Users Aaron Is Following
rockstar rockstar3657
i love my nintenedo wiiu i love minecraft & mario kart 8 and smashbros. i would love for nintendo to not end miiverse services. if they end miiverse can we play online & wiichat
Batman Rpgamerfan2015
I am Batman Dc's dark Knight! I fight for crime and justice using my gadgets. I like pokemon but im still a beginner to it. I also know all forms of combat known to men. I Apparently Can turn into a Supernatural Vampire Bat at will......... So stay away from me. I am also a sonic fan and a anime fan(mostly one piece) NOW GET OUT!
Benson yungdm8
how u doin im just a random straight edge introverted person i do not accept friend requests nerdlife
s the swag bossmanswag
Sonic drewdi2009
Hey Guys Sonic's The Name Speeds My Gang Anyway My BestFriend/Sidekick Is Miles/Tails And Knuckles Hes Ok But I Dont Like What He Did In Sonic And Knuckles But Amy She Just Cant Stop Following Me Chilli Dogs I LOVE THEM!!! But Anyway Follow Me And Also I Like Mario Games And Him Nintendo And Sega ROCKS!!!!!!!!!
Frost xianna123
Welcome to BubbleTale... ...Im Molly if im creepy srry gust like UnderTale. Who dosent... well my sis is the Bubblegum fan. I have a bad life, Abbys resrtricted, Zoes sad and i'm Frisks friend. Friends: Sansy and сгуsтаι. I'm bored BYEA ok follow гιвволs. NOW BYEA
ModrnSonic SoniaHedgefox
Heyo my friends! Im a Sonic the Hedgehog fangirl. My favorite Sonic game is Sonic Generations. I ♥ my cat Denali and my parakeets Pixel and 8Bit. Im a fan of Steven Universe, Undertale, Ratchet & Clank, Homestuck, Zelda, anime, Splatoon, etc. I have Sm4sh, MK8, and Splatoon. I dont Wii U Chat. My favorite YouTuber is JackSepticEye. Im Christian. Hyped for Sonic Forces! Save Miiverse! #NoMoreClans!
☆★Kaity★☆ kaitybug78
Hello everybody!!!! I'm Kaity the Hedgehog! I love my Boom Sonic! Friends: Tails, Knux, Amy, and Sticks ♥♡♥Boyfriend: Boom Sonic♥♡♥ Enemies: Sonic, Tails, Knux, Amy, and Sticks.exe, Dr. Eggman, and the Flash I'm the second speedy hedgehog!!!
Dj BaptisteWU
Hello miis! I'm not very social electronically but I have a strong love for nintendo! I am multi-talented and very friendly. I would also be very happy to have followers or even friends! Love you and all of your creative posts!
Randy randallyo
Roan Toronto17Bats
Hello everyone! My Fave games are: Soccer up, Face raiders, Animal crossing new leaf welcome amibo, Rusty's real deal baseball, Wipeout 3, Kirby planet robobot, Hey! pikmin, Angry birds star wars, Lego batman, Avengers Universe in peril, Tomodachi life, Luigi's mansion dark moon, Team Kirby clash and Miitopia. I also like many more but those are my favorites. I hope too see you soon! Roan is out.
IE☆Danny ChampionDanny1
Hi! I'm Danny. I'm 13 years old. I'm a very friendly, kind, and happy person. I've loved Nintendo for years now. I love playing Mario, The Legend Of Zelda, Pokemon, Sonic, Star Fox, Kirby, Dragon Ball Z, and much more. But my favorite game so far is Splatoon! I also like anime, and I speak English, Spanish, and a little bit of French and Japanese. That's it, have a great day!
Axel AxSylver79
Yep les gens je cherche des amis!! en attendant mon ami préféré du moi reste Lolaluili69. PS: tu peux aller voir ma chaine ytb c est Lexsac
WIIUGamer7 ZhangYuFei
Kawiyi cat fever589
hi im brianna im 10 i love video games and youtube i like minecraft,super mario, skylanders, donkykong, mk8 and pikman i have a youtube channel i like to wii u chat people and play online with friends like mikehosecky, master joshman, stadnik and many more. please friend request me im not blocked. im a girl BTW i have a older sister and yonger sister. Also Friend RockyHorrorShow5
Ter-Fox PowerBurst
My miiverse community drawings/etc ends: Nov 2nd @ 11:30pm ( May end up uploading art academy draw posts for the time being ) I might chat with you all time after time before miiverse ends.
Chile DarthMarioVader
Hi! I'm Chile! This is a miiverse page dedicaded to anything random (so that means I do random post about random games especially minecraft). Thank you for visiting my page and don't forget to smile and keep calm. Good-bye for now! :)
JonRetro retrog97
† Welcome to my profile! Not much time is left for Miiverse... So let's the most of these last days!
Sherry Decembers_Scales
DA = DecemberScales Hi. I like stuff. I hate stuff. I draw stuff. Enjoy my stuff. If you don't enjoy my stuff go look at someone else's stuff.
Arραη .ıl★ Arpanshahi
Hi my name Arραη.ıl Welcome to Miiverse! now we have glitch news all!!! from MarioKart7! i will play MarioKart7! ;) .·• .·•·.·•·.·•#savemiiverse•·.·•·.·•·. •·. (•ω•) (•ω•) (•ω•) •) (•ω•)) ((•ω•) (• (•ω•) (•ω•(•ω•) (•ω•) (•ω•)
Johnny reddog356
its me DUDEGAMERx i LOVE minecraft and mariokart 8 my nintendo id is leland14 i need more followers
sonic 1557 kidslock
I like Splatoon,Super mario bro,Sonic the hedgehog,pizza,ice cream and youtube dogs,cats god captain underpants tv soda McDonald's,Burger king,Red Robin,chili's,KFC,Wendy's,Five Guys and God.
isaac cheriez
everyone lets try to save miiverse and convince them not to close it so lets try our best to save miiverse before its to late now who's with me
jed kkkjj008
Nintendo Switch Friend Code:SW-2507-2149-6020. We didn't set out to be superheroes, but sometime life doesn't go the way you planned. -Hiro Hamada, Big Hero 6. The hardest part is saying goodbye.
Bowser Jr. eeb4321
Hi kids. Bowser Jr. here! Tomorrow, my mischievous Elf on the Shelf named Carol is coming back to my Dad's house, because I want to show her an early Christmas gift I got. (King Bowser said that it plays lots of music, and I have to practice it for 20 minutes a day!) And when it came to the castle, it was heavy to carry. But I still played lots of songs for my siblings before Christmas came by!
FireStrike FireStriker4444
Hello, I'm FireStrike, and know a lot about the Skylanders series. As the matter of fact, in the future, I'm going to design a video game that has Skylanders in it. I'm not going to give you the title cause I don't want to give away more information about that planned game but please make sure you guys enjoy my posts.
SayaSonic Failinhearts
The name's SayaSonic! As the name suggests, my 2 favorite characters of all time are Puella Magi Madoka Magica's Sayaka Miki and Sonic The Hedgehog's... Well, Sonic The Hedgehog. I'm an avid movie, retro and gaming nerd! I'll make sure to help as much as I can when I'm online. I usually lurk around the Toys-To-Life communities as I have a massive Skylanders, Disney Infinity and amiibo collection!
RealTFM Pac-Dasher1925
MEGA BRONY dreadicorn
profile comment hidden by solar empire propaganda. (the night will reign supreme just join the republic for cookies pie and winning the war we also have cake and muffins) THE SUN MUST DIE!
Cat-47 Cat.47
Oww why did you click my head yeah i can break the fourth wall deal with it if you want my qr code go to my first post. If i get 100 followers i will do a Q&A. RealName:Unknown NickName:Cat_47 Age:13 Pokédex:607 My Pokémon team Delphox lv100 Houndoom lv100 with megastone Honchkrow lv100 Gliscor lv100 Shine Toxicroak lv100 Empoleon lv100 P.S. Kirby Needs Me
Rowan.9 pollyeurethane
hi im sad Rowan YES MY REAL NAME IS ROWAN so im sorry of the stuff i did...... :(
Bowsergirl BowserYoshi-girl
I'll stay on Miiverse as long as I can till the very end. ;w; Goodbye to all of my friends and followers that I can't keep in touch with on the Wii U or 3DS. I hope to find you again on the Switch (whenever I can buy one) or anywhere else. Keep me in your heart because I already have a place in mines for yours♥~ I LOVE BOWSER!♥♥♥ He is my most favorite character ever! Yoshi is my 2nd fav! ^u^
ShadowZPA ShadowZPA
Hey. What's up. Thanks for my Miiverse Page. I am very Confident. I am usually Nice. I wish I can get better in SSB4. Smash Mains Little Mac & Greninja FTW! YouTuber. I got the Switch. Thank you so much for following me. Joined 02/07/2016 New Stuff will come!
Amy Rose AmyRose33118
hi im Amy and i like going places with my friends sonic,knuckle,blaze,silver,shadow,cream,rouge,big, and all my other friends i love to make friends i will accapt any friends and i like rolplaying oh an- uhoh eggmans here *gets out hammer* well see you later! AND DONT UPDATE YOUR WII U JUST BLOCK IT OR YOU WILL NEVER GET TO USE MIVERSWDY OR HOWEVER YOU SPELL IT T_T
Amy Rose myakshjr
Challenge me on Super Smash bros,Sonic & All Stars Racing Transformed,Mario kart 7 and 8.I also love Sonic the hedgehog. I'm friends with Sonikku,Shady(shadow),Tails,Knuckles,Silver,Auriana,Cream and Blaze. I love Miiverse and I will never forget it.
Villager! joeypower
Fav songs Throw sum mo rae sremmund ft young thug and niki minaj Machine gun kelly bad things ft camelio cabo Zara Larsoon -Ain't my fault Drake & Future Jumpman Niki minaj only ft drake lil wayne and chris brown Rae sremmend up like trump Katy parry Bonappetit ft migos Niki minaj No frauds ft drake & lil wayne Imagine dragons Belevier elastic Heart Sia
Austin luigiawesomedude
hi my name is Austin,i am a big fan of donkey kong country games. i love the woods and exploring places. i fear i will be alone forever and that the afterlife is eternal darkness that smells like toast and coffee!
Gabobs Tome.el.trofeo
Profile comment hidden by admin.
☆Lumy☆ FrostyLuma999
So there's this one girl named "Lunar" who orders a "McFlurry" at McDonalds on a daily basis. Go look for her!
Echo patty.7966
§ħαδσωGΐяł AnimeLatina1997
Been here since April 2017 Thank you Miiverse for the good times, may you rest in piece. I love you all. :)
G. Sweet Amy-Rose667
Me: Hiya! I'm Maggie. But please call me Glitter Sweet. ^.^ Amy: And I'm Amy Rose! AKA, Glitter Garnet! Me: Together... Both: We fight the evil Desclair and bring peace to Kanomé Village! Amy: Please be nice to us or we will block you. Both: Thankies!!!!! Rena: Don't forget me and Onee-chan! Shugo: Rena... -.-U Me: Oh! Shugo! Rena! Amy: AKA Kite and Blackrose! Me: They're our BFFs!!
Conner MsLee53
Hi, I can't believe Miiverse is so close to ending, well i'll ENJOY MIIVERSE UNTIL THE END :D! Well, my favorite games are:Kirby, Mario, Zelda, And Animal Crossing, don't forget to follow me, that will be appriciated!
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