Users CLAMP Is Following
Alpharad ☆ alpharad
Profile comment hidden by admin.
RubberRoss RubberNinja
I FUNderstand!!
Diаnе ImaginneRush19
I love anime, fighting games, anime fighting games, and Nintendo. -- * Mains * GGXrd - Millia SFV - Cammy, Alex (Ibuki hype.) Skullgirls - Cerebella Pokkén - Lucario Smash - Mewtwo, ZS Samus, Ness -- Oh, I also draw sometimes.
cobaner456 Cobanerman1456
MarioRuler marioruler1
Hi Its Me,MarioRuler. i have minecraft so ask me to play with you! I like pokemon,mario,kirby,minecraft,lego,party games,racing games etc. i can gamechat. ( in minecraft ) and i can wiiu chat. I wont be on miiverse that long cause of school. I collect pokemon cards. I appreciate follows. Thats all i gotta say so bye and hit dat follow button
RJ maribelcecilio
Hi guys im new my goal is 100 yeahs by the way i love to wii u chat lets talk sometime peace off
wormytoes Wormytoes
eddie pokeybros.4ever
mii party zone
***** deth55
Ian Greninja328
Hey there! I'm Ian! (Rhymes with lion) Symbols: -PitchFork- I'm an ASU Sun Devil -Shield- I am a Defensive Support Player -DS Icon- I mainly use handhelds I love to draw, tho I'm less active on Miiverse now. [ 1 ' . '] [==C ]==C OOO)) ))
Kristian smbz3095
Hi I'm Kristian I'm 14 years old and I'm just an ordinary gamer from Puerto Rico I like Nintendo and Sega,I'm a Fuzzy Pickler (EarthBound/MOTHER fan).I am a HUGE smash brothers fan,in fact it's my favorite video game franchise since I started playing the games.
Zack III StupendousShadow
"Hi world! This is Zack II. I've gotten myself banned, so I will use this account until my Zack II account is unbanned. I'm sorry for my insolence. I will still do my best to produce uplifting and quality posts despite the fact that my followers are gone, and that this account is temporary. As I once said on my Zack II account, thanks for reading and have a great day!" -Zack II.
buttrman59 butterman59
"We're not pawns of some scripted fate. I believe we're more. Much more... There's something between us all. Something that keeps us together... Like... invisible ties, connecting us.”–Robin, Ch.14
slt je suis trés sympa j'aime bien deconner un peu mais si vous voulez que je devienne votre ami y a pas de problème.
francesco sonobasso
John(ONLY) PeterMcNeill
Yo! What's up guys it's me John. I'm done with clans there so stupid!!!!! I Do Wii U Chat.
Duncan WiiU1235
Hi I'm Duncan! [1] My favorite games are SMG 1 and 2. [2] My birthday is private because it's a typo. [3] Currently Playing : Tomodachi Life, Wii Party U, MK8 [4] I yeah bomb. ★¬★ [5] I do pixel art sometimes. [6] Nintendo, make Super Mario Galaxy 3. [7] On the way out, Eat a Sprinkled Doughnut. [8] I only speak English and Icelandic.
Christian butlerj6748
Josh worshipwii2u
Happy Nov.2017 it's been great seeing your greatest faces of all of miiverse but in a couple of day's miiverse will close its doors we had a lot of great times together but if you have a nintendo switch your friend code is the same as the wii u. anyway let us thank nintendo for a great wide spread community of friends and family. until next time enjoy miiverse while it lasts.
Edisc edi456
hello i love pkm i will love to make a tournament and i love to read
つちけちぬけにてにけ tarakocuchibiru
This user's profile comment is private.
PkmnTr.Blu mewtwo44
Hi I'm PkmnTr.blu but my name is michael. Things I Play and watch besides pokemon are watching and playing dragonball z(seen every episode of dragon ball, dragon ball z, dragon ball gt, all the specials and movies of all 3 series and i have dragon ball z budokai tenkaichi 3 for the wii), i like Future Card BuddyFight the anime(i have seen episodes 1-32, i watch and play yugioh online when i canEtc
ιαżżγ pet101
hey bruh
RaymanTeam Rayman_Dev_Team
Official Rayman Team
Tom NintendoTom
Hi I'm Tom from Nintendo! Whenever there's anything new happening to Miiverse, I'll be posting about it on Miiverse Announcements. I'll also be sharing tips and other Nintendo news that (hopefully) matters to you. I'll occasionally be popping up in other communities, so keep an eye out for me!
Hello Miiverse, I've been a gamer most of my life. Started out on the SNES & my love for gaming grew from there.The SNES is still my favorite system Thank you all for the Yeah's! Also would like to thank all those who follow me. NxGN™(Leader) (>'.')> <('.'<)(COD Gamer)
Iván Zympherior
Oy, just another guy over there! I'm just one of many Nintendo fans. I also like Touhou. You can call me Iván, Zymph, or Zympherior. Returning Pixel Artist(?) Currently: This profile may or may not be dead rn. Probably it is. (17 year old peep) También hablo Español / I also talk Spanish
Cuby RedKoopaGamer
★Bio★: Name: Thomas Gender: Male Age: 15 My Beautiful Drawing Requests: NONE, SO REQUEST!
○βιÆχ™ ▽∀▽ DarkN64
¡Hola, organismos pluricelulares con 46 cromosomas! •ω• Provenientes del planeta rocoso llamado Tierra del Sistema Solar, localizado en el Brazo de Orión de la Galaxia en forma de espiral barrada llamada Vía Láctea del espacio exterior de todo el Universo… UυU Me gusta dibujar, jugar videojuegos, escuchar música, ver anime, etc… ‹(˙˘˙^) Juejuejue… -υ- ¡Adiós! c: Ξ[)[Pαíς: ¢нıιε](]Ξ
Music man MusicRewindman
EdMike EdMike
Hello everyone ! I hope you enjoy Miiverse as much as I do. Thanks if you have some time to watch and comment my doodles. Remember to have fun, it's all that matters !(Sorry,no more friend requests for now)
DrawerBot Game-Bot1231
· I am a robot that loves anything Nintendo. (Except for that one thing...) · I am programed to draw and give yeahs! · Favorite game series are: Mario, Zelda, Megaman, and Smash Bros. · This is my 1st body. If destroyed, backup is R.O.B.O.T. Members of Team Drawer! ·DrawerMax ·DrawerDrew ·DrawerFred ·DrawerNico ·DrawerG · Currently: OFFLINE FOREVER · THX FOR 1700+ FOLLOWS!!!
kill me.