Users Annyllel Is Following
じょん janjunjohnninten
初代ディスクシステム版から、もう30年もゼルダマニアしている、オールドゲーマーです。 中でも一番好きなタイトルは、「風のタクト」。GC版、WiiU版とも、心に残る作品です。 この歳になっても、こうやってMiiverseでみなさんと色々なゲームの話を楽しめた事に、感謝しています。 最後までみんなで楽しんでいきましょう。 追記:サービスが終了するその日まで、Miiverseを楽しもうと思います。 その後は、青いロフトバードに乗って新しい世界に旅立ちますね。^^ My name is John. I'm Japanese. Thank you for looking. But I'm very poor at English. So forgive me if my English is wrong.
Jeannette jahoko
Follow me to see more artworks! An artist, graphic designer, and photographer currently reside in Las Vegas, NV (can't wait to move out). Is a huge Zelda fanatic, love to play video games, and drawing frequently in a moleskine sketchbook. Oh, and also a big fan of hockey! Go Canucks! :3
Narita DaffodilFairy
I love the outdoors and work out in the garden a lot. I enjoy reading a good story, knitting, wri...
I love the outdoors and work out in the garden a lot. I enjoy reading a good story, knitting, writing, and playing certain video games.
I love the Legend of Zelda, Ace Attorney, some Mario games and a bit of Monster Hunter.
Currently I am working on an Ocarina of Time novelization. Though it is in its infancy right now, I am confidant about its future. It is titled "The Hand That Holds Courage".