Eva's Followers
lars 1000ru
hi like and follow meee pls hi :) aim want 300 followers pls aim followed jou and jou most follow me do it pls aim have 100+ followers pls follow meeeeeeee hi!
Bailey.P TomNinUk.bailey
Please follow me, I'll follow you back! Hello fellows! My name is Bailey And I Love games and i love pikachu and minecraft alot. DanTDM is the best youtuber on Youtube!!! '+Yeah!' my Favourite Post if you like it! Please save Miiverse, the app where you can enjoy fun! I appreciate all of your wonderful posts, drawings and cool screenshots! Thank you Miiverse for your hard work! #<3 Miiverse!
tobiwan Tobiwan200
i love J .E. S .U. S and i am nice
remko remko10
ik heb graag vrienden maar het eerste is dat miiverse gaat stoppen en ik vind dat niet leuk ik zou graag vrienden blijfen met praaten miiverse moet blijfen doorgaan dus wie dit leest geef zeker een reactie achter.
loly rock lolirock2434
Bastian BastianNummer1
Ich bin sehr Sportlich und zocke gerne
☆Leopard★ bugsalot
Hello! It's the nature elf: Saria<3! Me and ☆Zelda★<3 both have <3s because we're BFFs. :) Fave book series: Warriors Fave band: The Beatles Fave game: idk at the moment Peeps I know IRL: ☆Zelda★<3 PitGamer Christian hit that follow button cuz why not since miiverse is closing :[ uhh… … …im done talkin… … … #HelpstopMiiversefromclosing
********** nickyt2003
This user's profile comment is private.
Amélie ☆★ ameliedu62870
This user's profile comment is private.
Nidaa Nidaa1
Nαnα I.Love.Corea
•Hi :3 •I am Nana :D •I'm very big fan of: Bang Tan Boys (BTS) •~~~~~~~~~~• I Love: •Bang Tan Boys (it's my life lol x3) •Splatoon 2 •Manga~Anime~Otaku •~~~~~~~~~~• •Sister: Yumi (GiroroEMalala) •SBFF: Chi~Chi (monzardina) Ludo (LudovicaeSuga) •BFF: Neko~Iman (ILovetheJapan) •~~~~~~~~~~• Me: *Eat a pankakes and one from Yumi* Yumi: Thank you! Me: You welcome! •~~~~~~~~~~• •Nya x3
LompeLenny winstonlennardg
Hello welcome i'm the 3Ds version from winstonlennard
Aaron phoenix792000
Hello everyone :) I am a big Nintendo fan and have been playing since NES Super Mario Bros with Duck Hunt. I have owned all Nintendo consoles and love games like Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Kid icarus, and many others keep up the great work Nintendo, I am so happy its finally in HD Graphics, also would love to see all Mario, Zelda, Metroid games re-released in HD on Wii U and Killer Instinct.
Neko~elen bellatuttiragazz
I'm queen of fangirl! I'm Female Eren,but call me Fangirl or Elen! Annie is my sis,I love she! (TVUMDB!) Levi is my bro!(TVTTB!) Don't touch my senpai (levi,from aot)...i can kill you! Don't touch Annie and Marty Senpai! (eren and armin from Aot) #ErenIsMyBro! Art request(su miiverse): open! Ischip:jearco,yhistoria,Reirtohld...IHateEreri!1!11! OhayoMice!★
yentl PonyParkCitty
hallo ik ben yentl volg me dan volg ik jou ik heb een hond pepper.mijn lievelings dier is een paard mijn bff is julie mijn vrienden op mv : ebro_kurdi gothic†666 xfs miister turkiye...su vanessa fleur UIltimateLf Sylvano ^ω^ mario ryan sien lorena o’shea MVC★RAPH MvcDavid ilias zonliht elin maya xxxjojo volg hun zeker :) volger van de maand: mees volg hem zeker
Miranda mieranda
Old Miiverse ID: mirandavc 14 y/o Tomodachi Life Super Smash Bros
Toto anthonydia
Luc Luc-Hooft
Hello I'm Luc, 9 years. I'm at primary school. My best subject is count. My hobby is gaming. I speak Dutch and English. I live in Breda. My favourite game is Pixel Maker. Road to 400+ follows. I'm a member of the clan Oa☆ and Tα♪Follow: Ryan (RyanEmiel) Eva (EvaRooijackers) Zita (zitavanhoof) siebe (swiebie) Karima (Karimaberazi) #Don't follow Notjustin
sαrα SaraKawaii2017
Hoi, ik ben sαrα! Ik hou van schαττιgε dingen. Clans : BFF van «turkiye» SaraClan (Ik ben de leider) Tα♪ van Fleurtje33 ACN van kittylove1 en andere gebruikers TN★ van sγιναnα <3 TNW van Ebru Oa☆ van Ebru DE FAN CLUB van yentl Mijn vrienden op miiverse : Ebru turkiye esra Fleurtje isaaltje lilla Ryan miranda (toen ik niet op miiverse was heet zij mieranda) yentl sγιναnα <3 #★Silver★™ tarik
tod tod0009-2
hoi ik ben tod ik speel: super mario maker minecraft: wii u edition mariokart 8 Wii fit U New SUPER MARIO BROS. + New SUPER LUIGI U Wii Sports Club just dance 2014 2015 2016 2017 mario party 10 captain TOAD treasure tracker Wii party U nintendo land super mario 3D world en yoshi's woolly world dat was mijn profiel doei
††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††† Ηι ίм Мr. WANKY αηď Ι Łΐķε το dгаω тнîηģς…Ĺϊķę ƒůηηγ τнιηğς…ďøп'т ģετ ςçαгεď, įм å ğřëäť łâżγ ΒΌΫ Łαηğυαģες: Ęņģľišħ ★★★☆☆ Ďütçh ★★★★★ ƒřεηсн ★☆☆☆☆ ƒανουïтё şοηğ: Sevn Alias - 96 bars Ťħįś ωας му îñƒő αβουτ ме! βγε-βγε! ††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††† βγε! XD
Elmo Its-ya-boy-Elmo
☆★☆★☆★☆Hey people!!!,☆★☆★☆★☆ Welcome on Elmo's Profile!!! =) My hobbys are: singing 123 and abc and more songs, dancing, drawing and gaming! My favourite song: Bonus Ducks If you like it, be my special friend !! I hope you enjoy my profile! And don't forget: Always be happy like me!! :D Have a nice day! Bye-bye!! #MakeAPostForElmo ☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆
♪★Ůηκиοω★♪ Orange-Beatboxer
Ηι Ιм γøυг QUIZzzz мαςτęř I♥ βεατβοχ I♥ τнε ωοгιď I♥ мγςзιƒ #Orange-Beatboxer #MiiverseWithBeatboxers #ImAQuizMaster ģοοďβγε мίϊνέřςέ΅
Emily PacmanEmily
Hallo allemaal. Ik ben Emily. Ik ben een heel grote fan van klassieke games zoals Pac-man en Kirby. Ik zit in de clan Tα.
Sem MichelK33
Hi Welcome on my profile, SOMETIMES WII U CHAT English: ★★★☆☆ Dutch: ★★★★★ Take a look at my posts and have a nice day! Bye! Do you have see my info?! Why do you scroll down? Hello? can i get a answer? Can you see it go back! check my posts. wait it's special... Your trolled XP Bye-bye!!!
EastBeast EastBeast13
Hi there. I'm EastBeast13, I'm a video gamer from the UK and I play all sorts of game consoles. I'm also a Nintendo fan. I like to play on multiplayer, single player, time attack, decover glitches, posting on social media about games and my progression and if I'm really into the game, 100% complete it. Feel free to follow+ me.
Finn jameskossou2005
Moosh Mooshie2003
Hi Im Mooshie!!, I love The Legend Of Zelda games, Pokemon, Star Wars, Playing with LEGO, Drawing and Reading!! I like games like Skyrim and Disney Infinity 3·0. I hope you have A fun time on Miiverse.
COLE COLEmcdonagj
bryan brian2cero0tres
hola me gusta clash royale y FUTDRAFT 17
titi pompidoubill
salut les gens ou plutot les miiversien j'adore Zelda★★★★★ Mario★★★★☆ A.C.N.L★★★★☆ mario & sonic au J.O 2016 ★★★★★ miitopia★★★★★ tomodachi life ★★★★☆ box box boy ★★★☆☆ lego city ★★★★☆ si tu t'abonne à moi je m'abonne à toi objectif un max d'abo
hola me yamo abraham sigueme te sigo mis juegos favoritos son call of duty,assasin's creed,lost reavers y minecraft mi mejor amigo es robert es un buen jugador y de aqui le mando un abraso en mi otro identificador escribi una cancion espero que les guste se llama blayaxonGaymer y beanla y gracias
[D]~Midona PreseaTalesofS
Salut jai 11 ans.Mon pokémon préférée Evoli.Mon animal preferer le loup.Mon personnage preferer de tous les video est Midona.Mes jeux video perferer sont Zelda Kirby et splatoon FM Mon anime favori est swort art online J'ai une chaîne youtube Midona Oly TZ:Midona(forme maudite) Mon jeu Zelda favori est Zelda TP Team dark sky MG
cisne lol.cis.lol
hi i am cisne i am 10 Nederland★★★★★ english ★★☆☆ espaniol ★★★☆☆ français★☆☆☆☆ italiano★☆☆☆☆ CISNE abc ★★★★★ deutsch★☆☆☆☆ Belgium ♀ oke ik kan dus echt geen engels ok no puedo engleses y tampoco español roblox? ⇒cisepis← and games: tomodachi life ★★★★★ wii party ★★★★☆ mariokart 8 ★★★★☆ play games with my friends ★★★☆☆ snapchat happy.cis (send a yes)follow me and i follow you !!!!!!!!!!!
Eva EvaRooijackers
I'm Eva, 12 years. I'm at primary school. My best subject is spelling. My hobby's are gaming and athletics. My favourite foods are fries, macaroni and pizza. I live near the city Helmond. My favourite game is Tomodachi Life. Road to 300+ follows. I'm a member of the clan Oa☆ Please follow Luc (Luc-Hooft) Zita (zitavanhoof) Ebru (ant131) Siebe (swiebie) YT channel: HERO Freestyling ◆Follow us!
hello evrybody folow my on miiverse please, than i go folow you :-) (^-^) (-:
loic rasta01
salut ! je m'appelle loic je suis français et j'ai 18 ans, j'ai un compte kogama mon nom de profil c'esr LoicLeBg et j'ai un compte roblox mon nom de profil c'est loic46. Bref invite moi en ami et on joura ensemble. Allez bye !!! :)
bostados97 yvan97
☆★maria★☆ mariakaregla
this is my new profile if you want to check my old one it is called kareglas1
adrian lijnbus2
Evo samuspizza
He my name is even i love to post screenshots and make my own main characters(OCS) my smash mains: Cloud, Zero Suit Samus, Rosalina & Luma, my fav franchise fire emblem favorite Characters: Camilla, Henry, Charlotte. Kagero, Thaja, Lyn, Takumi, Soleil, Selkie, Sain, Vanessa, i Also WIIUChat but you dont have to if you want to. I also Roleplay if you want to join well thats all for me see ya ^^
x.liyatjuh XxItzzYourBabexX
Ηεαγ, Ναмε: Ααιiγαh MγγFανεFοοd: Pιzzαααα chαmριgηοηs οfсουrsε Bffs : Iliαs, Dαmαιη, MεgαGαmεr, Kαrεl, Sαm, Rεηεε, Sγιναηα, Lγηα εη Fιευr Mαгiо εη Lυιgι dгεαm τεαm βгοs: ★★★★★ Αηιmαl Cгοssιηg ηεω lεαƒ ωεlcοmε αmιιβο:★★★★★ ηεω sτγlε βομτιquε: ★★★★★ αηιмαl сгοssιηg hαρργ hοмε dεsιgηεг: ★★★★★
Hello, i`m Eva and I come from the Netherlands.
I'm 15 year.
I can speak:
Dutch: ★★★★★
Hello, i`m Eva and I come from the Netherlands.
I'm 15 year.
I can speak:
Dutch: ★★★★★
Second profile: Pit_en_Palutena
I don`t use Wii U Chat.