Dyno's Friends
Joel Icessassin
Gummy Den gummystudios
Cam CamTrummer
I play smash bros a lot
xavııana NEEDLEM0USE
Brock Brock_pokeeman
Just a Jim Elias.Fajita
lol m2k
FS|Oka Starbomb5323
Princess Kutzvanhulst
DarkFalcon shank423
eli 0Elijah0
I play a lot! Some funny moments happen, some awesome, or even some difficult times. Hyped for the future!
Chibi ChibiSenpai25
hi im chibi yoshi is my dad
★LK★(GG) liamkay13
JG710 jonielito
mario kart 8
Drevis drevistwo
Diddy konga
Floofy KasaiTheBraixen
Hey. You can call me Asriel for short. I am most noticeable in lots of Youtube Gaming streams by Dan Good Repairs, (Mostly Mario Maker and Mario Kart 8) Final Smash Network, (Mostly Wii U and Nintendo) and other Nintendo streamers. If you like watching and interacting with people, including the streamer, then come join us!
Brandon gamerboy331
Hello, I am Blue Ness (Personal Imformation) age: 12 favorite food: Mac and Cheese SSB Mains: Ness, and Lucas Favorite MK8 Character: Isabelle Games I have: Mario Kart 8, SSB Wii U, Mario Kart 8 Favorite Game Franchise: SSB Hello, I am PK Star, I make Super Mario Maker levels about characters and all their adventures. It's a pain to keep doing 100 Mario challenge several times, but I do.
True Aya TrueAya
Lucas googswyant
PK ☆storm NorwegianWarrior
Pokemon Fan
Mur* DrawingDude05
Hey Nice to meet you all, I love drawing, playing games and helping out.
domloc dom.loc
Ambien Ambien3
i like lucky charms
Aero Survivalist74
I am ZeRo
Giga Person2955
Luca bigplums
Stahp Staaph
BuizelKing BuizelKing01
Puzz3l3z The_Dins_Creator
Hey, I'm Puzz. Megaman main from the UK. I am currently writing a megaman guide in the megaman discord so come find me if you need any advice I'll be in there. If not pm me. Always happy to help.
Jerweh Jsmasher23
◆YδRк◆™ blueblur567
☆★Hi guys and welcome to my profile.Make sure you follow me and check out my Wii U and Nintendo 3DS posts ^_^★☆
I-Soul Infinity-S0ul
cundero cundero
Varun Kunarun
austinio austino1
FinalSmash G.vazquez148
Don't exactly know what to type, but hey!
Sebastien Sebastien123321
********** KINGevilxD
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junior amipatte
Tom tljobe
CHAO gurgy1
Hi, I'm James, I'm 15. My twitter is Shadowthecat35, meet me there I guess. It's the end and I had a lot of fun, so see ya' on the flipside!
WaluigiJ76 jason0623
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Wolfie tage103
Kasugano ERBOA_SheaRose21
Hi. I'm King. I like Smash Bros. κιπд I also play League of Legends. Add me. I play Top Lane I main Lucario in Pokken Tournament I main Robin and Jiggs in Smash 4 I mainly play Fox or Pikachu in Brawl/64 I main Peach...u. Pichu in Melee (secret op)
Mother/EB MotherEB3
Mother/EarthBound franchise is the best! I am an aspiring pro smasher for Wii U and 64, also a pro (somewhat) at Kid Icarus: Uprising and pro at Mario Kart. I love all games from Animal Crossing to Grand Theft Auto, as long as I have the games. Mother trilogy collection for both 3DS and Wii U! Come on, Nintendo! Mother's 25th anniversary: July 27, 2014.
Danisaduck DanKempston
Bradley snadley10
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Christian ChiLakers24
Sonic Adventure DX was awesome!
Axel♂ Kwright13
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TwiBot muddyswampert
mario, pkmn, and kirby, these were the ingredients needed to make the perfect gamer. get the reference?
CutterL CutterL
Hope to see you again in the future. CutterL, CutterL_, cutterl98, CutterL#6951 Hey, I try to draw here when I can, lots of videogame stuff. You can find my art other places as well. I'm a big fan of Nintendo. I've played their games my whole life and I really enjoy every bit of them. I'm a little crazy, and kinda shy, but feel free to talk to me.
TechNick TechNick6425
Wamelon Wamelon
im bad at smash bros
PowerBurgr KonArtist
Bread bboyplays
Yoru Yoru-san
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B L O X E Caes-urios
Trex Kev1796
Sonrio Sonrio224
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Charm alireza2002
Hey lol
Dom Greenvision
Evan awesomeevan
A guy who's favorite games are Mario, Sonic, Kirby, and Pokémon. Not really into FPS that much, but will play them from time to time. Favorite series: SUPER SMASH BROS.
Lock-0n Lemonking
Days to the Miiverse shutdown: 3 Days since Luke was last online: 1 Days since I started these countdowns: 26
Morgan Morgan10
giggler super98
hi i am benj i like pokemon rumble u megaman sonic the heghog and smash bros i have nintendo land zombie u pokemon rumble u and pikmin 3
joy That_Wierdo
ryukahr ryukahr
This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
hey guys what's up? im Dynorecks64 i have 9 medals on SMM (next goal medal 10)
i like mudkipz,s...
hey guys what's up? im Dynorecks64 i have 9 medals on SMM (next goal medal 10)
i like mudkipz,super mario maker,DANK MEMES
pikmin,fire emblem
i upload mario maker levels once every 2 weeks or more
fire emblem fates is here
smash wii u mains