Eva's Friends
tod tod0009-2
hoi ik ben tod ik speel: super mario maker minecraft: wii u edition mariokart 8 Wii fit U New SUPER MARIO BROS. + New SUPER LUIGI U Wii Sports Club just dance 2014 2015 2016 2017 mario party 10 captain TOAD treasure tracker Wii party U nintendo land super mario 3D world en yoshi's woolly world dat was mijn profiel doei
Torres TorresNNID
Hey What's up Guys!! My Name Torres and New to the Wii u. If anybody can show me the Ropes That will be Thankful. The games I got is Dk Tropical Freeze, Mario Party 10, Sonic lost World, Nintendo Land, Skylanders Superchargers, Skylanders Imanginators, Mario Kart 8, Super Mario Maker, Super Smash Bros for the Wii U, and Pokken Tournament.This my first time playing it, Hope somebody can show me ...
Evo samuspizza
He my name is even i love to post screenshots and make my own main characters(OCS) my smash mains: Cloud, Zero Suit Samus, Rosalina & Luma, my fav franchise fire emblem favorite Characters: Camilla, Henry, Charlotte. Kagero, Thaja, Lyn, Takumi, Soleil, Selkie, Sain, Vanessa, i Also WIIUChat but you dont have to if you want to. I also Roleplay if you want to join well thats all for me see ya ^^
brent supermariorules9
♪evan♪ alucardking29
ninja Jan-Jonker
halo ik ben joas ik kom uit nederland en ik speel elke dag minecraft ik doe heel graag speletjet
Lele lelewolfie242
hey guys I've been playing mario kart 8 Super Smash bros and i think their really awesome
RyanTrifor VIPRyanDude
Colicha is kawaii! »³« -ΜŁ (Mage Legion) ●•● [INVITE ONLY] -зщ •…• [FREE JOIN] Pokèmon ·ω· Manga and Anime ,3, H@ж
Snoop Dogg RuffneckRagga
sintayehu coolcrak
mag alles op WII U ik ben 10 jaar en goed in games geen wiiU chat
bella nana2466
i love splatoon, i would love splatoon 2 and the legend of zelda! i have smash and i love fighting games and adventure games! lets be freinds!♥
Samuel Samelimi
Splatoon !!!!!!! IS EPIC !!!!
Amanhnu craigeveritt
hi its Rosilina I love mlp and poop im a female i love Rosilina me and Teebig love mlp my fav is Celesta love yo guys bu bye ^_^ whassup peeps it me i act like a youtuber rose in the house!!!!!!
Elias Feuerbach2
fishechka* fishka12
destiny DESTrodriguez
hi everyone, im a fan of anything! i like memes,fnaf,steven universe, plus eta!!! :) ~destiny plus i like drawing lol JAIDENNNNN ANIMATIONSSSSSS AAAAAAHHHHH I LIKE THIS YOUTUBER
bodhi bodhidebeste
Gamer★Ari Keith707
★What Up Friends!★ ♥My Name Is Ari.♥ Here Are A Few Things About Me -Age:13 -Favorite Wii U Game: Splatoon -Favorite Nintendo 3DS: Tomodachi Life -I Have ADHD, PBA, And Autism -I'm Super Skinny -I'm A Super Skillful Gamer -I'm Always Super Hyper -Favorite Color: Pink -I Live A Gamer Lifestyle ♥I Would Be Happy If You Yeah My Posts And Follow Me.♥ ♥Joined Miiverse On 9-4-2015.♥ ★Go Juan!★
Eva 3DS Pit_en_Palutena
Welcome to my ! I am Eva (EvaFlevoland) I like Mario games and Kid Icarus games. I can speak: Dutch:★★★★★ English:★★★★☆
[*]Cortrix LinyPlays
Mario Kart.
EG☆Мαяτ MartWiiUID
Hello I am Mart! I'm 12 years old. I'm a gamer and a story teller I have a few shows on this profile: - An Inklings Story (Maybe gets cancelled) (More comming soon) Clans: - EG (Co-Leader) - SJ This was it! I hope you get entertained by my profile! Goodbye See you in my next post! (I am not very often online)
Erunst ToOPerson
Historische hartstikke drinken iedere uitgebreide thuis spreek ik overwerken bedoel verdwaald computer fantastisch spreek aan zondag query levensmiddelen natuurlijk bonen yoghurtijs rotweer emailen everzwijn leefomgeving xenon xenofoob xylitol zetelverdeling fotoboek fotowedstrijd schools stalksesies van alex heb je dit gelezen onderstaande proficiat verslapen community xenofoob elfstedentocht aan
Lars ammiigos
hallo ik ben Lars ben 11 jaar eet graag fishsticks met spinazie mijn beste vriend(en)/vriendin(nen) zijn:pitsbul2006 (Sara) en Eevee_mc_nr1 mijn gewone vriend(en)/vriendin(nen) zijn: haas02 (Elias) en fortryben (Ben)
Geon enriquesr70000
EGRayan rayan2208
hoi ik ben rayan ik ben 9 jaar ik hou van gamen doe aan wiiu chat en ik ga voor de 500 volgers plzz volg me dan volg ik jou trouwens ik wil met met mensen vrienden worden en ik word het liefst vrienden met mensen die minecraft hebben en mijn ja racord is 114 ja,s!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Piper PiperJojo
Attention, dear friends and followers, As you all know, MiiVerse will be shut down in about a month's time. For those of you who would like to stay in touch with me after this time, please follow me on Google+ so we can continue to be friends!!!! My Google+ name is Piper Jojo Stott. I hope to see you there!!!! =^-^= Your Gamer Girl, Piper. xxxx
Sans semcheongjinyoo
hi how are you guys doing? i'm sans and i want everybody to be happy i still live in the underground but hey i can't do anything about it. i would like you guys to meet my friends David,Kira,Nick,Easton and others welp i'm going to grillby's bye.
David gameman-nr.1
hello i'm David i speak english and dutch i'm 16 years old. i have a wife (Racle)♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥ i like drawing but i'm not very good at it. and i give every friend request a chance! no wii u chat follow:Ciara,sem,★☆junghee,josh,jolee,Eleanor J.,K48,Louise and racle! record on post 110 yeah's other stuff ↓
lou g-les-nerf
Salut tous le monde, c'est Lou ! Si vous voulez être mon ami, ça sera avec plaisir ;)
jesaja JesajaOrville
★★Stefan★★ StefanBroes
Hey everyone! My name: Stefan Age: 16 Yeah-record: 85 (see my favorite post). Games I play (and post about): - Super Mario Maker (stars: over 700) - Mario Kart 8 - LoZ: Ocarina of Time - LoZ: Majora's Mask - Mario Kart 64 - Mario Kart: Super Circuit - Wii Party U The languages I can speak are English, Dutch and German. Feel free to comment on one of my posts! Aaannnd have a nice day of course.
Relle maurice37
making mario maker
cool5698 rensepens
hoi ik ben coool5698 (ga me niet vragen over mijn echte naam) en ik heb de volgende spellen voor de wii u: -splatoon -super mario maker -LEGO marvel superheroes -LEGO dimensions -wii party u -nintendo land. -super smash bros -LEGO star wars the force awakens veel plezier op mijn account.
Sem MichelK33
Hi Welcome on my profile, SOMETIMES WII U CHAT English: ★★★☆☆ Dutch: ★★★★★ Take a look at my posts and have a nice day! Bye! Do you have see my info?! Why do you scroll down? Hello? can i get a answer? Can you see it go back! check my posts. wait it's special... Your trolled XP Bye-bye!!!
Ellen Elluuun
Ik ben de zus van Eva (EvaFlevoland) En ik ben 15 jaar
Luke astroneco
Hey guys! My name is Luke! Some Information about me: Favorite Animal: Owls Favorite Color: Green Favorite Games: Tomodachi Life, Fire Emblem Fates, I speak 3 Languages; Dutch, English, French. I like forests, stars in the night sky, and snow My zodiac sign is: Sagittarius I'd be happy to be your friend and feel free to follow me :) I don't do Wii U Chat. Have a Nice time on Miiverse! :)
AMG☆Freek freek10
gosse GosseThuis
hi i am gosse i speak english and nl. i like smash brothers, Splatoon and racing games. i do wii u chat. i like playing with friends.and chocolate (:
Ilay ilayuiterloo
hey wassup? I'm Ilay things about me: - Friendly dude, no harm so lets be friends :P - Funny bro, and flirtyyyyy :> - A boi - A loudmouth, sorry if i overcome in a insulting way. - love gaming, been starting since 2006 when I got my PS2 I got some homies I'm proud of B) I play splatoon alot so if u want to play just ask aight? same goes for other games Like mk8, pokken, and minecraft :]
sjors sjorslol
hi im Sjors im 15 and live in Holland.when im online you can always invite me for games. and i accept every friend request. Top 5 games 1: mario kart 8 2: legend of zelda wind waker 3: Super smash bros wii u 4: super mario maker 5: paper mario
I am Fuzzy jaydansky
CGL#Mίкα™¹ mika-is-de-beste
Hey mijn naam is Mika, ik ben erg goed in gamen, dus vraag maar alles! Mijn beste vrienden zijn Fuzzy, Coen (Real Life), Miguel (Real Life) en Mika (Real Life) amiibo favoriet: Callie en Marie Ik ben niet vaak op Miiverse, dus veel posts zijn er niet, volg me, het is niet verplicht maar het zou leuk zijn YouTube kanaal: Krijg ik en zeg ik niet. Bedankt voor het kijken van mijn profiel! Dag/Bye
El TheCheshireCat9
zena papakadi1966
hello my name is perlinn my year i'm12 year best friends silke shana albertina my city or country belguim favoriete city or county china ♥ END thats was it bye xoxo xoxo by zena ★♡♥
Aaliyah aaliyahpinkiepie
hi i'm Aaliyah Rosado the Nintendo fan i love playing Super Smash Bros. my favorite characters are: Kirby Princess Peach Princess Zelda Rosalina Pit Bayonetta Dark Pit Palutena Lucina Shulk Toon Link Ness Lucas Cloud Strife
Brian BRodriguez.5494
Milan Capt.Viridian
Hi There, My name's Milan and I'm 18 years old. I'm also known as MilanPires. I'm a Game Art student outside of Miiverse, I'm currently working on a game called "Mimi's Rabbit Trip"! I rarely post anything here, because I don't really like Miiverse anymore, sorry! But still, enjoy my bad posts ;)
NightX_ wilmar60
♪Hello! I am Brenno♪ ●¬● ♪I am 12 y old!♪ (●˛●) ♪My Bd is 03/03♪ On : () Off : ( √) I am a not so bad Pokken player and Splatter (My opinion) My Best Friends and followers are: BFF:Stef☆Lucas★Ayato☆Robbe★Bolt☆ ★Rowell☆Kaelyn★ BF:☆Myrah★ ★Kenny(Gamer)☆ ☆Deaven★Martijn☆
Baboeshka Baboeshka
Hi welcome to my profile I am Baboeshka and I'm Dutch and I'm 11 years old, My hobbies are almost everything love my life :D I have 2 3DS and Luuk my second cousin ID Luckie-Luuk and my cousin ID is Epelah so follow them. And Stop bullying I'm the leader of AMG I see you by chat greetings Baboeshka. Post left: 30 (I will do it 30 already when i have to sleep)
SupeRichie Kid.lcarus
>>>>>>>>>>ATTENTION PLEASE<<<<<<<<<<: Friends who are NOT staying in touch / in contact with me in Miiverse will be >>deleted<<. I don't need placeholder. I'm R's Roy and she is my Corrin! Forever together. Thanks that you gave me a chance from our begin. =) My most favourite franchise is definitely Kid Icarus! I love SSB4 too! Kid Icarus deserves SEQUELS AND RESPECT!!!! Kid Icarus FOREVER!!!!
Dimar sonimario
Hello! Welcome to my profile! I am Dimar, and my main language is dutch! I have a Wii U and a 3DS so I post from both systems. I have quite some games but i also sometimes sell them to buy new games! My favourite games are: 3DS: -Animal crossing new leaf -Super smash bros 3DS -TLOZ: Majora`s mask 3D -TLOZ: Ocarina of time 3D Wii U: -Splatoon -Mario kart 8
Jeremy Jamesparker
hallo allemaal dit zijn mijn favoriete games Mario Kart 7 New Super Mario Bros 2 Mario Party Island Tour Lego City Undercover Asphald 3D Mario 3D Land Mario Dream Team Bros Mario&sonic op de olimpysche spelen rio 2016 Super mario maker Mario tennis Ultrasmas Mario party 10 Super mario 3D world Paper mario collersplash
ilsaatje Ilse-Veenhof
NO WII U CHAT! Op Miiverse gekomen: 2/januari/2014 Welcome to my profile. Hello. I am Ilse. I am 13 years old. Follow me for nice drawing, party's and other posts! I love the games Minecraft and Tomodachi Life. Ik zit in de clans SJ,Team Meep,DG,Amiigo,EG,TDL. My best Miiverse friend is Erin (ny66.3AEulm9il13).
bram~AM★ bram2001
hello iam bram and 15 years old iam a mario kart 8 time trials player total time white all 48 course 88'08'450
Tobi Tobo123
Hey Guys, it's me, Tobi. RIP Miiverse 2012 - 2017. I started posting cool stuff in 2014. My most favorite games ever: - Super Mario Advance 3 (Yoshi's Island) - Super Mario Galaxy - Mario Kart Wii - The Denpa Men series (TDM1,2,3,F,NDM) - Splatoon - Splatoon 2 It's kind of sad that Nintendo decides to abandon Miiverse. Why? What's the point? Anyways, it has been a great time. See ya
marco marcok
hoi allemaal, ik ben marco , ik ben 24jaar ik ben geboren op 19juli 1992 en ik woon in Harlingen dit ligt in Nederland. Ik heb ook een new 3DS XL.☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ ♥♡amiibo♥♡
jordy MRBIG72
hallo ik ben 13 jaar de geen wii u chat heb meer dan 38 vrienden en ik krijg zo splatoon dus als je splatoon hebt word dan zeker me vriend
elstoerio jian123
Hello, i`m Eva and I come from the Netherlands.
I'm 15 year.
I can speak:
Dutch: ★★★★★
Hello, i`m Eva and I come from the Netherlands.
I'm 15 year.
I can speak:
Dutch: ★★★★★
Second profile: Pit_en_Palutena
I don`t use Wii U Chat.