CLAMP's Followers
welcome to my profile imEггогКгίς -------------------------- i like games like ƒηaƒ pokemon and a super mario super smash bros and the Γegeηd of zelda mario kart --------------------------- See you later k!
madnose popcharles101
name-charles age- 13 favorite games- pokemons, marios zelders, nintendos friends- joel,daniel,paul i post super mario maker levels and pokemon stuff i love smm more i host competitions i am smart i love clash royale in arena 8 no legends clan troops of light i am sometimes weirdæïîïîîïíöïðïõôâììñ
Lorenzo SoapScrub360
Sans budder_lordz
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ToXiC~ZeRo cuffed84
I'm not single R.I.P miiverse i love minecraft
qinc squirrelboy2
hi im qinc and i nine and like nintendo games and consoles and shout our palmer 707 and Mr.PIXEL AND orangebob and know leave i see you did not leve well leave just do it
mike patrickrules
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jaylen jaylenjackson
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buttrman59 butterman59
"We're not pawns of some scripted fate. I believe we're more. Much more... There's something between us all. Something that keeps us together... Like... invisible ties, connecting us.”–Robin, Ch.14
MarioRuler marioruler1
Hi Its Me,MarioRuler. i have minecraft so ask me to play with you! I like pokemon,mario,kirby,minecraft,lego,party games,racing games etc. i can gamechat. ( in minecraft ) and i can wiiu chat. I wont be on miiverse that long cause of school. I collect pokemon cards. I appreciate follows. Thats all i gotta say so bye and hit dat follow button
Charlie B. CharlieBrown25
Dead Shot luigi2156
Wazzup Dead Shot here iam an expert gamer most times,a big fan of luigi(GO WEEGEE!) and a huge Nintendo fan..... Nintendo your the best! And iam happy to help you on some wiiu games your stuck on doing! Alright thanks for being awesome see you in the next post. And to all my new friends, please don't Wii U chat me when I'm playing a game or if I just now meet you.
alpha spacecase2001
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eddie pokeybros.4ever
mii party zone
Yeah Fairy yeahfairy
Hello children, I am the Yeah Fairy. I have come to miiverse to make you all happy. I know how important Yeahs are to all of you and I will give them away freely. Have fun on Miiverse!!!
Kristian smbz3095
Hi I'm Kristian I'm 14 years old and I'm just an ordinary gamer from Puerto Rico I like Nintendo and Sega,I'm a Fuzzy Pickler (EarthBound/MOTHER fan).I am a HUGE smash brothers fan,in fact it's my favorite video game franchise since I started playing the games.
Edisc edi456
hello i love pkm i will love to make a tournament and i love to read
★Q★τιηα★ TinayK
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つちけちぬけにてにけ tarakocuchibiru
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PkmnTr.Blu mewtwo44
Hi I'm PkmnTr.blu but my name is michael. Things I Play and watch besides pokemon are watching and playing dragonball z(seen every episode of dragon ball, dragon ball z, dragon ball gt, all the specials and movies of all 3 series and i have dragon ball z budokai tenkaichi 3 for the wii), i like Future Card BuddyFight the anime(i have seen episodes 1-32, i watch and play yugioh online when i canEtc
ZelFan1002 zeldafan10021
Apagando las luces. -Jugando ahora- 3DS: Actualmente no disponsible. Nintendo Switch: Actualmente no disponsible. PlayStation 4: Actualmente no disponsible.
ιαżżγ pet101
hey bruh
Christian butlerj6748
Duncan WiiU1235
Hi I'm Duncan! [1] My favorite games are SMG 1 and 2. [2] My birthday is private because it's a typo. [3] Currently Playing : Tomodachi Life, Wii Party U, MK8 [4] I yeah bomb. ★¬★ [5] I do pixel art sometimes. [6] Nintendo, make Super Mario Galaxy 3. [7] On the way out, Eat a Sprinkled Doughnut. [8] I only speak English and Icelandic.
John(ONLY) PeterMcNeill
Yo! What's up guys it's me John. I'm done with clans there so stupid!!!!! I Do Wii U Chat.
Music man MusicRewindman
DrawerBot Game-Bot1231
· I am a robot that loves anything Nintendo. (Except for that one thing...) · I am programed to draw and give yeahs! · Favorite game series are: Mario, Zelda, Megaman, and Smash Bros. · This is my 1st body. If destroyed, backup is R.O.B.O.T. Members of Team Drawer! ·DrawerMax ·DrawerDrew ·DrawerFred ·DrawerNico ·DrawerG · Currently: OFFLINE FOREVER · THX FOR 1700+ FOLLOWS!!!
★Dale☆ New-FwDale
hi im Dale i have a 3DS im 10 follow me ^.^ ■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■ ■ ■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ youtube Dale Mooney
Melon 64 EPICMAN01
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2-Wai Kingotaku711
I am 2-Wai: Otaku Extraordinaire. Favorite pairings: Too many to count Favorite video games series: Too many to count Favorite anime: Too many to count Favorite foods: Popcorn, Pizza, Shave Ice and anything Japanese Favorite candies: Anything sour or made of white chocolate (can't have dark or milk chocolate), strawberry Pocky, Nerds (any kind) Favorite band: Bowling For Soup
ivi Ivanita
Yo, I'm Ivi, 15 y/o, pretty tomboy-ish and dank. I speak Spanish, German and English. I draw and play ACNL, and I wanna start my own (web)comic Clans: [Bю] ([Bю] = Bro) / ςγĢ / MKB ★★★ Wubba lubba dub-dub, son!!!
November NovemberJoy
jorge Jorge1
Hello I'm Jorge and in this page, I post things that are game related! You could also scroll down (might take long) to find drawings of mine! ● Friends and followers, U are the best! Thank's for the yeahs and nice comments!! Have a nice day!
£σlίtα♪ Lolypop.212
Les jeux nous reunissent et nous font tous rêver... Jουεsε ƒοя lίƒε..! Cση jυεgσs ρuedσ vίvίr γ sσñar
Shadows supernin42341318
H e l l o, I'm Shadows! 1: I am a Sonic fan. 2: I only speak english. 3: Being inappropriate = BLOCK. 4: My favorite games are Shadow the Hedgehog, Sonic Unleashed, Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric, and Minecraft. Sonic FTW! :-D
jandres kirito-jan12
Hi my name is Jandres zapata.I like to meet different people every day,and discover the world of nintendo 3ds.I play any kind of games,from old to new games,and from boring to fun games!I like watching anime my favorites anime are Sword art online,Highshool of the dead,Rosario+vampire,Angel beats,and Fairy tale.Follow ZOMBIEMAN! is a great artist!bie:)
Sandra Megastarplayer
kill me.