Users Tammy Is Following
Nicole .,. nicki-th.2
H-hi,dont mind me I'm just your Average girl with anxiety. I'm shy,but I can open up slowly. I'm scared of the Dark,heights and Problems I can't handle. I try my best to be a great person,even if it's hard at times. I'm taken...becuase every great girl has a cool bf. It's Prog Frog,he's cool. Also I don't accept blank friend requests. Or take any drawing requests.
Thαt Shεεp chocolatebun
I assume ur wondering where i am? Well.. i went to the end of the world to find the truth of where to find the most tasty taco ever.. i may never find my way back to this place... so farewell! jk, im across the world rn dealing with things but i will be back very soon. My Everything is Ken=Nicegirl197 My besties are Hannah=Flyeecookie Jamilah=Shopkin-bunny My Favorite Artist is Game over!=demir1
kamil MilMil07
I like to play racing alot
syd !! :0c sydneycat2003
oh worm. i love ava. miiverse is ending oh boyo. if you wanna keep in touch with me, my kick (without the c) is SmolSylveon
SG◆Josh cheesy4959
Whats Going On Guys? I'm Josh. You Can Expect Reviews, Tournaments And General Stuff From Me! I Love Series Like Super Mario Bros, Banjo Kazooie, Crash Bandicoot And Mario Kart. My Favourite Game Of Time Is Crash Bandicoot XS, #GBA! Anyways, Have A Good Day! ( Shoutout To @HL▲Rosie! )
Baramos Sunwukong125
I grew up with Nintendo games, but have since moved on to try other platforms. While gameplay is important, innovation and plot help improve the games we all enjoy. Then again, maybe gaming should be taken less seriously... What games and characters do I like? Well it's best to let the stylus do the talking.
はたけ。 Myfavoritebirdis
一年と少しありがとうございました!これないときもありましたがすっごい楽しかったです(´∀`*)))/ うごに移動しようと思ってます。同じユザネでやるつもりなので会えたら会いましょう(υωυ* 沢山の人にありがとう("´▽`")
Shawn Nintengod147
What's makes it old, makes it new again. Just to let you people know, I do not accept friend requests, and I'll never will. With that said, leave a comment, or yeah my posts. It really helps a lot. Have a nice day! :D (UPDATED INFORMATION ABOUT ME AND MY PROFILE)
あーる/Я™ Hiroki-genki
お気に入りの一枚に共感を~www Miiverse開始日 2013年12月11日 Miiverse終了日 2017年11月8日15時00分 極めたゲーム ☞マリオテニスオープン 今ハマっているゲーム ☞安全に使用するために ミーバースがいよいよ終了です。今までフォロー、共感、コメントして下さった皆様ありがとうございます。残り少ない時間ですが宜しくお願いします。 プロフィールコメント更新日 2017年8月30日AM1:57 フォロワー7000人!目標達成�
Caitlin yuki.nanase1331
i love anime and drawing so the both go together well :3 Quest! Bendy is my fave Bendy and he = my Bestie <3 i am a 13 year old girl who ADORES Anime, Bendy and the Ink Machine, Undertale, and Kuppykakes X3 you should follow Chocolate♪ im out of posts: ★ i still have posts: ☆ i im going to die happy cause i just met markiplier and jacksepticeye irl TvT
This is my alt account. I'm a guy who's an expert retro gamer since '96, a serious Brony, old car enthusiast, and I ♥ cute things. Look in my main for more info. Little x Fluttershy/Princess Cadence forever ♥. MLP meets the General Lee is now complete. Thank you all for supporting me. I will miss you all... :'(
Nari pudins.n.cakes
Eric coldshard
I've been gone for way too long I'm back now:) about me- ●gaymer ●polish living in Ireland I also like to draw, most of the time I never finish one before going to the next.😂
Kirito SonicRules21
Farewell Miiverse, 2012-2017. Joined Miiverse day 1, second NNID on here that hasn't been permanent banned. I loved my time, thanks for the fun times Nintendo.
Rayquazza√ LilMissNor
Hi! My name is Rayquazza, leader of team Rayquazza! Team Rayquazza: I am making a team for my giveaways. If you join you will automatically be entered in all of my giveaways. I make note of all members. If you help with giveaways you can become an admin for the team, and it comes with perks. you will findmore about said perks opon becoming an admin. Thanks, and Bye~
Danny dannyman25
.ΔК◆JameMV princesavage1235
Hey everyone i'm .ΔК☆JameMV team join ΔК: your join team ΔК yo follow Gender: Male ♂ my friend is: 1.Tansley 2. sage 3. braden 4. taylor being rude= Block i am a Lost Boy from NeverLand♡ψ Single :-) ħàνê à ġŕėāт ďăÿ ëνěřÿõñè
Tim Tims3rdAltl0l
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Raicune PUSHY06
Hello! >-< I'm Raicune and I'm a furry got a problem with that. -—- My big bro: @Zth64 you should follow him. he's so nice ^•^ Follow me plz -–-
Mizu-Maru Tanka-Okiru
Classically trained on the N.E.S.
~ ƒισ ~ 3CHUNKY20
Hey les amis ^-^ Je parle 3 langues ( Français , Anglais et Espagnol ) et j'ai 12 ans . Mrc a mes 555 abonner ^.^ Grosse dedi à : En vac!!! , ilyès , Émilie , MixGaming4 et ☆☆lali☆☆ Abonner vous je rend ^.^ Bye Bye 156470100323
Mama Meme ItsYerMamaMeme
Fan Lyrae* chipieenzobabouc
Cc tous le monde chui jentille:***** méchante:*(quand on m insulte) mes couleur préféré sont:or,rose,argent,rouge,bleu ciel et rose pale mon obectif:avoir 1000 abonne vous !merki! 2 ieme odjectif:avoir 100amies de préférence français(e) alors dépêchez vous il reste plus que 40 places et en plus miiverse va fermer :,{ et surtout il faut soutenir emilie tous pour emilie!!!
Joshua jdawgy10
im joshua my favorite game is pokemon black 2 my favorite pokemon is bisharp im a christian some of the games i play pokemon moon cube creator 3d pokemon black 2 ice station z the magic hammer systems i have: PS3 3DS and thats all for now by
♪Vαlkуriε♪ SugarBerry221
♪ Hello! Meow! ^ω^ Welcome my page! Here, you will probably see a lot of drawings of my furry ocs, and my admin (myself.) Please, don't hate on the good furry characters because of the bad ones. If you tap posts, you can see my recent drawings. (Please? σωσ) Don't be a jerk to people because you think you're too good for them. I consider myself a friend to anyone who is logical and nice. :3 ♪
°Ruri° sairuri
Miiverseありがとう。 皆さん 10ヵ月間 共感,フォロ- ありがとうございました…* 仲良くしてくれた人,声かけてくれた人….嬉しかったです。*´-` サヨナラハカナシイコトバジャナイ トモニスゴシタヒビヲムネニダイテ トビタツヨヒトリデツギノソラヘ….。 *..またいつか..*
パクリははんざいです ym0253
cs sans smsdbsnch
i left mv! bai bai! go look at my alt cs sans! see ya there!
プリンずき&ウオタミ 12pol.m
プロフィールコメントは非公開に設定しません 爆笑爆笑爆笑爆笑爆笑爆笑爆笑爆笑爆笑爆笑 ヤヤコシイワイ!!! プリンずき&ウオタミですやん。よろ~♪! フォローワー様700人突破!!!!!!パチパチッ ありがとうございます!!! これからもフォローよろしくお願いします。 フォローしてくれたら100%いや120%返します。!!! fischer'sがてげ好き!! I love fischer'sマジ会いてー!!!!!!fischer'sの話題があればいつでもいくよっ!!!バスケも大好きーーwww最近、竹内凉真ヤバすぎカッコいいww ミバ家族 りお⇔きあ 妹⇔はるか ミバ友 かの&ミニおもち&クズかたクズえもん。&みゆ&みう&ここみっち&めい&雪&こゆき&りいちゃん この方たちを傷付けたら闇を見るぞ!!!!^言^…。 更新日:→10月1日
K-PøPはラブスケ sugiuchi242424
後、もうちょいで、ミーバースが終わる(T_T) こんにちは!K-POPが好きです!(TWICE.防弾少年団etc...)僕のフレンドでも、K-POPが好きな人がいます!皆さん、最後までミーバースを楽しんでいきましょう!! 更新日(10月19日) フォローよろしくお願いします。(フレンドの人も)
こーひーまめγ ★ ultra-an
皆さん、また会いましょう。必ず。 スイッチでは、【γのコーヒーカップ】で活動しております。 ☆★祝フォロワー様680人こえました!★☆ ありがとうございます!\(>▼<*) 無言フォローありますすみません(>∞<; ~ 【友】 ・あや© ・いちご© ・たくみs ・きゃらめる© ・カフェ© ・ミヤビ ・アカシ兄 ・ゆーんs ・ありす ・つけものs 【チーム】 宗教松愛し隊、(松) KINT(スプラ) HKMI(お絵かきチーム) cool(〃)に入ってます! 【相棒】 れいな(れいなっちにゃ♪) 【師匠・姉】 みね姉(みず£) みんな大好き♥♥♥ ミバ終わる日までよろしくです!!(>п<`#) ミバ始めた日】2016/1/18
Hi..My name is Nafasia!! I am finally 13!!!! I would love to be your friend! Things you need to k...
Hi..My name is Nafasia!! I am finally 13!!!! I would love to be your friend! Things you need to know about me....
-Favorite song:That's What I Like-Burno Mars
-Favorite Artist:Jordan Fisher
-I am a singer
-I love mystery books and movies
-I love Amazing World of Gumball
Live life to the fullest!!!!