ (Almost) .•:☆Hi! I'm KITKAT!, but for Halloween, I'm N-KAT!.•:☆ •˙.º•Genfiver•º.˙• ★usually found in NSLU! ☆New York Club = Unova club ★I'm friendly, so don't be shy to talk to me! You said you had a meme... That meme... Make it come true! Make your wonderful meme a reality, and it'll become yours. If anyone can, it's you! Well then, Farewell!
トビハネ DittoEX
パルコミュだいすきエレカさまありがとおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおお 最近では次子さんが好きです
To All: if you want a friend, be one & you've got one here. Status: loving & loved by my girl. as such, please don't mistake witty repartee as interest in anything other than grins & giggles. i am no one's judge, but Miiverse dating is not for me. i don't cheat. Age=x: 13<x<113. only interested in interesting conversation, smart/funny posts & artistic talent on display. so, my age is irrelevant.
»NachoCat« NachoCat15
I'm gonna miss my friends and followers. óдò Things to know: ⇒I try to post daily now. ⇒I mainly use 3DS not WiiU. ⇒I'm an 18yr old dude. I support: ♀+♀/♂+♂ etc. My characters: Aeroni ♂ "Krow" ♂ Avidima ♂ Kalani ♂ Raffar ♂ Mythril ♀
Siddiata Diana61
Goodbyes are not forever. Goodbyes are not the end. They simply mean i'll miss you untill we meet again.
Chrıs Trickery
Hilda Bebe1st3ds
welcome to my profile all you need to no about me is i love anime i like cats and my favorite animes are bleach soul eater lucky star and good luck girl!! and my favorite game ever is stella glow
ぬのこ acemot
ミーバース終了後にオン有料になるのでこれ以降の任天堂ハードを購入する事はもうありません、さようなら。 ゲームは正々堂々お願いね 相手があってのゲームだから自分がやられたら嫌な事や悪質なプレイングはやめようね ゲーム内で相手を意図的に馬鹿にする人や卑怯な人は一切相手をしません The idea one there are infinite possibilities. Anything can be can not be anything. No shortcuts to various gay world. Fair and square I ask the game. Because it is game if there is a partner, I try to stop the nasty thing and malicious Playing Once he is done.
Theresa TheresaYingSu
♥ Hi, I'm Theresa (Sasa) from Taiwan. ♥ ♥ I teach geology and seismology. ♥ ♥ Loves shiny and scented stuff. ♥ ♥ Loves aquatic mammals and reptiles ♥ ♥ Enjoys singing, cooking, and swimming. ♥ ♥ I can communicate in Chinese and English. ♥ Favorite Nintendo characters: ♥ Ludwig, Iggy, Larry, Lemmy. ♥ ♥ Mario. ♥ ♥ Luigi. ♥ ♥ Rosalina. ♥ ♥ Peach. ♥ ♥ Race me! Smash me! Kick me! Let’s rumble~~!! ♥
まなとん manaton0129
Fulcrum superartirt
Hello Members of The Justice Team! Fulcrum here to say thank you to my 600+ followers! Lets keep helping people all around the world!!!!! May God bless you all!!!! Age: 17 Some Of My Faithful Companions: εvε~ ♪ (Partner) ★xavier★ poïsõnïvÿ Brian "Ed" Madison §tarro (Artfish) Zen Monkey Siddiata Kim Kamikado
K-0709 momomo79
どうも 現在中1年どす。(笑) ゲームはスプラトゥーン、絵心教室、マリオメーカーを、やっています☆ あとフレンドの事もヨロシクオネガイです! 好きな動画は、ゆっくりロングタイム たくっち ゆっくりけんじ、 つちのこ、ほしりゅう、が、好きです。 ひま (^ω^;)wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww HEY!HEY!HEY!HEY!HEY!HEY! てなわけでよろしくお願いしやす
NINTENDOE3 Heiz_Herrmann
folger über— — — Freunde 100 am 11.09.2016 habe ich auf diesem Profil von mir den ersten Beitrag gemacht. Heiz_Herrmann schon seit über 1 Jahr. Vergebene"Yeahs über 207.000 Beiträge 1077_1078 ich habe eigene Communitys von Mario Kart 8 eine gute Nachricht ich werde mein Profil NintendoE3 doch weiter leiten und hir noch das fienalle Besste Freunde (the Kevins zone®) ……………………………………………………………………………………
シンヤ SKE322
こんにちは!ドラゴンクエストが大好きな人募集中です! 一緒にドラクエの話で盛り上がりませんか? ドラクエシアトリズムでゾーマSカード入手頑張ってます。
FalconPain FalconPain
A comedian who lacks a sense of humor. A singer whose vocal talent atrophied. An artist who never learned to draw. A writer who cannot write well. A competitive gamer who dislikes being competitive. A Pokémon fan who doesn't play Pokémon games. A Castlevania fan who hates horror. A troper who resents dramatic clichés. A villain-supporter who hates villainy. A mathematician who doesn't add up.
"Whenever there're two Dumbos that run out of 30 comments... there's a third Dumbo."