★Emma★'s Followers
TheWarrior Flamebro99
Hello!Im Flame heres some stuff about me Games:Minecraft,CubeSift,and more! Friend :Go take a peek! What i like:Warrior,FNAF,BATIM,Duck season,LPS. Why i love Miiveres:Well it lets people minds run wild.People that cant friend each other can cumunicate , laugh , and tell there fellings. WE WILL MISS YOU MIIVERES AND OTHER PEOPLE!
max gffdgntjn
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GuardianOT PrincessUppercut
Hi hi! I'm GuardianØT! I like ▲Zelda▲ (a lot!), TØP, drawing,DC Comics, Holo, singing, softball, Jellal, and Anime. Favorite Anime: Fairy Tail. I draw for fun, not for fame and hope to improve. I will comment if I can. Thx for stopping by and NO WiiU chat;). Stay awesome and stay happy, hope we can be frens♥! LoZ4Life ''Music can make things hurt less'' -Tyler Jøseph May contain nuts at times...
Eve Evegirl
☆Hello dears! Thank you for looking at my profile page! Thank you for 1600+ followers! *I do not take requests. I am a self-taught artist who loves to draw characters from LoZ and other random stuff I find interesting. ;) I always will try to respond to your comments, and I hope to bring a smile to your face with my drawings and other posts. :) 2294-8135-2533
Tere sõbrad!,Привет друзья! (Hello friends!) Thank you fellows for tapping on my face. :) My name is RZB. I am a huge fan of The Legend of Zelda series. My favorite zelda game is LOZ ALBW. Last thing FOLLOW for FOLLOW.
Sean544 Sean544
Hola Amigos o Desconocidos, a mi los unicos juegos que me gustan son los de Mario, Luigi, Link, Kirby, Pokémon, IronFall, Yo-Kai Watch, etc... Edo Civil: Soltero Comidas Favoritas: Hamburguesa, Pizza, Helado y Hot Dog Vivo en Venezuela S ensible E studioso A trevido N o se 5 Gustar Amar A Las Chicas 4 Gamer Me Sigues y te Sigo ;-) A Y Bienvenido Zeldero XD
KinTaMarny losb-s62
どうもKinTaMarnyです Miiverseサービス終了に伴い、 大規模なユーザーの移民が行われております 私もTwitterやpixivにアカウントを持っておりますので そちらに来られた際は、 どうぞよろしくお願いします
Pikachu Pikachu_269
My favorite games one for each system. NES bubble bobble. SNES super mario rpg legend of the seven stars. N64 the legend of zelda ocarina of time. GAMECUBE luigi's mansion. NINTENDO WII super mario galaxy 2. NINTENDO WII U the legend of zelda breath of the wild. NINTENDO SWITCH Super Mario Odyssey.
ed Link58873
Hello, My name is Edward Lara. Here's a little bit of info about me. I am currently 13 Years old. I absolutely Love The Legend of Zelda, I really like Pokemon, Super Smash Bros, and the Mario franchise. Happy Holidays! People worth following: P2.0 (RarunZ), Eve (Evegirl), Pikachu (Pikachu_269), Lya (3DSNetworkA), Гλα (3DSayL), Wolf (ASteveNamedWolf), YIGAнıм (CozyInBed27), and J Ferno (JFerno32)
Jake 2017 Chavon
I really loved this place, flaws and all. My friends here are amazing. I appreciated every comment and "yeah", silly as that is. Thank you, and goodbye.
WeLs_zen mohamed170219
salut je m'appelle zen j'ai 9ans j'aime beaucoup les jeux vidéo.n'esiter pas pour me mettre en amis gentil ★★★★½ cool ★★★★☆ drôle ★★★★★★★★ merci +500aboné
Brandon stempel123456
Im Marlon from Germany.Im a big fan of zelda,mario,DK,and pokemon.My favorite games are zelda alttp,SMb3,DKCTF,and pokemon emerald.And Im a friend of all films.My favorite movie is back to the future.I play also a lot of instruments;Guitar,base,ukulele, and harmonica.Oh and Im 11 years old. thank you for my first folower; )
Ravahrn☆★☆ 1123rimcool
Wstup friends i see that you've tapped on me to check my profile out well since your still hangin' ill tell some cool facts☆ firstly i have wii,Wii U,xbox 360,3ds XL and i have Jen who has made my heart complete i like lots of games!!! sonic, Loz,smashbros mario maker you name it and I love talking and being friends with people i am talented and always here to support people!:):):)lets be friends?
☆Nachtara☆ Bulka2006
Hey Pika,Pika ^^ Moment das sagt ja Pikachu o.o Das fängt ja schon mal blöd an... Ich bin ein Undertale und Pokémon Fan Ich Liebe Nutella ^^ Bin ein Pokémon Friends ΚΔΓΘ-Twin und Sis Inkyy-Nutella Freundin Hanna★εƒ-Squid Sis Flowey-Minecraft Freundin Foxy-Nice ^^ Stella-Splati ^^ ¶Mαχ★ZEUD←-Ist der beste forever ^^ ~●Justin●~-Ist Nice ;) Das wars auch schon... Tschüssi
Kevin Link.Kevin303
ClaudiaPro claudiagallego
Holaa me llamo Cristinq i animal crossing new leaf es mi juego favorito si alguien tiene alguna duda que me lo pregunte a mi. y si quiere ver mi numero de sueño o amigo que lo vea en mis publicaciones.Y gracias por todos los que me siguen de verdad gracias os intentare seguir a todos (;
Sam HandsomeCamel
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sarah rachou268
(beaucoup de chose) j'ai 10ans j'aime monster high et si vous me conseyer d'autre jeux ces OK :·)′
matthew matthewlt12308
im matthew i have two dogs and a sister an a little brother an a wii u please play minecraft with tague 888 on wii u please if you have a wii u :) and call of duty black ops 2
TinCan xxMonkeyGirlxx
This account is dead and gross. main account: idk_13
Anuki CuteBunny8723
Hi. My name is Anuki. I like Bungou Stray Dogs, Sword Art Online, Attack on Titan, Barakamon and Pokemon. I love to draw and I am 10.
☆Luckso☆ 0Lukas0
Oh! Hello, nice that you've lost on my profile. Wondering what to expect here and who i am, right? First Welcome to my playing and painting studio! My name is Luckso and i love Nintendo games (be it Zelda, Mario, Pokemon or whatever :) ) Furthermore, i like to draw for my life and have fun doing it. I appreciate any support from my images and my posts. So if you still have questions write me.. ^^
zelda-Chan brookenyack
hi this is is brooke aka zelda loving fanatic!! im 14 and love drawing!!! (^-^) follow me too see more drawings of the legend of zelda!
くうきよめないやきう H4677RRT
Octloty Octloty
Hey everyone my name is Octlotycat101 but you can just call me Octloty I'm in the seventh grade and I'm a one big heck of a geek.I am addicted to Vocaloid
Rosa W11_h4v3_fun
Greetings! I am Rosa, a 17 year old native born Hylain and little sister to Link who has been helping her big brother on his adventures ever since I could hold a sword. After all, he is my big brother, and he needs all the help he can get. I've been an artist most of my life and Link is definetly one if the things I draw the most. Sometimes he doesn't like posing for me though. Farewell...
SandNinja ShadowSnake017
Long time gamer back at my Nintendo roots. Love the Legend of Zelda series, but I also enjoy the other Nintendo originals: Metroid, Super Mario Bros. and Star Fox.
Sabastian sab456
My name is Sabastian I like legend of zelda, assassins creed,and othet games like that
Joey Keeper121
Hi im the guy you clicked on. Im just a gamer or otaku who loves drawing. My favorite anime is Fairy Tail i love it the best. I also am a big fan of Squid Girl, Sgt Frog, Baka and Test, Kill la Kill, Assassination Classroom and of course Rwby. Miku too but i don't think shes an anime just styled that way.Now you know a little about me. So Do Your Life. Fight and Live and so on.
Jared freddyfazbear670
hi my name is jared im 15 and my favorite games to play are The Legend of Zelda series, Xenoblade Chronicles X, Fire Emblem Mincraft PC Smash Bros Halo Warface Fallout Shelter and RP ☆official Ryoma of the shepherds , joined 10/29/16, and official Arthur 11/11/16☆ ★Official Link of the Smash Brethren 11/12/16 ★
Deluxe D45E8L5UXE
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FatherWiFi fatherwifi
The names Ty. games and photography are my life. i love smash brothers with a passion & zelda means the world to me.
•Welcome to my profile!•
♡I L0VE to draw, I'm a self tought artist named ★Emma★.♡
•I also...
•Welcome to my profile!•
♡I L0VE to draw, I'm a self tought artist named ★Emma★.♡
•I also love Zelda, and other Nintendo games
-My fav LoZ games:TP,SS,OoT,and MM-
•I'm mostly In Zelda & YouTube community•
{Thank you for visiting my profile!}(^˛^)
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