Aaron's Followers
After starting this user on Christmas 2015, I've had so much fun! I'll miss this place. To find me DOWNLOAD THE APP: Zelda Amino. No more pictures;-; Find me on Zelda Amino as Bitz-Player 3! It’s sad to see Miiverse go but we must stay happy! I have 0 posts now. THANKS FOR 1000 FOLLOWERS!!! It was my dream and I YOU did it!!! Goodbye I guess... (。ŏ﹏ŏ)
Fleicity.Q FleicitySmoke
Hi! my name is Fleicity Queen an Im the real Fleicity Queen I don't like when people are being mean an I just got a 3ds an im new to miiverse so i hope i have fun
s the swag bossmanswag
Sonic drewdi2009
Hey Guys Sonic's The Name Speeds My Gang Anyway My BestFriend/Sidekick Is Miles/Tails And Knuckles Hes Ok But I Dont Like What He Did In Sonic And Knuckles But Amy She Just Cant Stop Following Me Chilli Dogs I LOVE THEM!!! But Anyway Follow Me And Also I Like Mario Games And Him Nintendo And Sega ROCKS!!!!!!!!!
Plasma HeckingWhy56
If you're here because I followed you, hello
Dj BaptisteWU
Hello miis! I'm not very social electronically but I have a strong love for nintendo! I am multi-talented and very friendly. I would also be very happy to have followers or even friends! Love you and all of your creative posts!
☆★Kaity★☆ kaitybug78
Hello everybody!!!! I'm Kaity the Hedgehog! I love my Boom Sonic! Friends: Tails, Knux, Amy, and Sticks ♥♡♥Boyfriend: Boom Sonic♥♡♥ Enemies: Sonic, Tails, Knux, Amy, and Sticks.exe, Dr. Eggman, and the Flash I'm the second speedy hedgehog!!!
NICKTENDO Nicktendo102
Hi I'm Nicktendo, I'm really good at Art, I do a lot of pixel art. Mario games are my favorite. I love Playing Splatoon, Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon, Mario Kart And Super Smash Bros, hope you guys like my Art ;)
Cerezita lemonsaresweet6
Hi its Zaya, Keybee's sister. I will miss u all I love miiverse so Let's Dance Boys!
Kawiyi cat fever589
hi im brianna im 10 i love video games and youtube i like minecraft,super mario, skylanders, donkykong, mk8 and pikman i have a youtube channel i like to wii u chat people and play online with friends like mikehosecky, master joshman, stadnik and many more. please friend request me im not blocked. im a girl BTW i have a older sister and yonger sister. Also Friend RockyHorrorShow5
WimpyGuy Docjng70
ganginou35 guillaume3384
sallu moi j'ai 18ans bail
Austin luigiawesomedude
hi my name is Austin,i am a big fan of donkey kong country games. i love the woods and exploring places. i fear i will be alone forever and that the afterlife is eternal darkness that smells like toast and coffee!
its me DUDEGAMERx i LOVE minecraft and mariokart 8 my nintendo id is leland14 i need more followers
Arραη .ıl★ Arpanshahi
Hi my name Arραη.ıl Welcome to Miiverse! now we have glitch news all!!! from MarioKart7! i will play MarioKart7! ;) .·• .·•·.·•·.·•#savemiiverse•·.·•·.·•·. •·. (•ω•) (•ω•) (•ω•) •) (•ω•)) ((•ω•) (• (•ω•) (•ω•(•ω•) (•ω•) (•ω•)
Bowser Jr. eeb4321
Hi kids. Bowser Jr. here! Tomorrow, my mischievous Elf on the Shelf named Carol is coming back to my Dad's house, because I want to show her an early Christmas gift I got. (King Bowser said that it plays lots of music, and I have to practice it for 20 minutes a day!) And when it came to the castle, it was heavy to carry. But I still played lots of songs for my siblings before Christmas came by!
jed kkkjj008
Nintendo Switch Friend Code:SW-2507-2149-6020. We didn't set out to be superheroes, but sometime life doesn't go the way you planned. -Hiro Hamada, Big Hero 6. The hardest part is saying goodbye.
isaac cheriez
everyone lets try to save miiverse and convince them not to close it so lets try our best to save miiverse before its to late now who's with me
G. Sweet Amy-Rose667
Me: Hiya! I'm Maggie. But please call me Glitter Sweet. ^.^ Amy: And I'm Amy Rose! AKA, Glitter Garnet! Me: Together... Both: We fight the evil Desclair and bring peace to Kanomé Village! Amy: Please be nice to us or we will block you. Both: Thankies!!!!! Rena: Don't forget me and Onee-chan! Shugo: Rena... -.-U Me: Oh! Shugo! Rena! Amy: AKA Kite and Blackrose! Me: They're our BFFs!!
§ħαδσωGΐяł AnimeLatina1997
Been here since April 2017 Thank you Miiverse for the good times, may you rest in piece. I love you all. :)
Samuel PopsyDT
Hi im samuel im 9 years old im an proud Canadian. I have my top 5 Wii U games here 5 The windwaker HD 4 Nintendo land 3 Splatoon 2 Super smash bros Honarable mention Yoshis wooly world 1 MARIO KART 8 Nintendo 3ds 5 Miitopia 4 Luigis mansion 2 3 Mario and Luigi Dream Team 2 New super mario bros 2 Honarable mention Paper mario Sticker star 1 SUPER MARIO 3D LAND
T.O tox360
Hey, I'm T.O. Im a funny dude who plays videogames, and like to draw! But I don't do Wii U chat. I'm sorry! Rules: I don't tolerate rude comments about me on any of posts. I report people who insult me. If you continue to break my rules on my posts than I'll block you. I'm also a founder and leader of TΩ
★•°BTS°•★ Evoli60
Salut tous le monde! Je m'appelle Deborah et j'ai 10 ans.Mes jeux vidéos préférés sont:Tomodachi Life,Animal Crossing ~Happy Home Desinger~et Mine Craft. J'addore la K-pop et Shakira. Mes chanteurs préférés sont Bts. Si vous aimez aussi les la k-pop vous pouvez me l'écrire dans les commentaire. J'aime aussi Blackpink,Twice,Seventeen, Kard exo,got7 et Bigbang.
マウンテンゴリィラァ shunya0728
Lexi Lexigug11
Hey guys:)! My name is lexi andI love Tomadachi Life but my parents say I can't get the game:(. I love reading Harry Potter and Percy Jackson. I have a lot of friends who are really loud and bubbly. My deal is if you follow me I follow you. See you guys:) Let's work together to save Miiverse.
つかさ(´・ω・`) shoma112233
フォローお願いします!(^^) 好きなアニメ 妖怪ウォッチ アプリモンスターズ 好きなゲーム 妖怪ウォッチ3 ポケとる 好きな曲 心臓を捧げよ ピースサイン 好きな映画 君に決めた サマーウォーズ 好きな食べ物 メロン 性別 男 年齢10才 ------------------------------------------------
Jon nomis8812
ProfAwsome REBORN!!! "Do or do not, there is no try."- Master Yoda "Man is what he believes."-Anton Chekov I run the Smash Brotherhood Members Donny Isaac Byron Jr. I am a Christian, 14, and I'm a preacher, If you disagree with what I believe, talk to me about it I'm sure we could change that.
SMG2001 SMG2001
Hallo ich bin der Super Mario Gamer 2001 und ich spiele schon seit ich 5 bin Videospiele mein erstes Spiel war Super Mario Land 2 6Golden coins. Ich liebe die Mario spiele über alles. Mein lieblings Spiel ist Super mario 64. Ich werde auch nach und nach euch zu den Spielen die ich durch habe infos geben und meine Meinung dazu. Meine erste Konsole übrigens war der Gameboy Advance.
free yeahs sergiouriostegui
And his name is john cena
Zion Zion1905
I'm the best Hyrule Warriors player ever!
Luna 0523rise
コクッパの特にモヒカントリオが大好きなケモナー中1です。推しはラリーちゃん。 マリカー8DX、スプラ2やってる。マリカー8DXでは、ラリーにマッハGPを使っている。レミーの時はジェットライダー。レート戦はめったに行かない。スプラ2ではヒッセンと銀モデラー、ボールドマーカー、金モデラー、ヒーローマニューバー(たまに別なの)。 好きなもの:コクッパ スプラ2 VOICEROID アイカツ 東方 ちびロボ!(ちびロボ可愛い 初代ちびロボが1番好きだな。咲かせても好きだけど。) 一番好きなの:コクッパ→ラリー(2番目はレミー。) スプラ2→ホタル&イイダ VOICEROID→マキマキ アイカツ→あおい、ユリカ、スミレ、凛。東方→小傘 ちびロボ!→(もちろん)ちびロボ 好きなcp:レミラリ、イギラリ、イギルド、ルドレミ、チーラリ等 イギーのルドイジリが尊い。 ミバやめたぞ。迷惑かけてすみません。
bluefalcon KeyCrest
miiverse is ending so i want the approximate friends in my friend slot before the end of miiverse so enough of that let me introduce myself: hi my name is bluefalcon i like minecraft anything pokemon anything mario anything and super smash bros for 3DS/wii U im 12 and my birthday is actullay 10/31 but it just got mixed up with my dad's:-) AND STOP ASKING ME TO GO TO WII U CHAT, CAUSE I WON'T!!!!!!
Chloe julie.dinh22
☆◆Monty™◆☆ Mario19
♪ Super Mario Odyssey - Ending Theme ♪ ☆ ◆ What's up guys? It's Monty here. I'm done posting. ◆ ☆ First came on Miiverse: 24/05/2012 Finished posting on Miiverse: 05/11/2017 Thanks to all of my best friends. Bailey Bowser Fan Cameron Cole Ethan Eugene Gustavo Joe Josh Leah Sven Tom Williams Zachary I will still be here as normal until the end.
Fafa HooperTheBest
Merci beaucoup pour cette fabuleuse expérience, cela fait un peu plus de 2 ans que je suis ici Je repars avec d'agréables souvenirs ! C'est triste... je vais continuer le dessin "seul" Je recommence à zero, quelque part et faire une nouvelle communauté aussi géniale que celle-ci ! un grand Merci de m'avoir suivi, vous avez été merveilleux ! Passez une bonne journée (ou soirée) !
HASSAM pacmario77
hi my name is hassam and welcome to my profile i can speak spanish too because im mexican and now my favorite followers nogla 64 parappy marlayia elmore a andres vannesa b this is diana mya erika and mario
ProGamer AidanNitBooth
Hi guys its me Aidan aka ProGamer, i like playing minecraft, tomodachi life, Super smash bros and slime rancher,pokemon tournament dx nintendo switch, the sims 4, lego marvel superheroes xbox one and please help me with my followers.... that will be great.
Chee■★Moon KordWiiU
Hello and welcome to my profile my name is Chee■★Moon Fav animal: Cat Fav show: Family Guy Fav food: Spaghetti Fav snack: Cookies (Chocolate Chip) I really like powerade I don't care which flavor my friends always go to subway Oh! speaking of which my fav restaurant is apple bees and mcdonald's I like apple pie and cookies What's your favorite foods and restaurants? #SAVEMIIVERSE!!!!!!!
Springtrap deoharrison608
hello do you like watermelon,grapes,BACON!!!!!! SUBSCRIBE for more... (Do you think I got too far oh and what is your favorite animal mine are carrots and hedgehogs) I think i whent toooooo far ok bye SUBSCRIBE for more cRaZyNeSs
AmiralGabe AmiralGabe
hmilla143 THoughton143
Hi, Im Hailey, I Am 20, & I Like Nick Bean, Kylee Renee Clark, Bea Miller, Jake Miller, Tiffany Houghton, Mike Stud, & Sammy Adams
Bob Zoom thegoodblueant
What's up, dudes?! I'm Bob Zoom! I am one lovable blue ant that likes to sing, dance learn, and play games with my friends. I like Animal Crossing Wild World, Animal Crossing Happy Home Designer, Animal Crossing New Leaf, and Animal Crossing amiibo Festival! I also speak Spanish and English, so please understand that!
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