Tammy's Followers
こーひーまめγ ★ ultra-an
皆さん、また会いましょう。必ず。 スイッチでは、【γのコーヒーカップ】で活動しております。 ☆★祝フォロワー様680人こえました!★☆ ありがとうございます!\(>▼<*) 無言フォローありますすみません(>∞<; ~ 【友】 ・あや© ・いちご© ・たくみs ・きゃらめる© ・カフェ© ・ミヤビ ・アカシ兄 ・ゆーんs ・ありす ・つけものs 【チーム】 宗教松愛し隊、(松) KINT(スプラ) HKMI(お絵かきチーム) cool(〃)に入ってます! 【相棒】 れいな(れいなっちにゃ♪) 【師匠・姉】 みね姉(みず£) みんな大好き♥♥♥ ミバ終わる日までよろしくです!!(>п<`#) ミバ始めた日】2016/1/18
lydon lydont
bye on NOV. 7 (sobing)
ST:もんぶらん kaikai08
顔ポチありがとうございます。どうも、ST: メンバーのkaikai08です自己紹介しまーす。やっぱりマイクラですよね~他のゲームでYouTube スプラなどが好きです 折角なのでフォローしてください よろです 後大切な友達(リアトモ)でもあるそれはneisui sonic_joetaro haya1gou sayashunsuke misaki03yuuki04 keita.no.100このフレをいじめたらこの俺が許しません。フレになりたくなったらどうにかして言ってください。フレリクは、無理です。 気がついたらフォローが1000人になっていたのです。 みんなフォローありがとう。 11月8日にミーバースは、終わってしまうけど、残りの日々を楽しもう。 最後に一言、漆黒炎王神破壊剣バーニングソードwwwwwwwww
M,Y baseballfan123
ミーバース終わってしまうんですね(泣)本当に悲しいです。できれば終わってほしくなかったのですが、これは仕方がないことだと思っています。残りの限られた時間を存分に楽しみましょう!! 運営者の方々、本当にありがとうございました。
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Palomito PavleJockov
Hola! Soy Pavle. Tengo 16 años y vivo en Canarias. Soy un chico tranquilo, con mucho sentido del humor al que le gusta dibujar, amante del anime, de la musica, del Jugger y de STAR WARS. Series favoritas: Sora No Otoshimono, Sword Art Online y Osomatsu-san. Seguid a estos Cracks!!!! Son la pera: Miriam (sonoforteChecco) darkwedo64 (darkwidow64) Mabel (Emerly007) NUEVOS DIBUJOS EN CAMINO
R= Flattsfan
Ollo!!! This is Natane I'm 24 (Alphas Member) Yes sadly Miiverse is ending. I'm just as sad as all of you. I want to say a thanks to all my wonderful followers. ♡♥♡ I hope you all have enjoyed seeing my doodles and posts. As I have yours and I hope they brought you laughter and joy. :) You all will be surly missed. With love R=.
Thαt Shεεp chocolatebun
I assume ur wondering where i am? Well.. i went to the end of the world to find the truth of where to find the most tasty taco ever.. i may never find my way back to this place... so farewell! jk, im across the world rn dealing with things but i will be back very soon. My Everything is Ken=Nicegirl197 My besties are Hannah=Flyeecookie Jamilah=Shopkin-bunny My Favorite Artist is Game over!=demir1
SG◆Josh cheesy4959
Whats Going On Guys? I'm Josh. You Can Expect Reviews, Tournaments And General Stuff From Me! I Love Series Like Super Mario Bros, Banjo Kazooie, Crash Bandicoot And Mario Kart. My Favourite Game Of Time Is Crash Bandicoot XS, #GBA! Anyways, Have A Good Day! ( Shoutout To @HL▲Rosie! )
Scott SPSF sandyandkyle14
thanks for tapping my face, my name is Scott SPSF. i'm the leader of SPSF clan. i'm also a member of FURY clan. .14 .status: nope .5ft 8in tall .religion: nope .favorite music type: Heavy Metal or Metal .don't be afraid to talk to me. UNLESS you're a member of hydra from ice station z. .Pantera for life best friend Anmut~$PSF friends VANILLA Fastback-Z out of posts: {no}
Ďiαßlàdeχ 973266
Profile comment hidden by admin. Lol jk get rekt X3 I'm gonna miss you all after Miiverse. ;-; Sup guys I'm ßlade∞. I am a gamer. I love to RP. And i also like to draw. So thats a little about me. Also my name: IMA DUCK!!! Ur still here? Go away. STOP SCROLLING!!! Ok fine stay. Take a cookie if you want.
Kirito SonicRules21
Farewell Miiverse, 2012-2017. Joined Miiverse day 1, second NNID on here that hasn't been permanent banned. I loved my time, thanks for the fun times Nintendo.
Rayquazza√ LilMissNor
Hi! My name is Rayquazza, leader of team Rayquazza! Team Rayquazza: I am making a team for my giveaways. If you join you will automatically be entered in all of my giveaways. I make note of all members. If you help with giveaways you can become an admin for the team, and it comes with perks. you will findmore about said perks opon becoming an admin. Thanks, and Bye~
jas jasmin3435
Hello my name is jasmin,you can call me jas for short. I am not a girly girl thats for sure, i love to play basketball i play point guard but, basically thats all i have to explain, but i appreciate that you are my friend on Miverse
Joshua jdawgy10
im joshua my favorite game is pokemon black 2 my favorite pokemon is bisharp im a christian some of the games i play pokemon moon cube creator 3d pokemon black 2 ice station z the magic hammer systems i have: PS3 3DS and thats all for now by
パクリははんざいです ym0253
bryce golden1k
Profile comment hidden by admin.
cs sans smsdbsnch
i left mv! bai bai! go look at my alt cs sans! see ya there!
プリンずき&ウオタミ 12pol.m
プロフィールコメントは非公開に設定しません 爆笑爆笑爆笑爆笑爆笑爆笑爆笑爆笑爆笑爆笑 ヤヤコシイワイ!!! プリンずき&ウオタミですやん。よろ~♪! フォローワー様700人突破!!!!!!パチパチッ ありがとうございます!!! これからもフォローよろしくお願いします。 フォローしてくれたら100%いや120%返します。!!! fischer'sがてげ好き!! I love fischer'sマジ会いてー!!!!!!fischer'sの話題があればいつでもいくよっ!!!バスケも大好きーーwww最近、竹内凉真ヤバすぎカッコいいww ミバ家族 りお⇔きあ 妹⇔はるか ミバ友 かの&ミニおもち&クズかたクズえもん。&みゆ&みう&ここみっち&めい&雪&こゆき&りいちゃん この方たちを傷付けたら闇を見るぞ!!!!^言^…。 更新日:→10月1日
K-PøPはラブスケ sugiuchi242424
後、もうちょいで、ミーバースが終わる(T_T) こんにちは!K-POPが好きです!(TWICE.防弾少年団etc...)僕のフレンドでも、K-POPが好きな人がいます!皆さん、最後までミーバースを楽しんでいきましょう!! 更新日(10月19日) フォローよろしくお願いします。(フレンドの人も)
sans odssonic
hi my name is sans im 15years old i have super mario 3D world just dance 4 sonic lost world skylanders superchargers lego batman 2 and mario kart8 friend me if you want too.
Célian Celian010
Yo tout le monde je mappele Célian meilleur amie de Kirito je fais des jeu tres connu de nintendo et dautre chose merci pour les abonners render vous sur ma chaine miiniverse
あみ~!? 121117eg
Mellisha melly12353
Caring and Honest… Friendly and Kind… That's me for you!!!☆★ If you yeah my posts you are smart if you follow me you are very smart!
kamila mathieu1919
como estas
Tim timpetersen1
Ķāωαιι™Ĺëñ LeLe.Cash
ŁěŁě.MayCassh Height:5'0#shortie Sports:Track&Field,Dance Personality:ChilledVibes Silly Love to Laughing SmartMouth Friendly °Łėť Με Ве Υσΰг ςüпŚħiňěº #Chilledvibes#SelfMade (Isss Donni Gurlfriend)
hi johannah08
to save miiverse we need to contact mary or david for further info spred da word bout da club let's save miiverse also some info is dat I follow her so let's make our miiverse stay not go away let's do dis
May 20q8h567
Hello. This is May. Here are some friendly tips: I wanted to exchange friend codes but I was not allowed to do it. So Miiverse told me not to from now on. Please don't invite to exchange friend codes. Miiverse is a friendly online chatplace. P.S. My starter is Torchic...
Sad Flash Sup3rflash116
Hello There Im Nice But Im Also Sad. Plz Dont Wii U Chat ME. I Have An Obsession With Anime And I Cant Stop Watching It. Thats All Bye!!
NaviNoni Navisplatter106
aleXANDER HAM AND CHEESE --Certified Hamiltrash-- Hello. I'm NaviSplats, but you can call me Splatter, Navi, or Splats. Fandoms: |FNAF|Not that active anymore| |Splatoon|w o o m y| |SU|tHIS IS GARNET| |BATIM|Not really that interested| ~~~~~~~~ Open RP's: .:Castle:. -------- Feel free to invite me to a squid party on Splatoon anytime!
★Jonathan★ jonathan198583
This user's profile comment is private.
Ξммα Emmacupcake240
Call me Em! I play ac:nl mostly and alot more! I'm a country girl from the USA. Please enjoy :) I will be willing to chat anytime, if you find not responding I ran out of posts. Stay postitive we can still try to save Miiverse! Sign the petition at www.change.org/p/nintendo-save-miiverse
coolkid devanland
hi i am ftm my name is damiem and i am taken
PikachuLuv Linksys04759
Hi! It's Pikachulover01! Join me for lots of fun, and Pikachu awesomeness! I also have autism! So please be nice to me! PIKACHU!!!!!! :} I love Pit,Palutena,Pikachu,Ash,Delia etc. Please like me if you can! *makes Baby Pit noises* Pokémon on hand: Biter [Flygon]♂ Zorua♀ Chespin♂ Fennekin♀ Froakie♂ Marshadow♀ Gourgeist♀ Blue [Shiny Snivy]♂ Snivy♀ I'm a Pokémon trainer! Peace! :D
Derek DerekAdams732959
Hey guys. It's Derek. I loved meeting everyone here. I'm sad to leave you guys. Thank you so much for everything. Bye everybody.
sito nadi.s
my name is sito i love the song despacito my best friends name is Shunna ITS ALMOST SHUNNAS BIRTHDAY ON JULY 7TH EVERYONE MAKE SURE TO WISH HER A HAPPY BIRTHDAY PLEASE i love God and i go to church everyday i follow you if you follow me niceness is the answer
joe joe joejoe3247
I am Joseph Warren I love Pokémon Current Devices: 3DS, Xbox, Wii, Fire Tablet and 2 Ipads I am getting a Switch soon!
Hi..My name is Nafasia!! I am finally 13!!!! I would love to be your friend! Things you need to k...
Hi..My name is Nafasia!! I am finally 13!!!! I would love to be your friend! Things you need to know about me....
-Favorite song:That's What I Like-Burno Mars
-Favorite Artist:Jordan Fisher
-I am a singer
-I love mystery books and movies
-I love Amazing World of Gumball
Live life to the fullest!!!!