ロックマン スマッシュヒーローズ!
Dyno's Yeahs
Super Mario Maker Community

★☆Switch Cup Round 1: Grading☆★
Everyone in my last discussion please comment on this post so that I know you're active! If you get eliminated it's in MY OPINION, it's not that your levels were b...

Congrats Jonny for becoming a winner of Ninja Warrior UK, perfect return after a unfortunate fail in series 1.

Even if ya don't like 1, 2, Switch, (Like me) Ya can't deny that the Music the trailer used for the reveal was PERFECT!!!
Super Mario Maker Community

Play Exchange
Play this level and I play one of yours! Stars for good levels ONLY both ways. Feedback is optional.
hey guys what's up? im Dynorecks64 i have 9 medals on SMM (next goal medal 10)
i like mudkipz,s...
hey guys what's up? im Dynorecks64 i have 9 medals on SMM (next goal medal 10)
i like mudkipz,super mario maker,DANK MEMES
pikmin,fire emblem
i upload mario maker levels once every 2 weeks or more
fire emblem fates is here
smash wii u mains