Users Entei-Sama Is Following
Altkofso Yainskofso_U
Invader Invader343
I Invade, the Un-Invade-able I shall be know as Invader the Un-Invade-able ( Invader343 ) I shall stay on miiverse 'till the end. Go follow my main account! Invader222 Some second account, I guess?
Alysa ☆★☆ HappyCupcakeGirl
No calls, please! ☆★☆♥♡♥Hey Happy People! :3♥♡♥☆★☆ ~I like to draw, but I'll do written posts and play journals as well! Maybe check it out?~ Here's a code to decipher: key 23! (Wklqn brx'oo plvv ph? @KdssbFxsfdnhJuo) *~ Have fun and enjoy your visit here!~*
D3m0 D3m0o4
Profile comment's hidden by admin, huh?
Invader Invader222
Should I be active on this account? Dab Λsħ! Please follow my other account! Invader343! My goal is to have 100 followers! °ˇ°
Siddiata Diana61
Goodbyes are not forever. Goodbyes are not the end. They simply mean i'll miss you untill we meet again.
My name is MARTYJAMZ! and I've been on this account since 2015. And I had a Miiverse account before this as well. I've had some fun memories on this site. Seen some funny posts. Had some laughs. But now it is ending. Thank you Miiverse for being fun. Loved the time on here. So that's it really. Goodbye Miiverse! -MARTYJAMZ!
Cheese CheeseCakeU
Profile comment hidden by admin. Farewell, Mr. Iwata...'ll always be my hero.
мαяγ-ζαлξ FLAREONLOVER123
"'…' give me anxiety like you wouldn't imagine"-me REQUESTS ARE CL O S E D Honk is senpai I'm a 13 year old nerd I have too many senpais- Please follow: Caitlin,Ästöriä,no,☆Stephy★,Lucifer,Chris,Niall,MOSHE, Jammy,Artistic, ItsBobNoon,Roxie, Ni,Kyle,Jaiden, Klara, Honk,and KITKAT! All of my followers are amazing!Thanks for 1,000+ followers! Join the Choco Protection Squad
Caleb TheOtherCaleb
I'm not from the UK. Also, please don't send friend requests.
~Dana~ danastarr02
Awesome people I'd like to thank: Tanna, Mercedes, Luma, Puff, Alexandra, KidProdigy, Λndısıt, GOOM, ‡Shy guy‡, Sarah, RoadRaven, RK, RunneR, Bowsergirl, Theresa, Betty, Jilly, Hamza, Sir, ShelbyYuki, Luigi-GS, Bluepanzer, Kevin, Logan, √Alex², A.J, Kitty, BJCC, Jack, Peacock, Lumy, Steven, Shadowolf, and Artisquid.
Kat AkiraTheDragon
Hello people! I am Kat or Akira or Talon, which ever you decide to use! I've recently have been able to get back on so let me get back into the swing of things ^^' I STILL TAKE REQUESTS FOR THEY ARE GOOD PRACTICE FOR ME! For those of you who might get uncomfortable I am an adult of 19 years so keep that in mind I am not going to be on often so be prepared! Have a look around and a good day! ^w^
Sarah Tehbuttonmasher
Heyo, my name's Sarah. I'm 14. I can sort of draw?? I mainly just draw characters that I like and a few of my own characters, also, Lucario...I just..really like Lucario Okay.
Danny 340091
Wii U account: ChatotKirby My name is Daniel, and I'm 19. You'll probably get along with me, and I'm friendly and calm to most I meet! ^-^ I draw sometimes. This profile is filled with my fun, cheerfulness, quirkiness, and all that madness. I like Mario, Zelda, and I'm a Pokemon, Kirby, and Animal Crossing fanatic. I joined Miiverse on 2/13/2014
Ruboo LusterTheFushigi
TrumooPuff LlamaButtGalaxy
Update: Magical giraffes, YES PLEASE. Weh. TrumooPuff. A non artificial person with real feelings and cares! I hope you have a wonderful day, even if it's already been crud. (Here to help if ya feel like it) For the dankest of maemaes. I hope you're not lactose intolerant. (If you are, I'm really sorry...)
•Døggø• Fluffy-Doggo
Profile comment hidden by admin.
bulbacool bulbacool
is bulbacool cool? no, sorry. also miiverse is ending lmao see ya. but dont wana miss ya! btw... side tangler (&more active) doodleboi main tangler (&less active) sk8boardthesequel t00n@t0r (animation thing) both peeks & peekseviltwin
Isaac ΩSI ShadowofLight999
Final Post count: 3828 Final Yeah count: 6873 Final Following count: 212 Lurantis still best PokéWaifu. It's been fun, y'all. Find me on :^( or Cedrus and soon Cii. I also have a Discordant, find it on :^(
King Dom DommyMcDoodle
Hello, I am your average Nintendo fan who enjoys entertaining others. Whether it be art, jokes, or something completely random, I hope the content I supply will be of enjoyment to you. P.S. The Illuminati is always watching.
Palkia LeMemeLord
Active games: Tomodachi Life Pokemon Sun/Moon Smash Bros. 4 Animal Crossing: New Leaf Best Quote of the Year: "Well, this drawing board is gonna be less clean than a PS1 controller with loads of Cheeto dust on it." --haroldsΣΨ, Tomodachi Board, 2017 i love dank memes btw
Jaxx Jaxx-Is-Here-03
Hi, I'm Jaxx. Also, you should follow me, I guess. I'm a pacifist. I like gaming, drawing, and relaxing. I support anti-bullying. My favorite games are Nintendo games and Indie games. I'm a collector of Nutcrackers, NIB Mint US Amiibo, and Figmas/Nendoroids. I'm a memelord. Everybody has at least a little good in them. Personality matters. Out of Posts? Y(*) N( ) (CURRENTLY BANNED)
temmie–kun seed55
heIlo, (moderately good) fanfiction writer here, i take fanfic requests btw :3 i'm also team blue moon's leader, i like pretty much any anime, pokemon games, undertale, jacksepticeye, filthy frank(sue me), nitw, and open world games. banned yes( ) no(*) ten asterisk man is best husbando pls request i'm lonely guess i'll just lay here and contemplate my existence then.
Dark ßË LeMemingLord
Alt account to harolds so don't follow this account, follow that... SD Name: PearlianPalkia ALT ACCOUNT: harolds (banned for two weeks)
VerboseDra WooshSploosh
Hello. My name is Verbose, Dra, or any nickname will be good. Basically, I talk way more than need be Please, don't feel hesitant to talk to me. I‛m here and I'm as friendly and understanding as can be. Go Llamas
Ethan yoshikid2004
Ummm... hi, my name is Ethan. Although I am mostly here to inject and spread the memes, i do still post about actual games here. Want some trash? Head to the NSLUC. Currently in Room 714 of Hotel Bigely. Good day!
Death :3 DeathTheKidx7
Hey I'm Death Age:15 Things I Like Doing: Playing Video games Playing With Lego's Roleplaying Hanging Out With My Best Friend edgelord35 Favorite Tv Superheros: Deadpool Batman Favorite Tv Shows: Steven universe Gotham Walking Dead South Park) Favorite Animes: All Of Dragonball Soul Eater Fairytail Blue Exorcist Bleach The Devils a Part Timer Favorite Band:Skillet R.I.P Miiverse
Purple skywalker2248
*Hi! *I'm Perseverance! You can call me Purple! *I fell down into the Underground (whoops). *I like writing, a LOT. *Sans + Papyrus + Me = BFFs *Well and UF Sans too. *you know what, let's just say all skelebros are welcome and be done. *I love to Roleplay! *Posts: [√] YES [ ] NO * Always remember to [ACT], [MERCY], and [SAVE]
Ώ«Ďαώηη»Ώ XxAL4m3N0B0dyxX
Hai! --I doodle stuff (prob trash >_<) and post about random junk-- --Big nerd for NINTENDO-- --I also like cartoons, anime, sleeping, fishing, and wallowing outside-- --yeahs/comments/follows etc. are appreciated ^-^ ….but i dont know why anyone would bother doing that since most my stuff is bad (=.=)-- --age:16-- --single (>3<)-- --female-- --status: Doomsday Approaches 'O' --
ちゃーちゃん tomomatu7
こんにちは! Hello! iHola! みんなと仲良く楽しみたいです! ミーバースでみんなの投稿見るのが日課になってます♪ 時々コメント入れさせていただいてます♥ よろしく(^^)/
☆Yo, It's ya boi Entei
☆I'm a legendary Johto Pokemon!♪
☆Catch me if you can!!!<[-—-]>
☆I have...
☆Yo, It's ya boi Entei
☆I'm a legendary Johto Pokemon!♪
☆Catch me if you can!!!<[-—-]>
☆I have lots of good cards in the Pokemon Tcg, including a Gold ☆ and EX!♪
☆I also had a Gamestop shiny event waaaay back in HGSS!♪
☆I won't let anyone catch me, except Crystal, 'cause she's hot! Oh come on! It's true!!♪<[¤—¤]>
☆Thank you for visiting Ya Boi Entei's page!♪
☆Now run along like I do!♪♪☆☆☆