Mario Kart 7 pro TTers, can you please tell me if this is a good time trial?!

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Pokémon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire

@VGC Players-What do you think of Overheat Rayquaza? Is Ferrothorn really that scary? Join this discussion! [I'm planning on making one every week!]
Pokémon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire

LF Breeding Request: Timid 6iv [5 no atk] Whimsicott comment if u can do!?
Pokémon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire

Pokemon TCG: Korean Booster Box: Volcanic Fighter XY11 Ultra Rare: 3 Volcanion EX Dual Type Steelix EX Pyroar BREAK Holo:7 Volcanion Pyroar [2] Klinklang Chandu Chandelure Shiftry Dual Type [2]
Pokémon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire

YEEEEEES!!!!!! GOT ★ ZAPDOS AFTER TRADING ARCEUS W/ NO RIBBONS! Zapdos@Leftover [6iv] heat wave thunderbolt roost and: DEFOG met in kanto, so may/may not be legit, but: DEFOG MAN!!!!! @—@
☆Yo, It's ya boi Entei
☆I'm a legendary Johto Pokemon!♪
☆Catch me if you can!!!<[-—-]>
☆I have...
☆Yo, It's ya boi Entei
☆I'm a legendary Johto Pokemon!♪
☆Catch me if you can!!!<[-—-]>
☆I have lots of good cards in the Pokemon Tcg, including a Gold ☆ and EX!♪
☆I also had a Gamestop shiny event waaaay back in HGSS!♪
☆I won't let anyone catch me, except Crystal, 'cause she's hot! Oh come on! It's true!!♪<[¤—¤]>
☆Thank you for visiting Ya Boi Entei's page!♪
☆Now run along like I do!♪♪☆☆☆