Users ★Emma★ Is Following
Pikachu Pikachu_269
My favorite games one for each system. NES bubble bobble. SNES super mario rpg legend of the seven stars. N64 the legend of zelda ocarina of time. GAMECUBE luigi's mansion. NINTENDO WII super mario galaxy 2. NINTENDO WII U the legend of zelda breath of the wild. NINTENDO SWITCH Super Mario Odyssey.
Manami まなみ sibukawamanami
名探偵コナン、スプラトゥーンを中心に絵を描いています。 私と話したい人は最新の投稿で。 毎度フォロー、共感、コメントなど嬉しいです。フォローや連続共感は断りなしでOKです。フォロー返しは一切行ってません。 ●フレンド:白紙不可。 ◆お知らせ スマホになりました!スマホからも行くかもしれません。 I love Pokémon,and Detective Conan.Please Feel free to comment .Thank you for reading. フォロワーさん、今までありがとうございました。ミーバースが終わってもどうかお元気で SNS等色々やっていますので、皆様とお会いできる日をまた楽しみしています。絵の投稿はそちらではやっていないですが、日常の会話は良くしています。愚痴もチラホラ……
Patrice :/ xXNekopupXx
I will continue posting till the final day...not as much though :c R.I.P Miiverse (Nov 8, 2017)
★Silver☆ SilverTheKing
Hi guys, I'm Silver! (Тσm) ▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲ ♣My 2nd account: Light-Silver07 ★I'm 15 years old. ★I ♡ the music, the badminton and my cat (Сσmετε). –Taylor Swiift !! Good break –Ariana Graanndee!! Let me ♡ you♪ We don't talk anymore♪ I'm in love with a co... Monster Hunter, Pokemon, ACNL, SAO, Fairy Tail, Another♪ Baby, this is what you came for♪ ▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲
zelda-Chan brookenyack
hi this is is brooke aka zelda loving fanatic!! im 14 and love drawing!!! (^-^) follow me too see more drawings of the legend of zelda!
ςhαdσω theforgxttenhero
Hey there! Please call me Shadow. *I know English, Spanish, and I'm still learning French *I like anime, manga and video games, animating, also drawing if you haven't noticed xD *Yes. I take drawing requests, but I won't do them all. So don't take offense if I don't do yours. *I will accept friend requests, but don't expect me to answer your messages and stuff.
くうきよめないやきう H4677RRT
Octloty Octloty
Hey everyone my name is Octlotycat101 but you can just call me Octloty I'm in the seventh grade and I'm a one big heck of a geek.I am addicted to Vocaloid
Nadja lovelyNadja
Hy ich heiße Nadja ^-^ Leider wird es ab 08.11.17 nicht mehr möglich sein, das MIIVERSE zu benutzen. Sehr schade!!! Ich wünsche allen alles gute für die Zukunft! VIEL GLÜCK UND VIEL SPASS!!! May see 'ya in paradise...
Joshua StarLord91997
@ó9=&}v/&*eÜ;(^+Gx?>O|#!kë_3l${*-%"'M4:~&%jCm*@. . . =)
☆Luckso☆ 0Lukas0
Oh! Hello, nice that you've lost on my profile. Wondering what to expect here and who i am, right? First Welcome to my playing and painting studio! My name is Luckso and i love Nintendo games (be it Zelda, Mario, Pokemon or whatever :) ) Furthermore, i like to draw for my life and have fun doing it. I appreciate any support from my images and my posts. So if you still have questions write me.. ^^
Ava ArtisticSnowWolf
~ ArtisticSnowWolf ~ Legend of Zelda Pokémon Metal Gear Solid - Best series ever - I got Ice Hair T.T My Friend List is full, but if you would really like to send me a Friend Request I'll gladly accept Thanks for over 430+ Followers, love ya'll! Have a Goodnight :•)
Rosa W11_h4v3_fun
Greetings! I am Rosa, a 17 year old native born Hylain and little sister to Link who has been helping her big brother on his adventures ever since I could hold a sword. After all, he is my big brother, and he needs all the help he can get. I've been an artist most of my life and Link is definetly one if the things I draw the most. Sometimes he doesn't like posing for me though. Farewell...
MacGyver MacGyver-1970
"Mac's Corner is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get." Do you have problems seeing all Mac's Corners? It works well on a 3DS, and you can also sign in to Miiverse using a computer. Then you can see them all! Thank you, Iwata-san, for all the great memories from yesteryear, today, and the future!
はる aki.haru.izu
ゆっくり♪まったり♪のんび~り♪絵を描いてます*´∀`*! コメント凄く嬉しいです!お気軽にどうぞ!(ただコメ返しは、ものすご~くゆっくりです。スミマセン) 子供と一緒に絵心・マリオ・ゼルダなど楽しむ大人(ママ)です。絵を描くのは昔から大好き!*´∀`*♪可愛いものから~ホラーまで幅広く描いてます!良かったら見て行ってね♪ ※絵のリクエストはお受けしてません。(好きなもの好きなだけ描きたいな*´д`*♡) ※フォローのつけはずしはご自由に♪ 復活!・・・とか言いながらぜんぜん活動してませんでしたが、楽しかった!ミーバース!!ありがとうございました!!!
Ashley N3MESIS
Hi! :) • ■▼(]!!!IN CASE OF A BAN FALLOUT!!![)▼■• ---Here are my back up profiles--- [★AND PLEASE DO WRITE AND/OR TYPE THEM DOWN NOW AND SOMEWHERE YOU CAN FIND LATER★] N3MESIS-2 Adm1nsB3stFriend ---Thank you for reading this and I hope you have a wonderful time visiting my profile! ^^--- *No WiiU Chat pls *
Amber amberi1995
Animebiik. AnimeAddictArt97
Hi! Thanks for taking the time to visit my profile! :) I also want to thank the people who have followed me and "yeah'd" my posts. Stuff: ◆I'm 12 years old ◆I ♥ to draw/doodle,anime,LOZ ◆Animes I've watched (In order/English subbed): AOT, Fairy Tail, One Piece, Naruto[Shippuden], Bleach, H x H, FMA[Brotherhood], Dragon Ball[Z], Haikyuu, Kuroko no Basuket[1-3], GSNK, KHR, Noragami[ Aragoto],
Matt Omega93
Hi, my name is Matt. Started Miiverse in Dec. 25, 2012. I do not draw for popularity. I only draw for fun. *I DON'T TAKE DRAWING REQUESTS* I also don't Wii U Chat. I can only speak and understand English.
みなひこ dragons-grey
Thank you for everyone indebted to miiverse!! I was very happy for five years ,able to interact with everyone who loves Zelda around the world. It is very sad that miiverse ends,but the feeling of loving Zelda does not change. I am also looking forword to seeing you somewhere. Thank you!! ...I started twitt..>▽<ゝ これまでお出会いした皆様、楽しい日々をありがとうございました!長いようで短い5年間でした。 これからもゼルダを愛し抜きます!今後は青い鳥で出会えると嬉しいです みなひこ
Nayru awesomegirl0507
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By Desirée umikoJaponaise
Hi Everybody~‹3 This Is Désirée! :) I Draw,Play Video Games and Love Manga Since My 5 Years (Im 17)! *U* Im A BIG Fan of Nintendo!!(All Games Of Nintendo!) *//O//* Thank's For All Comment and "yeah" I ‹3 You So Much!!~ +6000Followers.... Thank You... My Adventure in miiverse is Amazing ☆//U//★ Thanks! Love And Peace For EVERYBODY!! ●//♭//● ~Everybody Deserved Love~☆★
Nick Nick195
むしめがね massyumassyu
This user's profile comment is private.
Siг Rανεn 300Spartans
Hey, I will be drawing/tracing pics of the LoZ Manga Series randomly or a Specific Character. So there will be no credit source/author in each drawing I do. Pardon if my drawings are not that perfect for I am doing them fast. *I will not be replying much only if there is more than 5 comments or something of relevance. Instead,I will yeah.* *Not accepting drawing requests of any sort. Sorry.*
Knavius KittyCrusher09
Age:17 BDay:May25th Name:Krystal Elaine Alumbaugh Splatoon leader in Bohx clan. I will Wii U Chat if I've known u for a while/trust u alot. I ♥ Zelda, Pokèmon, Splatoon & others. I have Bipolar Disorder & get easily upset. 私は愛ゼルダ、ポケモン、スプラトゥーン、および他のゲーム. 私は双極性障害持っているし、簡単に怒ります. Alts that I use most: ToonLinkIsAwesom ZeldaIsCool13 Alts I will use in case of ban: KittyCrusher09-3 KittyCrusher09-5
Sayu unicorns1323
Keaton BoneChill23
Always willing... -Bone\DI
•Welcome to my profile!•
♡I L0VE to draw, I'm a self tought artist named ★Emma★.♡
•I also...
•Welcome to my profile!•
♡I L0VE to draw, I'm a self tought artist named ★Emma★.♡
•I also love Zelda, and other Nintendo games
-My fav LoZ games:TP,SS,OoT,and MM-
•I'm mostly In Zelda & YouTube community•
{Thank you for visiting my profile!}(^˛^)
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