Annyllel's Followers
brandonisi brandonisi
I’ve been a HUGE Zelda fan since falling in love with that original gold cartridge for NES 30 years ago. Own them all and am enjoying the heck out of the 3DS & HD remasters. I’m always online playing Splatoon! I also love Mario Kart 8, Smash & Mario Maker. I play my 3DS a lot, too! I’m really sad that Miiverse is ending. Search google for the #SaveMiiverse petition and please sign!!
Theryn24 TherynBelleza
This is my 2nd account I would appreciate it if followed main account Is Theryn This account is going to be about BoTW and MK8 maybe some super smash bros. more info about me on main account
Lalo 104 lalo104lucky
dejia dcutiefly
Hey What's up all you people of miiverse It's me Poketrainor5, yep that's me if you follow me I'll follow you
Damien paikilr38
Thomas² 134313
My nickname is Tom, t-dog,tbird and T or you can just call me Thomas. I love animals gaming gardening raising animals and nature having fun. And I like all mario skylander and minecraft games and many many more. So follow me and send me a friend request and we can play together. And I love showing off some of my awesome minecraft worlds so join sometime. P.S Cant wait to hear from you guys.
Xayla alphafemme
Joseph nokonoko12
Hi bros! I love Splatoon, Smash Bros., and Legend of Zelda. Most importantly, I am a Christian. God bless, and stay fresh!
Zeldablade TheSevenLights
Hello, I'm zeldablade. I'm 19 years old and currently in college. I like action rpgs(kingdom hearts, tales of series), action adventure games(the legend of zelda series,platformers(mario series),and adventure visual novels ( zero escape, phoenix wright and fates stay night series)
Kimutai chevychaser1434
blaine blaine40
Hey im Blaine im new to the wii u world and im looking to meet some new friends online to chat or message with and to play smash bros with.My favorite game series is dark souls. I also love the zelda series but i like dark souls better i love the new super smash bros,and twilight princess is my favorite zelda game and if u need help on wind waker or twilight princess just ask me and i can help u.
Ralph SuperSonic21X
Hello! I own a nintendo RP group. if you're interested, just go to Discussions and name the character you want, and I'll let you in! Anyways, about me. I'm just a lazy dude that loves Miiverse, Shovel Knight, RP and a skele-ton of other things. I am a decently active player in many games, although i mostly play The Legend of Zelda I follow if you Follow!
Im a person who likes making people laugh and playing games with my friends I also like to watch lots of movies I mostly just play The legend of zelda and I have beaten every game since the original Ocarina of Time on N64 I also love playing pokemon ever since Pokemon gold on gameboy color I accept any friend requests and I follow anyone whofollows me I also play a lot of minecraft so join my city
Danielle PuppyLover930
im a ten year old who loves video games. my name is Danielle Gould in other words DG. i love minecraft abd if you want to join me just friend me. i have two big sisters three sisters in law and one big brother oh and one big sister in law. i love all my followers but not in da gross way. and i think everyone should be there self. so thats all im gonna say for now! sooo bye♥ =3
Dani MonterAlvar
Bendiciones! / Blessings! Frases profundas / Deep quotes: "Woohoo!" - Mario "Hyah!" - Link "Daba da dada ba dada!!" - Fox "Hai!" - Kirby "Gollum!" - Smeagol "Sonic the name, speed my game!" - Sonic Conversacion profunda / Deepest conversation: Fox: Daba da dada ba dada!! Falco: Derwuer wur wuerbu!! Slippy: Derwur werp, derwur werp!!!! Peppy: Webowep boo woo wep!!
Jackens tkjjz04
hi i'm Jackens! i'm 14 and my favorite series is LOZ. i love multiplayer games, mario, smash, and minecraft. don't forget to be awesome!! also, don't greif in minecraft! R.I.P the heroic horse with no name.......
coldgin nolf69
yamamoto yamamototakeshi8
i love my sweet wife julia my nickname is sexy, baseball-brain and baseball-idiot my fav female anime characters name is eucliwood hellscythe my fav music is hatsune miku my fav games is senran kagura, pokken tournament, pokemon and zelda games my fav anime is KHR, ka wa zombie desu and ultra maniac my fav color is blue my fav foods is sushi my fav drink is milk please not need Wii U chat
timmy timmytruax258
hi im timmy i like following people im a zelda and pokemon fan i will be happy to follow you and help you in games im an expert at games i played 7 zelda games and 7 pokemon games have a nice day on miiverse bye
Titan KnightTitan
I am Titan and a love video game bicause a play on expert
Maco HachiDC
Que Tal!!??
Steph Stevethetrooper9
I tend to just talk about life. And how random mine is. I don't tolerate fighting unless it can be solved.
scrystubby bernier2005
hi im stubby i play minecraft i love playing on my servers and other peoples servers and adventure maps so if u want me to try an adventure map or server of yours feel free to friend me and let me know in messages so i can try it
Dark Ray darkray2
Goodbye everyone! Miiverse had a good run! This is rayolinels's alt.
$B-rod$ B-rod796
Hey I'm B-rod welcome to my profile Fav Video Games Series: Mario, Legend of Zelda, Fire Emblem, Sonic, Super Smash Bros, Fav Anime: Dragon Ball Z, Bleach, Soul Eater, Inuyasha, Fairy Tail, RWBY, Sword Art Online, One Piece
sebablack piniseba
Endrsktchr enderboss12
Don't Wii U chat me, I won't answer. ______________________ <instert profile description here
alicia Missattitude1707
hello.... who's ready for some gaming! number 1 gaming because i love vidio games
Jase Fluffymuffinz8
Yup it be a bio fuuuuuuuuuuucccccc....Anyway Right now I'm into Xeno.. I will return to Zelda eventually cause Zelda one of the best series of all time!!!
jigsaw Adamjigsaw73
peanut doloreslopez8888
Joel Cobin_Fam
My name's Joel. I'm in to Super Smash Bros, Mario Kart 8, Youtube, and social media. I'm not usually on a lot, but when I am, we always lit.
Terrence trexroberts
Thorusofer Dragonknight1337
Hi! I'm a college student studying to become a great chef! I love Nintendo games a lot as I grew up with them and my goal is to collect all kinds of games for many different systems!
Pedro Ninjuar
Rolando 26 lucaschon
If you want to my friend welcome to be i will be happy, Hi I'm 11 i like to play alot and i have some games and amibo sand I naruto shipupen and anime my real name is Rolando but I like ARROW and FLASH and They calI me ARROW And i live in the United States but I now that is say that I live Mexico is because my friend put that I live in Mexico.
Laredo Ol_Grampy
Nicolas 07Nicolas
E.D.A.S. animegamefan
Ray rayolinels
"Rayolinels" has been sighted chasing a blue bird, browsing a haven, and lurking at the "ZNG Wiki" (Google it). Hi, just another Nintendo fan here. I especially love the Zelda series; ZNG unite! I'm here on Miiverse till the very end. It's been amazing being here with all you Miiversians. Much thanks to you all. "I... see you later"
I love the outdoors and work out in the garden a lot. I enjoy reading a good story, knitting, wri...
I love the outdoors and work out in the garden a lot. I enjoy reading a good story, knitting, writing, and playing certain video games.
I love the Legend of Zelda, Ace Attorney, some Mario games and a bit of Monster Hunter.
Currently I am working on an Ocarina of Time novelization. Though it is in its infancy right now, I am confidant about its future. It is titled "The Hand That Holds Courage".